Coffee review

Authentic Blue Mountain Coffee Bean Price authentic Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee how much is a jin of Blue Mountain Coffee Brand Price list

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) the real output of blue mountain coffee beans is really only a little bit a year, less than 1% of the global demand, authentic blue mountain coffee beans are fixed buyers long before they bloom, or super

Before Rose Summer Coffee was "excavated", Blue Mountain Coffee was the representative of top coffee. Blue Mountain Coffee itself was rare and exquisite. Because of its great reputation, it was fried to a high price of hundreds of yuan a cup, which was a sky-high price for the working class at that time. So why is the price of Blue Mountain coffee so high? Qianjie should start with what is authentic Blue Mountain coffee.


What is authentic Blue Mountain Coffee

The Blue Mountain Mountains, which produce Blue Mountain Coffee, have steep terrain and steep slopes. It is the highest region in the Caribbean and belongs to the tropical rain forest climate. The annual rainfall in the rainy season is as high as 1800 Mill 2000 mm. The steep slopes between the mountains have a good drainage system, so that the vegetation here can be fully irrigated. The local coffee trees are mixed with banana and avocado trees. The blue mountain area has beautiful scenery, high-quality air and fertile volcanic soil to promote the coffee to bear full flavor fruit. The high-altitude blue mountains are shrouded in clouds, bringing a natural shading effect for coffee trees.

In order to distinguish between Blue Mountain and ordinary Jamaican coffee, the Jamaican government has set up a special grading system. Only those varieties certified by the Jamaica Coffee Industry Committee (Coffee Industry Board of Jamaica,CIB) and produced in the Blue Mountains at an altitude of 910 to 1700m above sea level are allowed to be called Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee. The certified planting area is only 6000 hectares, accounting for one third of the entire Blue Mountain area. Only about 15% of the coffee produced in Jamaica can be named Blue Mountain Coffee. The higher the altitude, the more difficult it is to pick, and the higher the cost of manual management. Every harvest season, local women who are familiar with the terrain will be arranged to go up the mountain to pick mature coffee fruits to ensure the quality of coffee beans.


In order to make the flavor and quality of coffee beans more stable, the manor producing Blue Mountain Coffee will use water washing treatment, many links to remove defective beans, so that the aroma of Blue Mountain is also clearer. The Blue Mountain coffee on the front street bean list is washed and produced at Clifton Manor. Clifton Manor floats the picked fresh coffee cherries in a tank and removes the peel and pulp before the beans are fermented. Overnight fermentation produces a large amount of acid, leaving the pectin layer off the surface. Then dry the shell beans in the sun until the moisture content reaches the standard, pack and store them in the warehouse and send them to the quality inspection. Washing steps make the flavor of Blue Mountain coffee beans cleaner and more stable.

The dried Lanshan raw beans need to be graded according to a number of evaluation criteria, including size, color, moisture content and baked cup quality. Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee can be divided into NO.1, NO.2, NO.3 and Peaberry according to different performance characteristics, of which NO.1 is the highest grade, which is what we often call Blue Mountain No.1 Coffee. The specification of raw beans must be 17-18 mesh, the defect rate is less than 3%, the particles are uniform, the bean body is full, and the flavor is balanced with mellow, fragrant, sweet, sweet and sour flavor. To achieve such a top quality Blue Mountain Coffee, you need to invest more manpower to manually screen out poor quality beans, which is why high quality Blue Mountain Coffee is so expensive.

Number of grades (defect rate ≤ 3%) No.117-18No.216No.315PB (Peaberry) 10

What are the characteristics of authentic Blue Mountain No.1 Coffee

Blue Mountain Coffee uses wooden barrels to pack raw beans to make it look different from the beginning of purchase. Compared with coarse sacks commonly used in other producing areas, oak barrels have the advantage of absorbing and releasing internal and external humidity, and isolating the aroma of coffee from outflow. Let coffee beans maintain a more stable moisture content, so that roasting more stable. Coffee buckets in Jamaica can be divided into three different sizes: 70kg, 30kg and 15kg.


Qianjie can notice some information related to Blue Mountain by observing the barrel, the top of the barrel is printed with the CIB certification logo on the barrel cover, and the shipping marks of registered exporters and official importers are printed on each shipment, such as Clifton Manor on the front street, and the rainforest water frog logo on the barrel. In addition, Qianjie Blue Mountain No. 1 coffee also has a quality certificate issued by Jamaica Coffee Bureau, an authorized sales certificate issued by Blue Mountain Coffee manufacturer, and a certificate of origin of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee.

Qianjie received the blue mountain No. 1 raw beans, the particles were uniform and plump, the size was uniform, and the whole was bright blue-green. After baking, Qianjie carried out a cup test, dry aroma with nuts, melon, chocolate, injected with hot water to smell oolong tea, caramel, honey, dark chocolate. Taste is rich dark chocolate, baked hazelnut, cream, black sugar, clean and clear flavor, mellow taste, long-lasting aroma.


Such top Lanshan No. 1 coffee beans are packed on the shelves at 158 yuan / 100g in Qianjie. If you want to taste hand-made black coffee directly, you can order at Qianjie Dongshankou store. Lanshan No. 1 coffee: 60 yuan / cup.

How to make Blue Mountain No.1 Coffee by hand

Qianjie believes that a good cup of coffee is inseparable from excellent varieties, superb treatment, proper roasting degree, freshness of coffee beans and corresponding extraction parameters. The top Blue Mountain No.1 coffee beans have helped us pick out such excellent batches, and all that's left is how to cook them. Qianjie advises people to choose freshly roasted coffee beans. If the coffee beans have been stored for more than a month and a half, the aroma is likely to have been lost, so it is difficult to have a full flavor. The coffee beans shipped on Qianjie are freshly roasted within 5 days, and when they are received, they are usually in the best taste period.


The roasting degree of this coffee is too deep, the texture of the beans is loose, the water absorption is strong, and it is easy to over-extract, so it will be extracted with a thicker degree of grinding (75% of the standard sieve 20) and a low water temperature (88 degrees Celsius). In addition, Qianjie hopes to make the coffee taste more mellow, the filter cup will choose a slower flow style, such as KONO filter cup.

Blue Mountain hand flushing steps: 15g coffee powder, 1:15 powder water, three-stage extraction.

Pour the ground coffee powder into a preheated filter cup, the first step is to inject 30 grams of water for steaming, and start timing, from the center to circle small water injection, 30 seconds later, the second stage of water injection to 125 grams, try to raise the powder layer, the whole process needs to flow smoothly. When the liquid level drops to half and continue to inject the last section, the total water is 225 grams, and the filter cup can be removed after all the coffee liquid has been filtered, the total time is about two minutes. Shake the coffee in the shared pot and you can enjoy the fragrant Blue Mountain Coffee.


In the process of brewing, Blue Mountain Coffee can smell strong aromas of roasted nuts and caramel. At the entrance, you can drink dark chocolate, sweet nuts, a variety of flavors, mellow taste and bright finish.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

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