Coffee review

El Salvador Stonehenge Manor Coffee beans Black Honey treatment Charatnam Fruit? Or Vivette Nango?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, El Salvador Stonehenge Manor Black Honey treatment country: El Salvador production area: Charat Nan Fruit Grade: SHG treatment: black Honey treatment altitude: 1400-1500m Variety: Pacas Pacas 2015 COE 12th 2014 COE 4th 2013 COE 4th active volcanic activity brings mineral-rich volcanic ash to the country, mainly in the soil composition of volcanic ash.

Black honey treatment of Stonehenge Manor in El Salvador

Country: El Salvador

Producing area: Charat Nanguo

Grade: SHG

Treatment method: black honey treatment

Altitude: 1400-1500m

Variety: Pacas Pacas

No. 12 in 2015 COE

No. 4 in 2014 COE

No. 4 in 2013 COE

Active volcanic activity brings mineral-rich volcanic ash to Saudi Arabia.

In the soil composition mainly composed of volcanic ash

More minerals and less organic matter

Therefore, in order to maintain the geographical position and make up for the shortage of organic matter

Farmers in Saudi Arabia will use the pulp residue of processed coffee beans

Or the organic matter under the coffee tree as fertilizer.

To make up for the lack of organic matter in the soil

Make the planting of coffee trees more able to produce coffee beans with harmonious taste.

The most meaningful pioneering work of sa is to introduce organic agriculture to the world.

More than 150000 tons of organic coffee are cultivated each year.

Sa coffee has five major producing areas (Apaneca, Central Belt, Chichontepec, Tecapa)

& Cacahuatique Mountain Range)

They are all distributed in the alpine slopes or plateau areas covered with volcanic ash at an altitude of 1200 meters.

The coffee harvest and harvest season is from November to April of the following year.

Because coffee prefers a mild climate

Therefore, most of the coffee trees in Saudi Arabia are planted in the shade of tall trees.

(shade grown coffee) primarily

To avoid excessive temperature and direct exposure to the sun

Affect the quality of coffee beans.

The coffee beans produced by it belong to Arabica species.

Pacas and Bourbon are the main brands.

Belong to big beans, with sweet taste and excellent flavor.

Flavor narration

Cocoa, berries, walnuts, tea, plum, Hawthorn, citrus, melon sweet, taffy