Coffee review

What is the rich beauty of Starbucks-what is Starbucks Frappy? Which tastes better, Frappie or latte?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) [cold knowledge] Flat White and American coffee do you really know how to do it? That day, as an ai zhuang coffee fan, I found a new Starbucks product on my mobile takeout, which was not obvious at first glance because it had a bu hui.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

[cold knowledge] do you really know how to do Flat White and American coffee?

That day, as an ai zhuang coffee fan, I found a new Starbucks product on my mobile takeout that didn't seem obvious at first glance, because it had a bu nian name-Flat White.

At that time, a shocking image of the goddess immediately appeared in my mind, good-looking, educated, and very otherworldly. Based on my professionalism, I immediately confirmed the pronunciation of the first two words, and then excitedly shared the matter with my colleagues. Colleague Xiao Qiu said: "does this mean Bai Fumei?"

Today, we will use easy-to-understand language for the villagers to popularize what is Furebai Flat White.

Is "Fuluibai" white or not?

On Starbucks' website, they wrote:

"choose Starbucks espresso, extract the more mellow coffee with less water, and boil the milk until the foam is smooth. Slowly pour the milk into the coffee, let the sweet meet mellow, and end the final production with white dots. The beauty of excellence is simply art! "

In Starbucks stores, there are also conspicuous places with the noun of Furebai to explain, and some stores are set up to make display boards stamped in front of the store.

This description can't help but make you feel sorry for it even if you don't buy a cup. But the rigorous and objective I was not blinded by such a hype (actually to write this article), so I turned on the "curious baby" mode and decided to find out the truth about Freber.

Now let's have fun and popularize science. The latte, also known as Milk Coffee, is espresso at the bottom, milk at 65-75 ℃ in the middle, and cold milk foam at 1:2:1. Cappuccino, on the other hand, contains less milk than latte at 1:2:1, so it has a stronger espresso flavor. So, in popular terms, Furebai is a drink between latte and cappuccino, and the difference lies in the slight difference in the proportion of the three raw materials.

For Starbucks, Frappie uses Ristretto (Italian espresso) and latte Espresso (Italian espresso). So, studious and careful townsmen are asking about the difference between the two. To put it simply, the amount of coffee powder used to make a Ristretto is the same as that of a normal Espresso, but only half as much as usual. Espresso usually uses 20 grams of coffee powder to make 40 grams of coffee, while Italian espresso has a water-to-powder ratio of 1:1, which means 20 grams of coffee powder is used to make 20 grams of coffee. Do you think it is too high to watch? Hang in there a little bit, it'll look good later. )

In other words, Ristretto is a small cup of Espresso. In terms of taste, some people think that Ristretto has the texture of whisky, while others think it is dry and astringent, while others think that Espresso has a more balanced taste. Of course, I said so much, in fact, the average coffee lover should not be able to taste the difference between the two.

In addition, Furebai, latte and cappuccino also have many differences in production details, such as milk foam, steaming time, flower drawing and so on. The microfoam used by Furebai is to make the taste more delicate and silky. The thickness of the foam is less than 5mm, while the thickness of the latte is more than 1cm. The cappuccino uses a different texture of coarse foam (dry foam), and super thick. Cappuccino needs to boil the milk, while lattes take 3-5 seconds to steam, while Furebai is the least, controlled at 3 seconds. Please feel the slight difference.

All in all, all Furebai's theoretical feelings can be summed up into two words: silky and mellow. But the male god Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) opened a coffee shop in New York in 2013 and revealed to himself: "Frappie is a latte with more coffee and less milk." In my opinion, using an inappropriate metaphor to describe Furei white is: a thicker latte and a thinner cappuccino.

"White, rich and beautiful" with complex life background

Looking at the heated debate about whether Flat White is made in Australia or New Zealand, we really regard it as a rich beauty. The Australian said, "the child is mine," and the New Zealander said, "No, I am its biological parent."

As early as the mid-1980s, there was a saying that Furei was made in Australia. But in 1989, there was a very persuasive argument that it originated in Oakland or Wellington. Do you know that Auckland and Wellington belong to New Zealand? It's okay. I just found out. )

According to historical data (Wikipedia), many cafes in Canberra had the "flat white only" logo as early as 1985. At that time, the quality of dairy products plummeted due to drought, and many baristas were worried about it. Alan Preston, a barista from Sydney, temporarily added "Flat White" to the menu of his bar. At the time, his bar was called 'The Moors Espresso Bar', in Sussex Street.

Wellington said that in 1989, there was a coffee shop called 'Cafe Bodge'' in Willis St, which evolved from the fact that they made bad cappuccinos. Oakland said it was a "variant" of an Italian latte in 1989.

Although this matter has not been clear, but it is not difficult to see that Fu Rui Bai is really very popular (I have no idea why).

The publicity-loving Starbucks and the low-key COSTA

Flat White was listed on Starbucks in China around the end of September this year, and then it became popular all over the country, and it was so lively because Starbucks was so publicity and limelight that it wanted to have an earth-shaking influence every time it came out. Maybe the aloof and arrogant COSTA is rolling his eyes again, and its official said: we have always had the same kind of coffee-mellow white, served in the morning, but with a different name.

In 2005, the UK introduced this coffee from Australia or New Zealand. With the increasing popularity, coffee chains such as Starbucks, COSTA, Caffe Nero, Pret a Manger and so on have introduced this coffee. In June this year, the major Starbucks in the United States launched a new Frabex. It is said that Starbucks in the United States replaced cappuccino with Fragrance White because their baristas and customers could not drink the difference between latte, cappuccino and Frappuccino.

For a long time, both of them adhere to their own characteristics in terms of business model and propaganda style. COSTA enthusiasts think that Starbucks fans are all pediatrics so that they can really understand the true meaning of coffee. Proponents of COSTA seem to be a little more mature in age. I can only say that when it comes to the difference in taste between the two, you'd better buy two cups for yourself. Anyway, my colleagues didn't drink it. Although I don't drink much different from experienced coffee fans, I insist that COSTA always tastes thicker, while Starbucks is like mixing a lot of water. But I would add that this difference should be more or less the same as the difference between Coca-Cola and Pepsi.

Oh, by the way, there is another important question that I almost forgot to say, how did you get the name Qifu Ruibai? before you saw the above, you must be like me, the different and shocking story behind it, but it is not, it is transliterated. So I must find this man and let him open his head and give me an alias as otherworldly as Furebai.
