Coffee review

Starbucks Brazil Coffee Story introduction Starbucks Collection Coffee-Solar Brazil Celadaponi

Published: 2024-10-27 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/27, Professional baristas Please follow Coffee Workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Coffee bean label pattern label design is inspired by the coffee farm, Seradapone Manor is located in the mountains, creating a unique micro-climate can help coffee grow. The design adopts the image of the mountain terrain, and the Seradapone manor is transformed into a scattered shaded farmer on the mountain cap.

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Coffee bean label pattern

The label design is inspired by the farm where the coffee is grown, and the Seradapone Manor is located in the mountains, creating a unique micro-climate that can help coffee grow. The design uses the image of the mountain terrain, and the Seradapone estate is transformed into a scattered "shaded farm on the mountain cap". The dark shaded areas represent the coffee plantations planted on the farm, and these areas on the cards are dotted with golden dots, symbolizing the appearance of coffee trees planted side by side.



Alcohol degree


Producing area

Latin America

Treatment method

Natural drying method


Caramel and Milk Chocolate

The flavor of food suitable for matching

Caramel, milk chocolate


1200 meters


Red Catuai