Coffee review

Flavor characteristics of Celebes Sulawesi Coffee in Indonesian Coffee producing area is Sulawesi Coffee good?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, For more information on coffee beans, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Celebes, which was influenced and controlled by the Netherlands from 1605 to World War II. In 1669, the Dutch East India Company controlled trade in Sulawesi. The Dutch built Fort built of Deer (now Makassa) in the mid-16th century until 1905

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Celebes, influenced and controlled by the Netherlands from 1605 to World War II. In 1669, the Dutch East India Company controlled trade in Sulawesi. The Netherlands built Fort built of Deer (now Makassa) in the middle of the sixteenth century, and it was not until 1905 that they finally gained control of the entire island and became part of the Dutch national colony in the Dutch East Indies. COMPAN coffee in the Netherlands East India controlled coffee production in Indonesia in most of the 1700's and launched Arabica Coffee (Typica) Sulawesi in 1750.

Sulawesi Island, also known as celebes Celebes Island, is the 11th largest island in the world by area and combines multi-ethnic cultures. The name celebes means rapids, which originally meant that in 1511, a sailor was stranded here in a severe storm and was firmly named celebes.

Today, the early rich iron ore is firmly combined with the local language, changing the place names Sula (island) and Wesi (iron ore) ~ ~ Sulawesi.

The island is divided into six provinces, and this batch of beans are operated by the Toraja nationality in the mountains, because the local people still lack information about the export goods, and the reason is also due to the topography. The elevation of the species is about 1400 meters above sea level, which is quite far away from the distribution center. Farmers are unable to send the finished products to the distribution centers for sale, so they can only be handed over to middlemen who understand the trade language (English), or traders to do long-term direct cooperation.

Indonesia has several well-known producing islands, including Sumatra (Lingtong region, Toba volcanic Lake District, Sidikalang), Java (state-owned arabica beans), Sulawesi (Toraja). Wait. 、 、

Sulawesi, formerly known as Celebes, is an island of Indonesia. Sulawesi is also the 11th largest island in the world. Geographically, Sulawesi is surrounded by the archipelago, Borneo to the west, Mindanao in the Philippines to the north, Moluccas to the east, Florice and Timor to the south, and many of these islands produce coffee. Like Java and Sumatra, Sulawesi belongs to volcanic topography, and there are still ten active volcanoes in the area.

Some of Sulawesi's most famous coffee now comes from the Toraja Mountains in the center of the island, where the Toraja live. The mountain area of Toraja is famous for its high-quality semi-washed beans, and Kalosi is the distribution center for it.

Therefore, if Sulawesi Sulawesi Toraja or Sulawesi Karosi or Salbis-Carosi are marked, they are all high-altitude Sulawesi beans in this area.

The entrance BODY is thick and clean, which is rare in Indonesia beans, with rich nutty caramel flavor, melons ripe sweet in the middle, sweet caramel, clear grease, sweet finish and spice sweetness, fineness and depth make you aftertaste!

There are elegant flower aroma, caramel sweet flavor, sweet spice flavor, green pepper grain aroma, slightly sweet candy, passion fruit, flower, spice, sweet melon and fruit in the taste, which is an indispensable delicious coffee for you who like exotic customs.

Qianjie coffee: Guangzhou bakery, the store is small but a variety of beans, you can find a variety of unknown beans, but also provide online store services. Https://