Coffee review

Starbucks selected Maraka Dula coffee bean story _ Nicaraguan coffee brewing sharing

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Nicaragua Maraka Dula: coffee beans Yao Ming elephant beans (Maragogype, also known as Marago Gippe) texture, super-large, is the world's largest, first in 1870 in the northeastern Brazilian state of Bahia (Bahia) Marago Gipe (Maragogype)

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Nicaragua Maraka Dula: Yao Ming in Coffee beans

Elephant beans (Maragogype, also known as Marago Gippe), with soft texture and super-large particles, are the largest in the world. In 1870, they were first discovered in the Maragogype producing area of Bahia in northeastern Brazil, hence the name. The flavor of elephant bean is relatively light, but it can have a better flavor above 1000 meters, and it is suitable for moderate baking and not suitable for deep baking.

Kaddura (Caturra), a natural variety of Arabica variety bourbon, was discovered in Brazil in 1937. It has high yield, high quality and resistance to leaf rust, but the planting cost is also high. Although found in Brazil, Kaddura is not suitable for growing in Brazil, so it is not planted on a large scale in Brazil, but is popular in Central and South America, such as Colombia, Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Kaddura is planted on a large scale.

When Marago Gippe crossed with Kaddura, the bean with complex flavor and large granules-Maraka Dula (Maracaturra) was born.

Nicaraguan coffee

Nicaragua is located in central Central America, the full name of the Republic of Nicaragua (English: The Republic of Nicaragua), is a presidential republic country, located in central Central America, north of Honduras, south of Costa Rica, east of the Caribbean Sea, west of the Pacific Ocean.

The three major coffee producing areas of Nicaraguan coffee are mainly located in the northwest of Nicaragua, namely, Jinotega, Matagalpa and Nueva Segovia.

Buenos Aires farm

Dipilto of the region where Buenos Aires farm is located

The owner of the farm, Luis Emilio Valladarez, did everything he could to take good care of them when he received the first Malakadura seedlings. Because Malakadura is very vulnerable to weather changes and rust, coupled with limited production, making the production of this coffee very difficult.

Luis Emilio Valladarez (middle) and his two sons

But Luis Emilio Valladarez and his two sons are not afraid of hardships and dangers, so that this bean through Starbucks selection to meet you.

Remember Abigail Kroon?

Abigail Kroon

Yes, the inventor of Paladisi Integration, which Ming shared before, is now the global coffee manager. Her comments on the beans are as follows:

"It's kind of a testimony to the size of the beans. The beans are bigger and so is the flavor. "

That is, "this contributes to the relationship between bean size and flavor. The bigger the bean, the richer the flavor."

Nicaraguan coffee bean information and cards

Malakadura real shot

Malakadura on the left and Nicaraguan beans on the right

Origin: Nuyewa Segovia Dipilto, Latin America, Nicaragua

Coffee bean seed: Malakadura

Altitude: 1250 Murray 1430 m

Processing method: washing method

Acidity: medium to high alcohol: medium

Flavor: a combination of spices and flavors with hints of vanilla and sweet and sour red apples

Malakadura is one of the three beans that make up Gravita Synthesis in 2017.

In January 2016, Nicaragua's Malakadura was launched for the first time as a Starbucks winner.

Malakadura met for the second time in 2017

The third time, it was in the hands of Ming.

Starbucks selects Nicaraguan coffee brewing and sharing

1. V60

20g flour, gouache ratio 15:1.

Description: complex, supple spice flavor, fruity, high acidity, a hint of nutty finish and creamy sweetness.

two。 Leng Cui Fu Le duo

3. Ice Chemex

25g powder, gouache ratio at 8:1, add ice cubes as heavy as coffee liquid.

Description: the flavor of the spice is less obvious than V60, the acidity is brighter and cleaner than V60, and the finish of nuts is more obvious.