Coffee review

Blue Mountain Coffee official website query _ is Blue Mountain Coffee a boutique coffee? How high is the price of Blue Mountain coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, = "Blue Mountain Coffee official Network" = = professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) the so-called boutique coffee, from fruit to beans, planting to processing, pay attention to every detail. In the past, coffee beans were packed in gunny bags. You know what? With the pursuit of the quality of raw beans in recent years, most of the expensive goods are made of plastic bags.

= "Blue Mountain Coffee official website" =

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The so-called boutique coffee, from fruit to beans, planting to processing, pays attention to every detail. In the past, coffee beans were packed in gunny bags. You know what? With regard to the pursuit of the quality of raw beans in recent years, most expensive goods are vacuumed in plastic bags and sent out to ensure that they are not affected by moisture, insects or the smell of linen cloth. "

The selection of rigorous Blue Mountains is valuable.

"Blue Mountain is a hillside in Jamaica. The altitude is low and the soil is not fertile. It used to be mainly exported to England. Since the Japanese economy took off in the 1980s, Blue Mountain Coffee, which tastes supple and elegant, has low acidity and resembles coffee sugar, has been gradually monopolized. As can be seen from the website of the Ministry of Agriculture of Jamaica, the country's coffee exports are regulated by the government, and suppliers and roasters are required to apply for certification. Blue Mountain Coffee is valuable, not the outstanding taste, but the rigorous screening of defects. Each batch of coffee must be tested and approved before export. But you know what? More geographically superior producing countries have introduced cup testing systems to control quality, and Jamaica's selling point is no longer there. "

Apart from Indonesia's Kopi Luwak, Jamaica's Blue Mountain Coffee is almost the most expensive coffee in the world and is always in short supply. The best way to taste Blue Mountain Coffee is Japanese siphon pot, followed by French press (French Press) or drip (Filter), not Espresso machine. Because of the strong blue mountain flavor, with a strong sweet and sour taste, the pressure of the Espresso machine will suppress the excessive sweet bitterness and sour taste, destroying the taste of blue mountain coffee. In Tokyo, a 100% cup of first-class Blue Mountain coffee costs $300 and the Tata trial price is only $60.

Sigh coffee, there must be time, the so-called endless aftertaste, each meal of the Blue Mountain varies with time and temperature. The coffee just came out too hot, the Crema layer is not thick, can not taste. Contained in the mouth for a while, the taste is first sweet, then a pleasing sour taste. The flattering after-taste has been in my mouth for a long time. Awesome! The shopkeeper likes to drink Blue Mountain with milk (no sugar), which is very delicate and smooth, so we can't prevent it.

There are three varieties of coffee in Jamaica.

Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee

(Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee), of which Blue Mountain Coffee and Alpine Coffee are each divided into four grades. From top to bottom in terms of quality, NO.1, NO.2, NO.3 and PB,PB are round beans. According to CIB standards, only coffee grown above 666m above sea level is called Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee.

Jamaican alpine coffee

(Jamaica High Mountain Supreme Coffee Beans) the coffee produced in the Blue Mountain area of Jamaica is called Alpine Coffee, which is second only to Blue Mountain Coffee in quality, and is called the brother breed of Blue Mountain Coffee by industry insiders. Jamaica Blue Mountain caffeine produces very little, so if you want to taste Jamaican flavor coffee, then Jamaican Alpine Coffee is your best choice.

Jamaican Coffee

(Jamaica Prime Coffee Beans). Coffee is grown outside the Blue Mountains and is called Jamaican coffee. It turns out that people in the coffee industry in China generally have a wrong understanding that only coffee grown in the Blue Mountains above 1800 meters above sea level can be called Blue Mountain Coffee. In fact, there is only one manor on the top of the Blue Mountains above 1800, that is, Amber, which is of Chinese descent. The owner of the manor is surnamed Lyn (Lin). Originally from Guangdong, China, the manor has a land area of only 30 hectares and its output is very small. Blue Mountain Coffee is mainly distributed in 5 mountainous areas such as John Crow,St.John's Peak,Mossman's Peak,High Peak,Blue Mountian Peak in the Blue Mountains.