Coffee review

Measured data of honey-treated coffee bean cups in C Farm of Malacara Malakala Manor in El Salvador

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, For the exchange of professional baristas, please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) El Malacara C Malacara Manor C Farm C Honey beans El Salvador is the smallest country in Central America and the most densely populated country. Coffee beans are the main crops in most areas, but don't forget its existence because of its mini.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Malacara C Maracara Manor C Farm C Honey beans in El Salvador

El Salvador is the smallest country in Central America and the most densely populated country. Coffee beans are the main crops in most regions, but don't forget its existence because of its miniature. 60% of the coffee in El Salvador is Bourbon varietal bourbon, such as orange, pink bourbon, red bourbon and so on. Bourbon gives the impression of excellent cleanliness, bright and sweet taste and strong citrus acid aroma. It is worth noting that El Salvador is the sovereign state of Pacas, Pacamara varietals Pacas and Pacamara coffee species. Typical Pacamara Pacamara alcohol is extremely thick and has tropical fruit aromas and honey taste, as well as the brightness of citrus and the sweet finish of golden grapefruit acid. It is one of the best varieties in Central America in recent years. Many countries also grow good Pacamara Pacamara coffee beans.

Coffee beans are harvested only once a year, between November and February of the following year, so the newly harvested coffee is usually shipped to foreign coffee buyers from June to August, compared with coffee farms in other Central and South American countries. Most of the farms in El Salvador are medium-sized, and farmers produce high-quality coffee cherries with great enthusiasm and expertise, making the coffee export market booming. It also improves the quality of coffee beans, as Salvadorans say, as long as you take a sip of coffee and you smile.

HIQ (High Quality) is a high-quality coffee bean, promoted by HIU company founded by Panamanian Graciano Cruz Gasino Cruz. U means smile. At present, there are coaching partners in El Salvador, Panama and Ethiopia. HIU company will look for special high-quality farms such as miniature, variety, treatment, climate, etc., and then educate farmers to comply with the production standards of HIQ coffee beans. It includes measuring the sugar content of raw coffee beans and maintaining an organic environment friendly to the land, and tutoring its farms to build updated processing equipment to bring the whole process in line with HIQ's high-quality organic standards.

The emerging honey-treated Malacara C farm was founded in 1888 by Jos é Guillermo Alvarez Prunera, now in charge of farm management, and his sister Mar í a de los Angeles Alvarez de Murray are the fourth-generation coffee growers. MALACARA produced the best coffee in El Salvador in the early 20th century. Now there are five farms offering 20 permanent jobs, which can be expanded to 100 people during the harvest, and there is a school in the farm community. A clinic and some sports facilities are available to employees free of charge. Due to good quality and less strict production control, MALACARA is the award-winning estate of the second Cup of Excellence ®Presidential Award Winner Salvador Cup Test. Coffee is sold to the United States, Japan and the Netherlands.

Property Characteristics: farm characteristics

Farm Farm name: Malacara C

Farmer Farm owner: Francisco Arturo Alvarez Meza

Grade level: SHB

Awards Award: the winning manor of the President's Award in the second Salvador Cup

City City: Apaneca-Ilamatepec

Region producing area: Volcan Santa Ana, Santa Ana, Santa Ana volcano

Country countries: El Salvador El Salvador

Farm Size Farm size: 47.6Hectares hectare

Coffee growing area Coffee planting area: 45.5 Hectares ha

Altitude altitude: 1400 m

Coffee Characteristics: coffee characteristics

Variety variety: Bourbon bourbon

Processing System treatment: Honey honey treatment

Flowering period flowering: June-August June to August

Harvest period harvest time: November and February harvest once a year between November and February of the following year

Top Jury Descriptions comment: the baking degree (Cinnamon) measured by the cup at the beginning of 60 seconds of explosion.

Aroma aroma / flavor flavor: olives, grass, drupes, hazelnuts, nuts, almonds, caramel, chocolate, longan, grape, vanilla, honey

Acidity: smooth, supple, pink, smooth, sweet orange, mild and low acidity, high consistency

The complexity of complex is similar to that of other: very sweet, long-lasting, high complexity, flower and fruit aromas coexist, and the taste from sour to sweet is very obvious.

Cup test date: 2013.02.25

Dry aroma: 9

Wet aroma: 9

Clean: 9

Sweetness: 10

Acid quality: 9

Taste: 8

Flavor: 8

Yu Yun: 9

Balance: 10

Overall: 9

Cup test score: 90

Overall comment: El Salvador Honey treated Malacara Manor C Farm is a rare coffee bean with a delicate, long and sweet finish. Compared with Panama Honey treatment, Malacara Manor C Farm is a long-lasting bean with a bright aroma and taste, both of which are honey-treated coffee but are different in detail and finish.