Coffee review

Introduction of honey treatment in Costa Rica Ponte processing plant. Costa Rican coffee honey treatment.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Costa Rica has a coffee history of more than 200 years. It is not only an important basis for the country's economy and people's livelihood, but also an indispensable role in the global coffee history. In the past decade, it has become popular all over the world as a micro-processing farm, in this small Central American country.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Costa Rican coffee has a history of more than 200 years. It is not only an important basis for the country's economy and people's livelihood, but also an indispensable role in the global coffee history. In the past decade, it has become popular all over the world as a micro-processing farm. In this small Central American country, because of its special geographical environment, it has created a wide variety of boutique coffee with different flavors. The farmers living here not only have perfect working environment and production conditions, democratic and peaceful national conditions, strict labor laws, appropriate medical and health care system, and so on, but can also imagine why this is the first country without an army in Central America, and it is also the seat of the United Nations University for Peace.

Over the past decade, the Costa Rican processing plant can be said to be a hundred schools of thought contend, a variety of new treatments are too many to give, Ponte processing plant is also one of the early pioneers of honey treatment. Some people may think that this is a super-large industrial processing plant, but it is actually a micro-processing plant made up of six families, led by Rudolf Rodolfo Rivera, and other neighbors work together to produce high-quality raw beans year after year.

After honey treatment developed in Costa Rica, various processing plants competed to introduce raw beans with different treatment methods. White honey treatment is a honey processing method with lower fermentation, compared with other colors (yellow, red, black). In the process of treatment, there are more times of stirring, less flesh retention, put on the scaffolding after drying, will be assembled into pieces of raw beans mixed with a small amount of bean shell (sheep skin) In order to reduce the stickiness and moisture of the berry, so that the sheller can smoothly remove the pulp layer and shell remaining in the outer layer.

The Ponte plant is mainly divided into two main parts, the first is the washing equipment that has been built for more than 11 years, the second is the dry treatment equipment built three years ago, which began to produce honey-treated coffee raw beans, and last year another expert, Alejandro, joined the team of the treatment plant, mainly responsible for the details of the dry treatment process to improve the quality of honey-treated raw beans. Other members include Alicia, Marjorie, Jenny and Dania, etc., all neighbors of Rodolfo Rivera, as well as his niece. During the harvest season and post-processing, they are the backbone of the processing field, hand-picked and screened as the last line of defense for quality control. On average, they have to hand-pick raw coffee beans for 8 hours a day. It is hard to imagine their perseverance and hard work, but such a rigorous production process. In order to create a stable year after year of high-quality coffee raw beans.