Coffee review

Columbia-Kachalu Coffee beans for small Farmers, a coffee bean suitable for Italian style

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Professional baristas please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Columbia-Kachalu coffee beans the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rainforest Alliance (RFA) certification in the coffee market Colombian coffee is widely sold and used is the world's third largest coffee producer, the most important is Colombian coffee sweet taste is very easy to brew successfully coffee

Professional barista communication, please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style )

Colombia-Kachalu Coffee Bean Certified by USDA·Rainforest Alliance (RFA)

Colombia coffee is widely sold and used in the coffee market. It is the third largest producer of coffee in the world. The most important one is Colombia coffee. The sweet taste of Colombia coffee is very easy to brew coffee beans successfully. It is a very popular afternoon tea drink with dessert cake in every family. You can enjoy the mellow atmosphere brought by coffee without going to a cafe with Colombia coffee. Whether it is pure black coffee or coffee with Colombia coffee variation formula is a good choice.

In recent years, Colombia coffee has long since shed the image of being a base coffee because of the incentives of coffee competitions to increase farmers 'incomes. Before the coffee competition, coffee was graded according to bean size. In fact, this classification only represented the size and quality of coffee beans."Bigger beans are better." This is an outdated grading system. Instead, some small farms or cooperatives that grow naturally without chemical fertilizers and pesticides produce coffee that is smaller, rounder and harder. This is the mainstream coffee in Colombia today.

Colombia Kachalu Coffee Association is located in the virgin forest near the Pacific Santander Mountains in the northeast. It was jointly founded by 14 coffee families in 2002. In addition to producing better quality coffee, it is also responsible for preserving the original coffee tree species and maintaining the ecological environment of the virgin forest, so that the habitat of animals and plants will not be destroyed by human beings and animals and organisms can rest assured. Coffee is planted in the virgin forest at an altitude of 4200~ 5500 feet. Fertile soil, humid climate, large temperature changes and good shade environment in the virgin forest are the best conditions for coffee growth. Kachalu coffee beans are certified by the US Department of Agriculture (USI) and the Rainforest Alliance (RAS). October to December of the year is the harvest period. Coffee beans are processed by natural washing method. The proportion of defective beans in Colombia Kachalu coffee beans is about 5%. Roasted to lightly roasted (city) coffee beans have a weight loss ratio of 14%, and empty beans and defective beans account for 4%. Common to Colombia's finest coffees, the green beans are rounded, hard and emerald green, producing a crisp clanging sound when they hit each other. Round and mellow taste, sweet chocolate has always been Colombia coffee to bring a good impression on the world.

Kachalu coffee beans are mostly kadura and tibika species, are located at high altitude mountain beans (SHB), will increase the temperature of the end of the steam roasting and then take a faster way to enter the first explosion to retain a little more aroma and berry acid, after the first explosion is completely completed, take a slower way to enter the second explosion to completely release the aroma of nuts.

Light Baked City: Nutty and peanut aroma clean and clear, after brewing there is a sweet lychee peach, with berry acid not so direct after cooling slowly out, the finish has sugar cane sweet.

Heavy Roast (General C): Nutty hazelnut chocolate aroma fragrance, honey smooth taste is very soft but not particularly rich, this roast degree has Colombia coffee in the more special acid, acid has sweet malic acid is very delicate weak, when the temperature is slightly cooler coffee overall blueberry aroma and sugar sweet are more round and sweet. Colombia Kachalu coffee can be roasted until 45 seconds after the start of the second explosion without burning bitterness. At this time, it has a strong chocolate taste and a strong caramel aroma. It is a good choice to brew espresso with fresh milk to make latte or cappuccino.