Coffee review

Panama's most famous Coffee Family-Panamanian Hartman Manor and Coffee Red Wine treatment

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional baristas please follow the Coffee Workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Hartmann is the most famous coffee family in Panama, and Finca Hartmann is also the first farm in the Volcan region to grow coffee, paying great attention to quality and actively experimenting with new farming practices. This sun-tanned coffee shows a very special flavor.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Hartmann is the most famous coffee family in Panama, and Finca Hartmann is also the first farm in Volcan to grow coffee. It attaches great importance to quality and actively tries new farming practices. This suntan coffee shows a very special flavor spectrum, thick and complex, full of cherry wine and marshmallow flavor.

Hartman Ratibor Hartmann Troetsch Sr., who inherited his father's coffee business in Santa Barbara in Volcan, founded Hartman Manor in 1940, a forerunner of the prestigious Volcan coffee region. La Mula, the winner of Best Panamanian Rose Summer, the Aurora Manor, which won the winner of last year's Rose Summer, and the Rose Summer Manor of Ninety Plus, all came from Volcan, not Bogart. The two regions, one to the east of Mount Baru, one to the west of Mount Baru, one to the Atlantic Ocean and the other to the Pacific Ocean, have quite different flavors of coffee.

The most special thing about old Hartman is his respect for the natural environment. His father bought 500 hectares of land that year, but most of it was forest. After Hartman inherited the farmland, his friends advised him to cut down the forest so that he could make money by growing coffee on a large scale. Hartman did not listen to his friend's advice, but kept most of the original forest. Since the old Hartman, he has become the object of academic cooperation between the Smithsonian Tropical Research Center (Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute) and other wild conservation institutions. Scholars went to the park to do research and found many conservation species and birds. They not only wrote academic papers, but also recorded bird calls. Hartman's third generation grew up on the manor from an early age, continuing not only the old Hartman's coffee farm, but also the family's positive attitude towards forest conservation, even with the word "Bird Friendly" on the manor's trademark.

Hartman Manor is located in the Balu volcanic area, the soil is rich in nutrients of volcanic soil, towering original trees become the best shade planting environment, shade planting coffee grows slowly, can brew higher sweetness and brighter acidity. The alpine microclimate of Chiriqui Volcan has also become an excellent basis for Hartman coffee. The manor has a minimum elevation of more than 1200 meters, a suitable temperature and an annual rainfall of 175in. A wide variety of beans are grown: Typica, Kaddura, Catua í, Bourb ó n, Pach é, Pacamara, Maragogipe and so on, and more "Geisha" has been planted in recent years. As for the rules of treatment, including washing, tanning and honey treatment, Hartman's sun and honey treatment are the most sought-after raw beans in various cafes. The peel and pulp removed during the treatment will continue to be used as fertilizer in the coffee garden.

The estate is currently run by the elder Hartman's five sons and daughters, led by the eldest Ratibor Hartmann Jr, with brothers and sisters performing their respective duties: Alan, Alexander, Alice and Kelly. Alice is the only girl and probably the best in English. Hartman Manor itself not only produces excellent coffee, but also assists nearby estates in handling cherries.

Santa Clara Hartman Manor in Panama in the sun

Panama Santa Clara Finca Hartmann natural

Country of production: Panama Panama

Origin: Chiriqui;, Chiriki province, Santa Clara Santa Clara

Manor: Hartman Manor Finca Hartmann

Producer: Hartman family Hartmann family

Processing plant: Hartman Manor

Altitude: 1400-2000 m

Area: 110 hectares, of which only 16 hectares grow coffee

Bean seed: Kaduai Catuai; Kaddura Caturra

Treatment: Natural in the sun