Coffee review

Nicaraguan Coffee Story introduction of Coffee Bean Flavor in Saka River Manor

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Coffee is picked by hand. We have a group of experienced people who know how to pick ripe coffee cherries. Each batch is classified according to species and altitude. Separate the floating objects with a siphon. It means that we put the coffee in the tank, so the heavy coffee cherries will sink into the water and the light ones will float. Remove the pulp from the wet mill. We calibrate our machines in order to keep the slime from

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Nicaragua coffee by hand picking. We have a group of experienced people who know how to pick ripe coffee cherries. Each batch is classified according to species and altitude.

Separate the floaters with a siphon. It means we put coffee in the tank, so the heavy coffee cherries sink and the light ones float.

Remove pulp in wet mill. We calibrate our machines so that mucus is not removed, and then dry coffee on African beds.

Nicaragua coffee wet treatment process: washing and fermentation

First we do two things on the farm. The first step will be done by 11:00 a.m. and then the coffee cherries will be shelled immediately and put directly into the fermentation tank. The second point must be completed by 3:30 p.m., while the coffee cherries are shelled and enter another fermentation tank. The fermentation process depends on weather conditions, and on average, it takes 12 hours for the farm to ferment coffee. We have two cleanings, one for each measurement, four hours apart. After the coffee is washed, we send it directly to drymill.

Nicaragua coffee drying details: drying conditions, average temperature, humidity, coffee drying time, and other relevant parts

This coffee takes 10 days to dry on a concrete terrace. When the coffee is in the warehouse, the humidity will be controlled between 11 and 12 degrees. Each batch of our coffee is stored in a separate place in the warehouse.

This Nicaragua coffee is special in that it has nutty, almond tones, orange fruit tea flavors, rich layers, and a rare variety of Maracaturra( Maragogype and Caturra).

Name: Agua Sarca Estate

Country: Nicaragua

Origin: Dipilto

Treatment method: washed process

Breed: Maracaturra

Altitude: 1150 - 1400 m

Flavor: Cream, nuts, almonds, maltose, orange tea