Coffee review

The Caduai Coffee Bean Story of the Sweet Orange Manor in Honduras the characteristics of coffee hand brewing in Honduras

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, For the exchange of professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Honduras Honduras many people do not know that the coffee production in Honduras is very astonishing. After 2011, Honduras has surpassed Guatemala to become the world's seventh largest coffee producer (Guatemala 10th). Before it are all big coffee countries, including Brazil and Vietnam.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Honduras is located in the north of Central America. Compared with neighboring Guatemala and Nicaragua, the coffee industry in Honduras develops relatively late, but it has the momentum of catching up from behind. In 2011, coffee production exceeded that of Guatemala. Qianjie has compared the coffee beans of these Chinese and American countries, they all have a common flavor characteristic: flower and fruit aroma and soft fruit juice. Some people will say that not every country has its own unique flavor characteristics. Indeed, every time Qianjie introduces a country, it will first point out the coffee flavor characteristics of this country, which is convenient for readers to remember, but there is one point. The border is the boundary of people's own division, and the taste of coffee beans cannot be changed immediately because they cross national boundaries. Having commonality does not mean that it is not special. The focus of each country is different. The front street takes Africa as an example. African coffee beans are mainly acid-based, which is common to most African countries, but each country has its own focus. Ethiopia's acid is clear and clear, Kenya's acid is strong and bright, Rwanda's acid is not as strong as Kenya but thicker than Ethiopia.

Back to Honduras, although its coffee flavor will be similar to that of its neighboring countries, Honduran coffee beans can feel the elements of exotic spices in the aroma, the latter part will be full-bodied with nut chocolate, and the overall performance will be balanced and layered.

Geographical conditions of Honduras

Honduras is a mountainous country located in the north of Central America. It is bordered by the Caribbean Sea to the north, the Gulf of Fonseca in the Pacific Ocean to the south, Nicaragua and El Salvador to the southeast and Guatemala to the west. More than 3/4 of the territory are mountains and plateaus, with mountains extending from west to east, inland lava plateaus, intermountain valleys and coastal plains. Tropical climate, coastal plain belongs to tropical rain forest climate. Honduras has a good coffee growing environment, microclimate, altitude, soil, abundant rainfall.

Honduras is not only the largest coffee producer in Central America, but also the second largest producer of washed Arabica beans in the world if only washed Arabica beans are counted. At the beginning of the 21st century, Honduran coffee surpassed bananas to become the most important cash crop in the country. Banana production is dominated by large American companies, but coffee growers are all small farmers. There are currently 110000 coffee farmers in Honduras. Manual picking of coffee cherries is the main harvest method, and the picking season is from November to March every year.

Development of Coffee Story in Honduras

Honduran coffee was first introduced to Honduras by Spanish merchants in the late 18th century. Coffee was grown on a small scale in Honduras in 1804.

In fact, there is a historical reason for the late development of coffee in Honduras, which is due to the lack of transportation construction connecting the producing area and the port in Honduras, which leads to the slow start of the coffee industry in Honduras.

But after 1970, the government created Instituto Hondure ñ o del Cafe (IHCAFE), the official agency for coffee, to improve the quality of coffee, and coffee trees could be planted all over Honduras, allowing Honduras to overtake Costa Rica and Guatemala in coffee production in 2011.

In 1975, coffee production fell sharply due to frost in Brazil, while Honduras took the opportunity to take advantage of the surge in coffee production from 500000 bags to 1.8 million bags and was looted. It was only after that that coffee production in Honduras really developed.

In the 1990s, Central American boutique coffee rose, while other countries won by quality, while Honduras lagged behind in coffee quality. The main reason is that in the process of raw bean treatment, due to abundant and uncertain rainfall in the mountain area, the final stage of drying is affected.

In 2004, for the first time in Honduras, the Zhuoyue Cup Raw Bean Competition was held. 21 coffees from all over the country were recognized and participated in online auctions.

In 2011, Honduras became the highest coffee producer in Central America and the second largest Arabica coffee producer in the world.

Today, Honduras has become one of the top ten coffee producers in the world and the second Arabica coffee producer in the world. Coffee has played an important role in its economy and national development. There are 280000 hectares of coffee plantations in Honduras, mainly small coffee plantations, most of which are less than 3.5ha. These coffee plantations account for 60 per cent of all coffee production in Honduras.

Coffee grade in Honduras

[classified by planting altitude]

Strictly High Grown (SHG): over 1200 meters

High Grown (HG): 1000-1200 m

Central Standard (CS): 600-1000 m

[classified by defect rate]

American standard USP,US preparation; European standard EP Euro preparation.

The meaning and rules of the name of raw coffee beans in Honduras: Honduras SHG EP (country + altitude level + defect standard)

Coffee producing areas of Honduras

Since 2007, Honduras has strengthened its origin labelling system, dividing coffee producing areas into six major producing areas:

1. Section area (Copan)

Location: located in western Honduras, bordering Guatemala, including Copan, Okotopec, Cortez, Santa Barbara and Lompila.

Altitude: 1000-1500 m

Temperature: 11.5-22.5℃

Precipitation: 1300-2300 mm

Harvest: November-March

Twin Flower Manor in Honduras

Production area: Copan

Manor: twin Flower Manor (Las Gemelas)

Altitude: 1250

Variety: red Kaduai

Treatment method: insolation

Flavor: Brown sugar, berries, raisins, fermented wine

2. Obalaka District (Opalaca)

Location: located between Santa Barbara, Intibuka and Lompira areas.

Altitude: 1100-1500 m

Temperature: 11.5-22.5℃

Precipitation: 1400-1950 mm

Harvest time: November-February

Varieties: bourbon, Tibica, Kaduai, Barr

Flavor: with very fine acidity, the overall performance is balanced, with obvious tropical fruit flavors such as grapes and blackberries.

3. Montesius (Montecillos)

Location: la Paz, Comayagua, Santa Barbara and Intibuka on the border of El Salvador in southwestern Honduras.

Altitude: 1200-1600 m

Temperature: 12-21.2℃

Precipitation: 1300-2300 mm

Harvest time: November-April

Variety: Bourbon,Catuai,Typica

Bouquet: bright and lively acidity, with orange and peach flavors and a long, velvety finish.

Gongma Agua (Comayagua)

Location: located in Comayagua, Francisco Morasan, in the heart of Honduras.

Altitude: 1000-1500 m

Temperature: 14.0-22.0 ℃

Precipitation: 1350-1700 mm

Varieties: bourbon, Kaddura, Tibica, Pacas

Harvest season: December-March

Flavor: lemon-based, obviously sweet fruit aroma, taste as mellow as cream, but also with citrus sweetness, and exudes sweetness and chocolate flavor.

5. Akata (Agalta Tropical)

Location: located in Orlanjo, Yolo, southeast of Honduras.

Altitude: 1000-1400 m

Temperature: 14.5-22.5℃

Precipitation: 1300-1950 mm

Harvest season: December-March

Variety: Bourbon,Catuai,Typica

Flavor: honey aroma and aroma, it has a strong citrus flavor and subtle and obvious acidity.

6. El Paraiso

Location: El Paraiso in southern Honduras, bordering Nicaragua.

Altitude: 1100-1500 m

Temperature: 16-22.5℃

Precipitation: 1000-1400mm

Harvest season: December-March

Washed Palayima species in laurel manor, Honduras

Coffee producing area: El Paraiso

Planting altitude: 1400 m

Coffee variety: Palayinema Parainema

Treatment method: washing treatment

Coffee grade: SHG

Flavor: citrus, berry, grapefruit peel, cold with nuts, black cocoa aftertaste, obvious acidity of berries, tea feeling

In addition to the above six major coffee producing areas, there are also some small producing areas, followed by the introduction of the sweet orange manor from the La Paz producing area of La Paz in southwestern Honduras.

Kaduai, Sweet Orange Manor in Honduras

Producing area: Makala Marcala

Altitude: 1425 m

Variety: Kaduai

Treatment: washing

Flavor: citrus, cantaloupe, flower, sucrose, orange peel, nuts, tea

Sweet Orange Manor El Naranjo

Sweet Orange Manor (El Naranjo) is located in Marcala and belongs to the La Paz producing area, which produces coffee on a par with Santa Barbara, another producing area in Honduras.

The manor is named after the shade tree, which is a tall wild orange tree.

At present, the varieties planted on the estate are Kaduai Catuai, Kaddura Caturra, bourbon Bourbon and Rosa Geisha. The bean of this attempt is Kaduai Catuai.

Kaduai Catuai is an artificial hybrid of Kaddura Caturra and Mondu Novo, which has a good ability to resist natural disasters, especially wind and rain. Kaduai tree species are relatively low, compared with other coffee trees, the fruit of Kaduai is stronger and harder to pick.

Baking suggestion

The roaster machine comes from Taiwan's Yang Family Pegasus 800N, with an input of 300 grams. The front street uses the medium baking method.

Input bean temperature: 200℃

Turning yellow point: 5 years old 39% 15 ", 154 ℃

Flashpoint: 9 percent 39 percent 11 ", 186.5 ℃

The development after one explosion is 2: 00 ", 192.4 ℃ comes out.

Coffee cup test and brewing report

Dry fragrance: spices, roasted peanuts, chocolate

Wet fragrance: herbal fragrance

Entrance: orange peel, nuts, cream, lemon tea

[cooking suggestion]

The cooking parameters used in Qianjie are:

Filter cup: Hario V60

Water temperature: 90 ℃

Amount of powder: 15g

Powder / water ratio: 1:15

Degree of grinding: 80% pass rate of standard No. 20 screen

[cooking technique]

Qianjie uses staged extraction, steaming with 30 grams of water for 30 seconds, small flow injecting water around the circle to 125 grams for segments, water level dropping to 225 grams when the powder bed is about to be exposed, filter cup removed when the water level is about to expose the powder bed, (steaming starting time) extraction time is 2 minutes 39 percent 00 ".

[cooking flavor]

Obvious acidity, berries, citrus, cantaloupe, flower, sugar, orange peel, nuts, tea feeling

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