Coffee review

Brazilian Coffee Manor Stonehenge Farm Itagucu Brazilian Coffee Variety New World Mundo Novo

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional baristas please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Mundo Novo bean seed name is Portuguese, which means New World, widely grown in Brazil, especially in large coffee plantations, up to 35% of Brazilian coffee comes from New World beans. New World is Red Bourbon and Sumatra (one of Sumatra; Tibica) two Arabica beans

Professional barista communication, please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

Mundo Novo beans, whose name is Portugal for "New World," are widely grown in Brazil, especially in large coffee plantations, where up to 35% of Brazilian coffee comes from "New World" beans.

New World is a natural hybrid of Red Bourbon and Sumatra (a branch of Tibica), two Arabica bean species, discovered in Urupês, São Paulo, Brazil, in 1943, an agricultural town located more than 400 kilometers north of São Paulo. Another said that the original discovery was Mineiros do Tiete, also in São Paulo, and Urupês was where the seed of the original discovery was planted and the true Mundo Novo branch was selected. It was sent to farmers in 1952, named after scientists at the Instituto Agronomico of Campinas (IAC), and in 1977 IAC released a new generation of New Worlds.

New World beans are tall, high-yielding, adaptable, have strong roots, green and brassy young leaves, red fruits, and good flavor. The downside is susceptibility to various diseases, including leaf rust and coffee berry disease. A later, more common bean variety, Catuai, was a hybrid from the New World and Kadura.

This coffee comes from Brazil's Itagucu, which means boulder in Brazil's Tupi Guarani indigenous language, and a huge stone can be found at the top of the estate! The owner, Alana Morri, is from Germany. He and his family bought the estate many years ago. Until a few years ago, there was even a brewery on the estate, but now they only raise cattle and grow coffee.

The estate is 1350 meters above sea level and grows only a single variety, Mundo Novo, one of the most popular coffee varieties in Brazil. The coffee comes from Minas Gerais 'Friends & Neighbours project, initiated by FAL Café, where smallholder coffee is sent to FAL Café's dry processing plant for shelling and sold to specialty coffee roasters like Ozone.

FAL Café is a large Brazilian processing/export company with two farms. The Friends and Neighbors program allows small farms like Boulder to reach more buyers, echoing Ozone's goals of sustainability, traceability and transparency.

Brazil Minas Gerais Boulder Farm New World Sun

Brazil Minas Gerais Itagucu Mundo Novo natural

Country of manufacture: Brazil

Origin: Minas Gerais

Farm: Megalith Farm Itagucu

Produced by: Alana Morri

Altitude: 1350 m

Treatment: Solarization

Breed: New World Mundo Novo

Harvest time: July-October 2016