Coffee review

The story of the history of the name of Mantenin in Sumatra, Indonesia what is the price characteristics of golden manning coffee beans?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Mandenin's name is the transliteration of Indonesia's Mandaining mandheling clan. During the Japanese occupation of Indonesia during World War II, a Japanese soldier drank mellow coffee in a cafe, so he asked the shopkeeper the name of the coffee. The boss mistakenly thought he was asking where you are from.

Mantenin coffee beans can be said to be the trademark of Indonesian coffee beans, and most of the time, Mantenin represents the quality of Indonesian coffee beans. Mantenin coffee is only on the front street as a representative of Indonesian coffee beans, its flavor is rich chocolate, nut flavor, the important thing is the thick taste, which can not be matched by other coffee.


But there are also a lot of friends do not understand why Manning is called "Manning", this is what kind of story reason, today Qianjie to tell you a story.

Mandenin Coffee is the transliteration of the Mandaining mandheling clan in Indonesia. During the Japanese occupation of Indonesia during World War II, a Japanese soldier drank mellow coffee in a cafe, so he asked the shopkeeper the name of the coffee. The boss mistakenly thought he was asking where you were from, so he replied: Manning. After the war, the Japanese soldiers recalled the "manning" they had drunk in Indonesia, so they sent 15 tons of Indonesian coffee to Japan, which was very popular, and the name of Mantenin came out.

Manning coffee is considered to be the most mellow coffee in the world. When tasting Mantenin, you can feel obvious lubrication on the tip of the tongue and low acidity, but this acidity can also be obviously tasted. Leaping slight acid mixed with the richest aroma, so that you can easily feel the lively factor in the mild fragrance. In addition, this coffee has a faint earthy aroma, and some people describe it as the aroma of herbs.


Gold manning is not a grade, but a registered trademark of the Indonesian coffee company N.V. Pawani Medan, referred to as PWN. Founded in 1957, it is engaged in the export of Indonesian products such as coffee, rubber, cinnamon, cloves and patchouli oil. It is the first Indonesian company to export coffee from North Sumatra, and the first company to make "Manning Coffee" famous in Japan. Since 1977, the company has focused on the export of premium coffee beans, Sumatran Arabica coffee Manning I and Robusta coffee AP-I II, mainly to Japan, Taiwan and the United States, of which Japan and Taiwan account for more than 95%. In Japan and Taiwan, "PWN" has become synonymous with "quality assurance". Puji holds the trademark of "Golden Golden Mandheling" of Wangni Coffee, so Japanese companies have to register the trademark of "Jinding Gold Top Mandheling" separately. Manning refers to the half-sun or sun-dried beans around Lake Toba in north-central Sumatra and the Lindong Mountains at an altitude of 9-1200 meters above sea level on the southwest coast; Golden Manning, after four manual screening, is higher than the average Manning and has larger particles; the uniform appearance of beans, Golden Manning, has created another wave of market demand, and even Europe and the United States are crazy about it.

Due to the excellent quality of gold manning, the selling price is much higher than the average manning, which is the reason why the market is full of fake gold manning.

Qianjie believes that Orthodox Gold Mantning must be a product of Indonesia's PWN Coffee Company (the trademark of Gold Mantning is owned by PWN). The introduction of Gold Mantning Coffee Raw beans will be accompanied by a certificate of PWN (to identify the authenticity). If the seller is unable to provide the source of information (certificate or sack) of gold manning raw beans, be careful to identify them.


Golden Mantenin coffee beans are produced from Aceh Jiayu Mountain, grade G1, using three manual selection processes to ensure large and full particles (19 mesh) with few defects. High-quality manning coffee with a very clean and mellow taste and high sweetness.

So how should golden manning coffee be brewed to taste good?

Qianjie's understanding of the brewing of Mantenin coffee is to show a mellow and clean taste, highlighting the aroma of caramel, chocolate and its iconic herbal aroma, and does not want the coffee to have an unpleasant bitterness. Qianjie will be explained in the selection of utensils and various important cooking parameters, and gold Manning will be used for demonstration.

Qianjie recommends using freshly roasted coffee beans for brewing, so that you can maximize the rich flavor of the coffee. The coffee beans shipped in Qianjie are all roasted within 5 days, because Qianjie is well aware that the freshness of coffee beans has a great impact on the flavor. The purpose of Qianjie roasting is "freshly roasted coffee", so that every guest who places an order is the freshest coffee when he receives it. The bean cultivation period of coffee is about 4-7 days, so when the guest gets it, it is the time when the flavor is the best.

In the choice of filter cup, Qianjie chose Kono Mingmen filter cup. The biggest feature of the Kono filter cup is that the ribs extend from the bottom to the middle, and the upper part is a smooth filter cup wall, so that when the filter paper is glued to the filter cup, the water can not "sneak" around the coffee powder to improve the thickness of the taste.


The amount of powder used in Qianjie is still 15g, and the amount of coffee powder is not as much as possible, nor less, depending on the size of the filter cup. Qianjie uses a filter cup of 1-2 people, which is a reasonable amount of powder when the amount of powder is 15-20g. It will be difficult to brew the powder outside this range.

In the proportion of cooking powder, Qianjie will recommend 1:15, although some will suggest 1:13 or less, but Qianjie has a surface in the previous article, and there is no inevitable relationship between the concentration and the thickness of alcohol. And being too strong can cause discomfort. Therefore, the use of 1:15 powder-water ratio can also show the mellow taste of Mantenin.

In terms of coffee grinding degree, Qianjie will use No. 20 sieve to pass 70%. The grinding degree of brewing golden mantenin coffee is a little thicker than that of light roasted coffee beans, because the deep roasting of golden mantenin has a looser structure and is easier to absorb water and release coffee substances. if it is ground to the thickness of shallow roasted beans, it is easy to rush out the bitter taste. If you grind it thicker, it will make the coffee tasteless and taste as thin as water.


In the choice of water temperature, Qianjie suggests using a water temperature of 87-88 ℃ for cooking. In the same way as the degree of grinding, too high water temperature is prone to scorch bitterness, too low water temperature will appear coffee insipid, and there will be an unpleasant acidity.

The brewing method uses three-stage water injection, which is divided into three stages to better show the mellow taste of golden Manning coffee and the sweetness of caramel. The specific distribution of water injection is the first stage of steaming water injection 30ml, this stage of water injection all wet coffee powder, exhaust, in order to better extract the flavor substances of coffee, the second stage injected 100ml, the last stage injected 95ml to improve the sweetness of coffee, showing a thick mellow taste, the sweetness of caramel and the flavor of chocolate and nuts.