Coffee review

How to bake Antigua coffee beans _ recommended _ Antigua coffee how much is a cup of coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Guatemala Antigua coffee bean roasting records Guatemala SHB Genuine Antigua Antigua is volcanic area coffee, with a slight smoke flavor, unique fruit aroma, unique slightly acidic flavor, is a typical Central American coffee bean. b. Baking introduction

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Roasting record of Antigua coffee beans in Guatemala

Guatemala SHB Genuine Antigua

Antigua is a volcanic area coffee, with a slight smoke flavor, unique fruit aroma, unique slightly acidic flavor, is a typical coffee bean in Central America.

b. Baking introduction

Baking machine: Hottop KN8828

Bake Settings TEMP7+PLUS5

Raw bean quantity: 260g

c. Baking process

1. Preheating stage

two。 Dehydration stage (000.0006fret)

Add beans at 00:00

Draw a breeze at 01:20

The frenzy ends at 02:20

3. Baking stage (06VOG 000013J30)

A slight aroma appeared at 07:00

The beans turn yellow at 09:00

The aroma of baking at 11:00 is obvious; the bean color turns yellow obviously.

4. Hot-air baking stage (13-30-17-00)

The fan is on at 13:30

5. One explosion stage (17VOG 000019VOV 00)

A dense explosion occurred at 18:00.

6. Second explosion stage (20vv. 00)

7. Lower bean cooling

Drop the beans at 21:00

21VOG 26PUR cooling

8. Cooked beans 225gCity+

d. Make coffee

Utensils: flannel filter cloth hand punching

Bean quantity: 24g/ Little Eagle 2 Grinding

Water: 420CC 93C

e. Tasting cup test

Cup test result

Guatemala Guatemala Coffee

Guatemala coffee in Guatemala was introduced by missionaries in 1750. It was only in 1860 that the Germans expanded the entire industry. To date, about 60000 family farms operate the coffee industry in Guatemala. Coffee is grown in the Sierra Mountains near the Pacific coast. The Sierra range stretches across the country, connecting up to the Rockies and down to the Andes.

Due to the great regional climate change, coupled with differences in soil, rainfall, moisture, height, and temperature, there are seven different regional coffees in Guatemala: Antigua, Fraijanes Plateau, Rainforest Cob an, Highland Huehuetenango, Atitlan, Volcan San Marcos, and Oriente. Among them, Guatemala is famous for its Antigua coffee (Antigua).

Most of the coffee produced in Guatemala is Arabica, which is treated by washing. The height of the plant ranges from 2300 to 5600 feet. The harvesting method depends almost entirely on manual labor. It can be harvested all year round, but the main harvest period is from July to April of the following year.

Guatemala Antigua Coffee Guatemala-Genuine Antigua Coffee

Production area / Grade: Antigua / Screen 17 + the world-famous Antigua coffee has a ripe berry-like aroma, strong and strong.

Active volcanoes erupt every 30 years or so, enriching the already rich soil and giving coffee a unique and strong tobacco flavor. The supple bitterness and charming tobacco flavor make the palate more rich and rich.

Why is Antigua coffee in Guatemala labeled as "real Antigua Genuine Antigua"?

Antigua, one of the best producing areas in Guatemala. The soil of Antigua is rich in sulfur, giving rise to mellow Aroma and a well-balanced taste. As long as the coffee produced in this area is always very popular, and is even willing to pay more to get it, there are many fake beans bearing the name of Antigua on the market. Farmers in Antigua, who believe that the situation is very serious, have set up the Genuine Antigua producers Association (APCA) in order to prevent this from happening and to maintain the quality of Antigua producing areas. The officially recognized excellent farms are listed below, and the sacks are shipped with the words (APCA) members printed on them. The so-called GENUINE is "real", and "Genuine Antigua" is "real Antigua".

Antigua coffee bean brand recommendation

Guatemala Antigua coffee beans baked in front street coffee-Flower God is fully guaranteed in terms of brand and quality. And more importantly, the performance-to-price ratio is extremely high, a pack of half a pound 227 grams, the price is only about 85 yuan. According to the calculation of 15 powders per cup of coffee, 15 cups of coffee can be made in a bag, which costs only about 5 or 6 yuan per cup, which is very cost-effective for coffee shops to sell dozens of yuan a cup.

Qianjie coffee: Guangzhou bakery, the store is small but a variety of beans, you can find a variety of unknown beans, but also provide online store services. Https://