Coffee review

Gold manning hand flush parameter suggestion _ gold manning how to drink _ how much is a cup of gold manning

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please pay attention to coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Gold Manning hand flushing parameters] drip filtration: V60, medium and deep baking, 15g powder, small Fuji ghost tooth grinding 4, water temperature 86-88 degrees, water powder 1:15, steaming 25s, extraction time 2:10 volcanic shock: V60, medium-deep baking, 18g powder, small Fuji ghost tooth grinding 4

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

Gold Mandning Hand Punch Parameters]

Drip filtration: V60 , medium depth baking, 15g powder, small Fuji ghost tooth grinding 4, water temperature 86-88 degrees, water powder 1:15, stewing 25s, extraction time 2:10

Volcano rush: V60, medium-deep baking, 18 g powder, small Fuji ghost tooth grinding 4, water temperature 92 degrees, water powder 1:15, no stewing, circle with water, extraction time 2 minutes

Mantenin Coffee: Mantenin coffee is produced in Sumatra, Indonesia, Asia, otherwise known as "Sumatra coffee." Her flavor is very rich, fragrant, bitter, mellow, with a little sweet.


Mattanine: rich and solid taste, herbal medicine, with pleasant acidity, strong sweetness, solid and mellow taste. Aroma mellow, moderate acidity, rich sweetness is very interesting, suitable for deep baking, emitting a strong aroma. Sumatra Mantinin is a premium coffee bean grown in the original hills of Michaels at 750 - 1500 above sea level, with Takengon and Sidikalang producing the highest quality first class mantinin. Due to Mantelin's irreplaceable aroma, UCC Ueshima Coffee, Japan's largest coffee company, teamed up with PT Gunung Lintong, a famous Sumatra coffee merchant, to operate their first coffee plantation in Asia in 1995, which shows how important Mantelin is in the coffee field.

Some people say mantenin is thick and strong, others say mantenin is gentle and easy-going. Mantenin has always expressed its most unique sweetness with its most unique bitterness, just like the sweetness and bitterness of life. No matter how much sugar you put in, you can't hide the bitter taste. When you first taste her, it's amazing. But the charming fragrance emitted by her makes us unable to control our crazy infatuation with her. Her bitterness is like thorns on the edge of flowers, making people aware, but her fragrance is refreshing. The bitterness of mantenin will not upset you, but will make you feel more awake. Before you encounter real pain, Mantelin is just an ordinary bitter drink, just a liquid to refresh you, just a tool to let you pause; when you really encounter pain, she will smile and tell you: "Because love is bitter." Let you calm down and carefully taste it.

Gold mantning coffee beans

Mantelin is the best of Indonesian coffee, and gold mantelin is the best of mantelin. Gold Mandolin is hand-selected full-grain, lustrous Mandolin coffee, absolutely the beauty of coffee. In fact, in order to improve the problem of high defective beans in Mantenin, the Japanese began to adopt carefully selected quality control a long time ago. After four manual selections, defective beans were eliminated. Unfortunately,"golden mandheling", or gold mandheling, was trademarked by Pawani Coffee in Indonesia, and gold mandheling became the exclusive property of PWN. PWN is the real sense of gold mantinin, PWN branded gold mantinin, but also quality assurance, pwn yellow man three manual screening, one machine selection, beans are very beautiful. PWN registered the trademark of gold mantelin, which means that only the gold mantelin produced by PWN can be regarded as the real "gold mantelin". Many beans on the market that were not made by PWN and hung with the gold Mandolin brand should actually be called fine Mandolin. "Golden mantinin" is not an old bean, but a product named by the company.

[Difference between Mandnin and Gold Mandnin]:

A coffee friend asked, I am a coffee beginner, this gold mantelin and mantelin G1 what is the difference, I really can not drink out. For professional coffee drinkers and sensitive coffee drinkers, if you drink both coffees at the same time, the results will be very obvious. The sweetness and clean, rich and wild spice flavor of Huangman are slightly better than G1, which is one of the reasons why Huangman is much more expensive than G1.

Palate: Gold mantelin tastes cleaner than Lindon mantelin. The herbal, earthy and woody flavors of mantelin are almost gone, but the caramel sweetness is stronger and the acidity is brighter and more elegant. Generally, lindong mantinin is best baked after the second explosion, which can effectively reduce the impurity taste, but gold mantinin has good transparency and sweetness before or after the second explosion, and the baking interpretation space is wider.

aged gold mantinin

Aged coffee actually has a long history in Indonesia, because the early shipping is not so developed, it takes a long time to transport coffee from Indonesia to other countries, after the passage of time, the original moisture rich fresh coffee beans slowly dry and the wind blows to add a very special flavor. Because modern shipping advances have greatly reduced shipping times, coffee flavors like this have become a specialty coffee bean. Processing old beans is a technology, must be in the process of coffee beans aging strict monitoring, warehouse humidity and temperature have standard requirements, and to turn coffee beans from time to time, so as to avoid up and down humidity drop or mold and scrap. The aging process is not to make it lose flavor, but to create another flavor, and it is a pleasant flavor.

Palate: Aged mandheling, sweet as honey. Successful aging of the beans, will be the mantenin not elegant sour wear off. The sour ingredients are ripened and converted to sugar, making the coffee more rounded and sweeter to drink. The failed aged mantinin is like a coffee zombie, and the taste is hard to eat.

Sumatra Mantenin

Asian coffee is best known from the Malay islands of Sumatra, Java and the Isle of Man. Sumatra mantinin coffee from Sumatra, Indonesia, is the most famous of these, and it has two famous names, Sumatra mantinin DP First Class and Sumatra Mantinin Collection. Sumatra Mantenin DP has a long aftertaste and a wild fragrance, which is characteristic of the earthy taste of the virgin forest. In fact, Mantenin's mellowness was a very masculine feeling. A good quality first class mantelin coffee has a light acidity, like the slight acidity of flowers and fruits. In addition to Indonesian coffee's characteristic rich flavor, there is also a bitter sweet flavor, which is very popular with people who like strong roast coffee; the collection Sumatra mantinin coffee is called "collection" because it is stored in the cellar for three years before export. But reserve coffee is not old coffee, but a slightly pale coffee that has been specially treated. This coffee is stronger, the acidity will be reduced, but the alcohol will increase, and the aftertaste will be longer. It will also have a strong spicy taste, sometimes bitter, sometimes walnut, and sometimes chocolate.

raw beans

Mantenin coffee beans have large particles, hard beans, easy to appear defects in the planting process, usually through strict manual selection after harvest, if the control process is not strict enough, it is easy to cause uneven quality, plus different roasting degrees will also directly affect the taste, so it becomes a controversial single product.

Top: Gold Mandheling Semi-washed Green Beans

Above: Horse-faced mantinin is a hybrid of arabica and robusta called timer, Indonesia called timtim.

Above: Lindong Mantenin G1, although the grade is Grade-1, it is still difficult to change the characteristics of high defect rate of Indonesian beans, about 8% of defective beans

Above: Emerald mantnin (Aceh, Sumatra), 19 mesh +, green beans full, crystal clear, like an emerald,

Subvert your understanding of mantelin--mantelin from traditional wet planing, sun exposure and honey processing

[Traditional wet planing method]

March to May and September-December are Sumatra's main harvest seasons, and most coffee farmers now harvest only full-red coffee cherries. After collecting coffee cherries in the morning, peel and pulp coffee cherries in the afternoon to become wet shelled beans, which is what we call parchment coffee, and then put them into the sink to remove the floating defective beans.

Sumatra's natural environment is superior, and most of the water used will be mountain spring water. The next step is to take out the dense beans from the bottom and put them into the barrel for dry fermentation, so that the pectin sugar can be fully fermented to increase the flavor. Usually, the fermentation time is between 12 and 36 hours, depending on the specific situation. Then exposure for 1 to 2 days, when the moisture is dried to 35-40%, the coffee beans will be collected into woven bags, usually 40 kg and 80 kg per bag, sent to the coffee processing plant for shelling. The shelling process is to grind the bean shell with a sheller and then dry it until the moisture content reaches about 12%~15%.

Wet planing method also occurs because the peel is planed off during the production process, and the beans are directly exposed to air, so the defective beans such as moldy beans are much higher than those washed and solarized.

[Sunlight treatment]

1. Bean selection: Put the freshly harvested coffee beans into the water tank, the mature unsightly beans will sink, and the immature and over-ripe unsightly beans will float up and can be removed.

2, drying: the selection of mature unattractive fruit on the square exposure for 5-6 days, until full and dry. At this time, the appearance of unsightly raw beans changed to dark brown, moisture content of 13%.

3, shelling: After drying, the unsightly skin becomes fragile and easily falls off, which can be removed mechanically. The farm that the enterprise changes management is to set up dehulling workshop oneself, small farm hands over processing center to act for processing.

4, selection and grading: by manual or mechanical to distinguish defective beans, remove defective beans, followed by grading criteria, according to the established scale coffee beans are divided into several quality grades, good coffee into selected coffee market

5, polishing: shelling treatment can only remove the beans appearance of a layer, at this time, the silver film is still preserved in the outer layer of the seed, have to use mechanical grinding to this layer of film.

Sumatra Lindong region, elevation 1000-1500 meters, purchased by the coffee green bean merchant Wahana company, grown by small farmers and all hand-harvested coffee, sun treatment Mantenin, very rich melon aroma. Indonesia sun mantelin exudes an unprecedented gentle temperament, people give comments are obvious fruit acid, grass aroma, taste refreshing slightly sweet.

[Honey Fruit Processing Method]

Mantenin honey fruit treatment method, after the coffee fruit is purchased from the coffee farmers, the moisture content in the coffee fruit is reduced by the sun, and then the coffee fruit is dried by a very precise constant temperature machine for ten days, so that the fruit juice colloid and rich flavor in the pulp are fully fermented to the shelled beans, and the coffee fruit is changed into a unique honey fruit dried fruit like preserved fruit, and then stored.

Coffee cherries are stored until they are ordered before removing the peel and pectin to avoid the impact of flavor reception time and Mena reaction, allowing the cherries to absorb the fruit acids, sugars and flavors contained in the pulp for a longer time. This unique treatment completely changes the flavor of the original Indonesian beans and adds a very special aroma. If you don't realize that this is a mantnin coffee, you will mistake it for African beans, but it retains the rich and smooth taste of mantnin.

[Manual parameters]

Drip filtration: V60 , medium depth baking, 15g powder, small Fuji ghost tooth grinding 4, water temperature 86-88 degrees, water powder 1:15, stewing 25s, extraction time 2:10

Volcano rush: V60, medium-deep baking, 18 g powder, small Fuji ghost tooth grinding 4, water temperature 92 degrees, water powder 1:15, no stewing, circle with water, extraction time 2 minutes

Gold Mandolin Coffee Bean Brand Recommendation

Front Street Coffee Roasts Indonesian PWN Gold Mandning beans with full guarantees of brand and quality. More importantly, the cost performance is extremely high, a pack of half pounds 227 grams, the price is only about 89 yuan. According to the calculation of 15 grams of powder per cup of coffee, a pack can make 15 cups of coffee, each cup only costs less than 6 yuan, compared with the price of dozens of pieces of coffee sold in cafes.

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