Coffee review

Coffee Classroom-Seventy-two variations of Italian fancy coffee Fancy coffee teaching

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) Coffee types Small classroom 5 kinds of common fancy coffee shop Common coffee types and characteristics Introduction The so-called Italian fancy coffee is coffee based on espresso and added with other ingredients, fresh milk chocolate whipped cream and hot water in many flowers

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Introduction to the types and characteristics of five kinds of Coffee in Coffee shops

The so-called Italian fancy coffee

Is based on espresso.

Then add coffee from other ingredients.

Fresh milk, chocolate, fresh cream... And hot water--

Among the ingredients of many fancy coffee

Fresh milk is the most important thing.

The most common Cappuccino and Caffe Latte

It is simply made by mixing espresso with hot milk and milk foam in a certain proportion.

So whether the fresh milk is good or not is very important here.

However, this topic is too big for this article to introduce and compare.

In addition to whether the fresh milk itself is good or not

It is also important to play well with milk foam.

1. Temperature

2. Milk foam fineness

3. Liquidity

In general, the temperature of hot milk is recommended at 50 Murray 60 degrees.

Too high destroys aroma and taste

It's easy to get a cold cup of coffee if it's too low, especially in winter.

At the right temperature, you can drink the sweetness of the milk itself.

So good Cappuccino and Caffe Latte can taste good without sugar--

The fineness of the milk foam affects the taste of the entrance.

Good milk foam is not easy to break and is good for heat preservation.

At the entrance of the coffee

The delicate milk foam and coffee slip into the mouth at the same time.

That smooth and comfortable taste can definitely soothe the soul--

The fluidity of milk foam is related to flower pulling.

Coffee flower drawing is definitely the most enjoyable time to drink coffee.

In addition,

The old duck thinks that the milk foam with good mobility

Will be mixed with hot milk and poured into the espresso in a natural and excellent proportion.

Naturally, you can get a cup of fancy coffee with balanced proportion and rich taste.

The old duck briefly introduces several steps of making milk foam.

There should be no shortage of this kind of teaching on the Internet.

But Lao Duck still made some diagrams by himself.

Hoping to help understand--

1. Pour the fresh milk from 1x3murmel / 2 into a milkbubble steel cup.

Steamed milk_01.jpg

Because the fresh milk swirls as the steam enters.

And because there are milk bubbles produced after mixing with milk

Will increase the volume in the steel cup.

If you add too much fresh milk, it's easy to spill over.

2. Place the steam head under the liquid surface

Steamed milk_02.jpg

The best position for milking should be to place the nozzle at the bottom of the steam head a little below the surface of the liquid.

But when the steam starts to turn on,

The cyclone will press the liquid down.

To expose the head of the vapor to the liquid.

This will spray fresh milk everywhere.

So put the steam head under the liquid surface before turning on the steam switch.

3. Turn on the steam and adjust the steam head close to the liquid surface

Steamed milk_03.jpg

As shown in the diagram

When the steam is turned on

Slowly lower the steel cup

The optimal height is when the steam makes a slight inhale sound.

If the drop is too low, it will cause a lot of bubbles to be ejected.

Put the steam head back under the liquid surface and start all over again.

The position of the steam head in the steel cup is adjusted so that the liquid in the cup rotates evenly.

4. Continuously adjust the position of the steam head with the increase of milk foam

In the process of 60 degrees from chilled milk to 50m / m

The milk foam will continue to increase.

Due to the constant rotation of the liquid

Bubbles containing gas will be mixed with continuously heated fresh milk.

The surface of the liquid will rise with it.

At this time, the position of the steam head is continuously adjusted.

Maintain the steam with a slight inhale sound

5. Stop when the temperature rises to 50m / m / m / 60

Steamed milk_05.jpg

When the temperature rises to 50 muri 60 degrees,

Press the steam head back into the liquid and quickly turn off the steam

Do not remove the steam pipe from the steel cup until the steam is turned off.

Otherwise, if it continues to spray steam and goes beyond the surface of the liquid, it will spray a bunch of large bubbles and spatter. )

At this time, wipe the outside of the steam pipe and the bottom of the sprinkler with a wet and clean dishcloth.

To prevent the high temperature from drying up the fresh milk left on the steam pipe.

So far

A cup of hot milk with foam is done--

At first, the foam was still wet.

Although it will be delaminated with hot milk

But gently shaking the steel cup shows that the milk foam still flows with the hot milk.

After sitting for a short period of time

Milk bubbles become dry, stratified and illiquid.

Fine bubbles merge thicker bubbles.

At this time

The upper bubble can be scraped off with a round spoon.

The rest of the bubble through the action of shaking the steel cup

It can be mixed with hot milk again to form a wet foam.

If you don't pull flowers,

But when you pour in the milk

First cover the upper foam with a spoon.

When about seven minutes are full, pour while scraping the foam into the cup.

So you can present a beautiful circle.

If you want to pull flowers...

You can refer to many pull-flower movies on the Internet.

There is not enough space here.

And it is not easy to describe the details of pull flowers in words.

Here are some common ways to make fancy coffee--

● Caffe Latte coffee latte

Latte means milk.

So if you order a glass of Latte abroad, you will only get a glass of milk.

So remember to say "Caffe Latte" completely--

Caffe Latte is a serving of espresso+ with lots of hot milk and a thin layer of milk foam.

But most coffee shops don't break down the proportion of bubbles so obviously.

Basically, Caffe Latte and Cappuccino will be distinguished by the size of the cup.

Cappuccino has a small cup and more milk foam.

Caffe Latte has a larger cup and less foam.

You can probably see the difference from the diagram above.

● Cappuccino cappuccino

Cappuccino originally means the hat of a monk.

So the original practice was to use the harder foam to make a sharp shape in the cup.

And sprinkle cinnamon on the milk foam--

However, because of the popularity of flower pulling,

Few people should come up with monk's hats by now.

Cinnamon powder is even rarer.

The reason is probably that now it is mostly for the pure blending of espresso and fresh milk.

If you add cinnamon, it will steal the taste.

Of course... The main reason why most people don't like the taste of cinnamon is--

● Mocha Mocha

Again, special emphasis.

Mocha of fancy coffee and the origin of single coffee

It's two different things! --

The mocha here is

One espresso+ Chocolate Sauce + Hot Milk + thin layer of foam

Usually, in order to distinguish it from Caffe Latte, the pattern is drawn with chocolate sauce on the milk foam.

It's simply chocolate-flavored Caffe Latte--.

● Macchiato Maggialdo

It originally means "marked" or "stained" marks, spots, stains.

That is,

"add another color to the surface to make it speckled."


Espresso macchiato: cover an espresso with milk foam (add white to the ochre red surface)

Latte macchiato: pour espresso on hot milk and foam (brown spots because espresso is added)

It can be seen from this

What caramel macchiato is a fallacy in the use of the whole text?

If you are in a coffee shop that pays attention to the taste of coffee

Talking about caramel macchiato will make barista want to roll his eyes.

● Americano American Coffee

In fact, Americano is more or less the same as the average American coffee machine.

The difference is that

One serving of espresso+ hot water for Americano

Because espresso is already concentrated.

After adding hot water, the concentration will be the same as the normal American style.

It's just that Italian coffee shops don't have American coffee makers.

But if there is someone who only drinks black coffee but doesn't want to drink espresso

To deal with it in this way.

So don't think that the store is cutting corners and adding water to dilute the filling volume.

● Cafe au Lait Coffee Ole

Au Lait is milk.

The difference with Latte is that au Lait does not have milk foam.

So Cafe au Lait is coffee plus hot milk.

So you have to use espresso as base or American coffee.

It seems to be all right--

● Con Panna Campbell Blue

A portion of whipped cream from espresso+

Campbell blue is not blue... (cold)

Except for fancy coffee.

Espresso has its own variants.

● Single espresso

The most basic type of espresso

Extraction of 30cc with about 7g powder

● Double espresso

Thicker espresso

The same amount of extract is 30cc.

But the amount of coffee powder doubled to about 14 grams.

It's not double the amount of extract.

● Ristretto

It means that the amount of extraction is less.

Whether it is more concentrated or just take the first paragraph, it is less than the normal 30cc.

You can get a thicker and purer flavor.

It can also avoid the flavor that may be excessive in the latter part of the extraction.

● Lungo

It means "longer espresso."

That is, the extraction time is longer.

So you get more coffee.

It is usually twice the normal amount (about 60cc)

The above is a brief introduction to the common Italian fancy coffee

I hope it will be helpful to people who like coffee.

That's for sure

There's more fancy coffee.

Even creative coffee.

You still have to taste it with your own tongue.

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