Coffee review

Introduction to the Flavor characteristics of Australian White Coffee production methods and extraction techniques of Australian White Coffee

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Australia White is used to drinking latte and cappuccino, have a cup of Australia White. Australian classic, the golden ratio of coffee and milk, the finished milk aroma is overflowing, the curry flavor is stronger. Luckincof

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

In recent years, with the promotion of flat white by Starbucks, many friends who used to drink lattes and cabs also began to drink flat white. Some friends who came to Qianjie store first asked Fu Ruibai, then asked O Ruibai, then asked Australia White Coffee, and finally asked flat white directly. Do you know that this is the same kind of coffee? why are there so many names?


This kind of coffee, formerly known as Flat White, originally came from Australia. Starbucks entered the Australian coffee market in 2000, but lost to local brand Colorado and eventually withdrew from the Australian market in 2008. In 2014, when Colorado Coffee entered the Chinese market, Starbucks needed to make its own Flat White popular before it could achieve success with Flat White.

In this way, Starbucks launched "Fragrance White" in 2015 and vigorously promoted it.

History of origin

According to the information found in Qianjie, the use of flat white to describe coffee can be traced back to Danger by My Side, a British film in 1962. In this film, the use of flat white to describe the poor quality of coffee is completely different from what we now understand as flat white.

At present, there are two countries in dispute over the origin of flat white, one is Australia, the other is New Zealand.


The earliest written records of flat white can be traced back to the mid-1980s.

In May 1983, in a magazine called Sydney cafe, Miller's Treat Cafe mentioned flat white coffee on its menu.

In April 1984, an article in the Sydney local newspaper satirized the popularity of lattes, saying: "caffea latte translates to flat white."

In 1985, Alan Alan Preston of Moors Espresso Bar, a cafe in Sydney, added the drink to their permanent menu, claiming that he introduced the idea from his hometown of Queensland to Sydney in the 20th century.

The Queensland Cafe in the 1960s and 1970s often served "pure white coffee" ("White Coffee & flat")

In January 1985, the cafeteria of the Capitol in Canberra posted a sign saying "only white coffee" ("flat white only") because seasonal problems prevented the formation of milk foam.


[new Zealand]

The idea that Flat white originated in New Zealand is Derek Townsend and Darrell Allers of DKD Cafe in Auckland, who claim the coffee can replace an Italian latte. It has also been claimed that Australian white coffee Flat White originated from a failed cappuccino at the Bodega bar on Wellington Willis Street, New Zealand, in 1989, when a barista named Fraser Mclnnes tried to make a cappuccino Cappuccino from low-fat milk that was difficult to make. Because there was not enough milk foam to be called a cappuccino Cappuccino, he named the cup Flat White.


How to make Australian white coffee Flat White?

Qianjie mentioned earlier that the origin of Australian white coffee Flat White is controversial, and the two disputed countries of origin are made differently.

Among them, Australians tend to use one espresso when making Australian white coffee, while New Zealanders use double espresso.

[Qianjie Coffee method for making Australian White Coffee]

The Italian coffee beans used in Qianjie Coffee are sunflowers and sunflowers. This mixed bean is made up of 70% Honduran Shirley and 30% Yega Sheffield sun-red cherries. Among them, 70% of the Honduran sherry provides the flavor of sherry whisky and vanilla cream, while 40% of the Yega Shirley sun-tanned cherries bring high sweetness and berry acidity to the coffee.

The extraction parameters for making espresso from Qianjie Coffee are as follows:


Pressure: 9bar

Temperature: 90.5-96 degrees

Time: 20: 30 sec

Ratio of powder to water: 1. 7: 1. 1: 2.

Powder content: 12g (single espresso) 20g (double espresso)

Extraction concentration: 20ml (single part) 40ml (double part)

In the choice of milk, Qianjie Coffee chooses Weiji full-fat fresh milk to send the milk at a temperature between 50 and 60 degrees Celsius (the temperature is too low to stimulate the lactose in the milk; if the temperature is high, the protein in the milk is destroyed and the milk will feel dregs on the taste). The thickness of the foam is 5 mm.

What is espresso?

The original name ristretto,ristretto espresso comes from restrict and narrow, which literally means to limit the flow rate, that is, ristretto is slower than ordinary espresso espresso.


Espresso is produced by high pressure and extremely hot water through ground dry coffee powder with an extraction time of 25 to 30 seconds to produce a high-strength and full-bodied coffee drink.

Espresso espresso and espresso ristretto are made by almost the same process. The amount of powder, water temperature and pressure used are exactly the same, but the amount of liquid produced and the time of use are different.

The extraction parameters of Qianjie Coffee to make espresso are as follows: 20 grams of coffee powder, 35 grams of coffee liquid, 27 seconds.

Qianjie Coffee to make espresso espresso extraction parameters: 20 grams of coffee powder, extraction of 27 grams of coffee liquid, time 20 seconds.


Through many experiments of Qianjie Coffee, it is known that no matter how the extraction method is, coffee is first extracted from sour substances with light molecular weight, then sweet, and finally bitter substances with heavier molecular weight. Therefore, espresso is more sour and sweet and less bitter than espresso.

The flavor extracted from Qianjie coffee espresso is dominated by wine and berry flavors, with a caramel-like sweetness, high acidity, clean taste and clear sweet and sour flavor. Espresso can extract a heavy molecular weight flavor, showing the overall aroma of whisky, vanilla cream and nuts, caramel finish, full taste, more mellow flavor.

What's the difference between Australian white coffee, latte and Cabo?

Qianjie understands that when searching for the difference between them on the Internet, many of them are only talking about the thickness of milk bubbles between them. However, this is not the case. The thickness of the milk foam only affects the taste of coffee to a certain extent, but it does not affect the taste of coffee. The key to determine the difference between the three tastes is the ratio of coffee to milk.

In fact, the difference between the three can be divided in terms of the richness of coffee aroma: Australian white > Cabo > latte, while in terms of the thickness of milk foam, another division can be made: kabu > latte > Australian white. The requirement of Flat White for milk is to remove the loose foam on the surface and keep only the more delicate part in the middle.

Flat White, Starbucks is called "Fuluibai", COSTA is called "mellow Yibai", and lucky is called "ao Ruibai". The name can be changed, but it is essentially Flat White. For those who want to taste the flavor of coffee, but do not want the flavor of coffee to be too strong, Qianjie Coffee is recommended to try Flat White.


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