Coffee review

Central American Coffee | Manor New Glenda, Guatemala | pointed bourbon | recommendation of individual coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Origin: central America Guatemala production area: San Marcos Manor: new Granda Manor (Finca Nueva Granada) altitude: 1550 m Variety: Reunion African Reunion native Laurina pointed bourbon / natural low caffeine tree species treatment

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Origin: central America, Guatemala

Production area: San Marcos

Manor: new Glenda Manor (Finca Nueva Granada)

Altitude: 1550 m

Variety: Reunion African Reunion native Laurina pointed bourbon / natural decaffeinated tree species

Treatment: washing

Cup test report: peach blossom aroma, sweet perfume flavor, meticulous cocoa, peach fruit notes, hundred flowers honey, medium mellow, supple, sweet blossom fragrance.


Rare treasure-natural decaffeinated native species of Reunion Island-Laurina pointed bourbon

New Granda LAURINA, Guatemala

Laurina pointed bourbon is a natural decaffeinated tree species, while Arabica caffeine is between 0.9% and 1.2%, while Laurina sharp bourbon is natural low caffeinated, with only 0.48% caffeine, which is twice as caffeinated as grilled coffee. Laurina has the charming aroma and flavor of coffee.

Once loved by European dynasties in the 18th century, it was heavily planted on the island of Reunion Reunion in the 18th and 19th century, but the pointed bourbon of Laurina "disappeared" after 1950 because of wind, rust and insect pests.

In the past hundred years, Japanese coffee companies have exerted considerable influence on the history of coffee in the world. Forty years ago, bean hunters from the Japanese trading company came to Reunion, the birthplace of Bourbon, on a special bean-hunting trip to find the pointed bourbon that had disappeared for many years and found the few remaining pointed bourbon native species.

In 1993, Japanese bean hunters went to Guatemala to give 25 seeds to the landowner and planted the rare pointed bourbon on the San Marcos volcano. The fertile volcanic soil and good microclimate made the pointed bourbon of the dwarf plant begin to continue in Guatemala.

Finca Nueva Granada New Glenda Manor is a century-old German manor located in San Marcos, Guatemala. After the civil war and many volcanic eruptions, the manor has been standing for a hundred years. The manor is surrounded by Tajumulco and Tacana, the tallest active volcano in Central America, with magnificent scenery but also covered by volcanic ash, which makes the coffee harvested on the estate particularly delicate and rich. The manor's water source comes from volcanic spring water, which is rich in minerals, and all washed water is made from this natural water source, so re-fermentation has become a good reason.

The estate is committed to promoting Rainforest Alliance rainforest certification, the Child Protection Association, and a number of social care campaigns. A very respectable manor spirit.

Qianjie coffee: Guangzhou bakery, the store is small but a variety of beans, you can find a variety of unknown beans, but also provide online store services. Https://