Coffee review

What do you recommend in Latin American coffee producing areas? how much is a cup of Latin American coffee?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) in terms of production, coffee beans in Latin America account for about 60% of the world's coffee production, Africa and Arabia account for about 20%, and the remaining 20% are distributed in Asian countries and islands. In South America, Brazil accounts for 30-50% of the world's output, Goran.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

In terms of production, Latin America accounts for about 60% of the world's coffee production, Africa and Arabia account for about 20%, and the remaining 20% are distributed in Asian countries and islands.

In South America, Brazil accounts for 30-50% of the world's output, while Colombia accounts for 10-20%. At present, the coffee production of Vietnam in Asia has surpassed that of Colombia, and Indonesia has become the fourth largest coffee producer in the world.

Central and South America

Characteristics of taste: balanced, moderate acidity and mellow taste

Central and South America is the largest coffee producing area in the world, and there are countless boutique coffee here. Take Colombia, Guatemala or Brazil as an example, good coffee is enough to make people dazzling. What is the resource advantage that makes Central and South America so good?

In 1721, French naval officer Gabriel Mathieu de Clieu went through difficulties and obstacles to bring the first coffee sapling from Africa to the Latin American island of Martinique, which was the origin of coffee cultivation in Latin America. Because France was under the Bourbon dynasty, Arabica coffee grown in Latin America had another name, bourbon, which is now famous in the coffee industry. Bourbon is now an important branch of coffee in Arabica. The overall flavor of Latin American coffee is famous for its balance, and all the flavors in Latin American coffee can be found in Latin American coffee. The widespread use of wet treatment of raw beans is also one of the characteristics of Latin American coffee, good processing also makes its beans larger and more uniform than African coffee, and the defect rate is lower.



Colombia is one of the largest producers of high-quality coffee in the world, a bright pearl in the world coffee map and a coffee land blessed by God. Arabica coffee is grown on steep slopes 800 to 1900 meters above sea level and is hand-picked and washed.

[Santa Rita, Colombia] (deeply baked in water)-sucrose, clean, medium thickness, Santa Rita Manor, located in Antioquia, Colombia, treats coffee in the traditional way: picking coffee cherries by hand. Then the coffee fruit is washed and dried in a scaffolding. The environment around the Andes makes this coffee-growing area rich in volcanic soil and rich in water resources.

El Salvador

El Salvador coffee is also extremely high quality, and unique flavor: a strong sense of balance, fresh and lively, mild taste, sweet and pleasant, can be described as "pure natural flavor". This is because of the fertile soil, suitable altitude, good climate, intergenerational planting techniques and tree species with fine pedigree.

[Ataisi Manor Pacamara in El Salvador] (washed moderately roasted)-Nuts chocolate, passion fruit, cream, strawberries, the national average of high altitude, such a geographical environment is very conducive to the growth of coffee, farmers use the traditional way of growing: almost 100% shade planting. Pacamara is the artificial breeding variety of Pacas and Maragogipe, and Pacamara is a rare excellent variety under artificial breeding.


Guatemala is a coffee producing area that can not be ignored and is a typical representative of coffee flavor diversity. SHB (hardest bean) in Guatemala is almost a well-known synonym for high-quality coffee. This is because there are more than 300 kinds of microclimate, high mountains, Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, huge volcanic lake, Mexican plain. And rich geographical and climatic resources.

[guava Plain Manor SL28, Guatemala] (deeply baked in the wine sun treatment)-pineapple, dried apricot fruit, red wine, guava Plain Manor added a batch of sun wine flavor, unique flavor, especially the SL28 variety is still a rare variety in Central America.


The unique tropical rain forest environment in some parts of Bolivia provides excellent natural conditions for the growth of organic coffee. The aroma of Bolivian coffee is rich and unique, both after the bean is ground and the aroma of the coffee is quite rich, similar to the mixture of flower and fruit aromas, the perfect nutty flavor is impressive.

[Lake Titicaca, Bolivia] (moderately roasted in water)-dry aromas of roasted nuts and almonds, soft acidity of oranges and white grapefruit on the palate, sweet caramel as a whole, smooth texture of firm fruit milk, cleanliness and balance, and attractive herbal aromas.


Panamanian caffeine is famous in the world, and the reason is that it is closely related to Panama's unique physical and geographical conditions. Moderate curry body, smooth taste, delicate acidity, well-balanced taste value, coupled with subtle flavors such as caramel, chocolate, citrus and jasmine.

[Panamanian Ireta Manor SHB Kaddura] (moderately roasted with water washing)-buttered bread, sweet apricot kernels, round acidity, Ireta Manor is one of the large Panamanian coffee plantations and one of the best Panamanian famous coffees.

Costa Rica

The coffee beans produced at the high latitudes of Costa Rica are famous in the world, full-bodied, mild in taste, but extremely sour. The coffee beans here have been carefully processed, which is why they have high quality coffee. Located in the south of SanJos é, the capital of Tarasu, Costa Rica is one of the most valued coffee growers in the country.

[Costa Rican Chateau Saint Romain] (deep baked in water)-soft orange notes, toast, caramel cocoa sweet, St. Roman Manor is located in Tara Zhu producing area, coffee plant 1750m-1850m above sea level, variety Red Catuai, manor owner Gutierrez family owns 50 hectares of coffee planting area.

Latin American coffee bean brand recommendation

All kinds of Latin American coffee beans baked in Qianjie Coffee are fully guaranteed in brand and quality. And more importantly, the performance-to-price ratio is extremely high, a pack of half a pound 227 grams, the price is only about 80-100 yuan. According to the calculation of 15 grams of powder per cup of coffee, a bag of coffee can make 15 cups of coffee, which costs only about 5 or 6 yuan per cup, which is recommended by conscience compared to the price sold in cafes for hundreds of yuan a cup.