Coffee review

Azitawa Lake Sumatra Emerald Manning Coffee introduction? The characteristics of emerald Manning?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Producing area: Aceh province / Lake Tawa producer: small farmers around Lake Tawa altitude: 15001600 varieties: Catimor,Caturra,Typica,Sidikalong treatment: semi-washed (wet plucked) flavor description: almonds, cocoa, herbs, fresh pine, creamy aroma, tail with roasted hazelnut and toffee Sumatra. Lake Tawa Indonesia is the largest archipelago country in the world.

Producing area: Aceh Province / Lake Tawa

Producer: small farmers around Lake Tawa

Altitude: 1500Murray 1600

Variety: Catimor,Caturra,Typica,Sidikalong

Treatment: semi-washing (wet plucking)

Flavor description: almonds, cocoa, herbs, fresh pine, creamy aroma, finish with roasted hazelnut and toffee …

Sumatra. Tawa Lake

Indonesia is the largest archipelago country in the world. Arabica coffee was introduced into the Netherlands during the colonial period in the 18th century and began to grow. It once ranked among the top five coffee producing countries in the world. The main planting areas are in Sumatra Sumatra, Java Java and Sulawesi Sulawesi.

This emerald Mantenin (it is reported that the name "emerald" is due to the obvious emerald green of raw beans, Taiwan industry has given her a beautiful name, and most foreign countries still use "Lake Tawar Mandheling" as the bean name) comes from Lake Tawa, Sumatra, located in the Gayo Mountains in the north of Aceh province in Sumatra, under the jurisdiction of the Aceh Special Administrative region, 17 kilometers long and 3 kilometers wide, covering an area of 70 square kilometers. It is 1100 meters above sea level, with a maximum water depth of 80 meters and a water storage capacity of 2.5 billion cubic meters. This area is a typical tropical rain forest environment with abundant rainfall and fertile land. Most small coffee farmers use traditional shade and pesticide-free natural farming methods to grow.