Coffee review

What appliances do you need for hand-washed Panama Emerald Manor Diamond Mountain Kaduai Sunburn Coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to Coffee Workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) Famous: Panama Coffee Manor-Emerald Manor ■ Emerald Manor is located in the suburb of Poquet in southwest Panama. The Peterson family of farm owners accidentally discovered a coffee variety with great potential: Guixia/GEISHA. After careful cultivation and cultivation in the manor, 20

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Famous: Panamanian Coffee Manor-Jade Manor ■

The Emerald Manor is located on the outskirts of Pokuit, southwest of Panama. The owner of the farm, the Peterson family, stumbled upon a potential coffee variety: Rosa / GEISHA. After careful cultivation and cultivation, since 2004, the manor has won a series of coffee competition championships with GEISHA for several years in a row, and has remained the king in the world coffee market. Since 2008, GEISHA has conducted independent bidding and auctions, setting a record of sky-high prices. In recent years, in fact, in addition to the top GEISHA, the Emerald Manor has also launched an approachable (key point). One of the raw bean styles is the Diamond Mountain series we introduced this year.

■ who is: Diamond Hill ■ of Jade Manor

Panama La Esmeralda

Diamond Mountain

Diamond Hill (Diamond Mountain) is a star brand of Jade Manor, mainly Kaduai, with some Tibica and bourbon varieties. Raw beans are picked from Jaramillo and Ca ñ as Verdes of the four independent farms owned by the Jade Manor. The two independent farms have excellent volcanic soil for growing coffee, and primeval forests provide sufficient shade for coffee trees. Due to the unique conditions, the raw coffee beans are rich in fruit aroma and sweetness, chocolate and fresh spices.' Diamond Hill has become a popular independent brand of Jade Manor in addition to geisha.

P.S., in addition to producing high-quality raw coffee beans, the Emerald Manor continues to pursue sustainable management methods and practice. The whole park has the certification of the Rainforest Alliance to ensure that the habitats of birds and wild animals will not be destroyed by man-made. The waste water is also recycled during the production of raw beans. The quality of the water source of Quanbao is clean and sound, and it is shaped into a self-sufficient coffee farm ecosystem.

Because of the unique ecological environment and raw bean processing technology, the manor is also popular with other beans except Rose Summer. Diamond Hill (Diamond Mountian), one of the star brands of Catuai varieties under the Emerald Manor, is planted on the suburban slopes of the Panamanian boutique bean producing areas of Canas Verdes and Jaramillo, at an altitude of about 1400-1700m. The high-altitude planting environment and rich volcanic mineral soil make the coffee raw beans have rich and complex fruit aromas, chocolate and vanilla mandarin.

How to make Panamanian coffee [Emerald Manor Diamond Mountain Kaduai]?

Qianjie Coffee hand reference: weigh 15g [Emerald Manor Diamond Hill Kadouai] coffee powder, pour into the grinder to grind moderately, the ground particles are slightly thicker than salt, we use BG bean grinder to scale 5R (standard sieve pass rate 60%), water temperature 90 degrees, V60 filter cup extraction.

The hot water in the hand flushing pot draws a circle clockwise with the center of the filter cup. Start the time when brewing, brew the coffee to 30g in 15 seconds, then stop the water injection, and when the time is up to 1 minute, the second water injection. The second water injection is the same as before, draw a circle clockwise with the center of the filter cup, and the water flow should not rush to the place where the coffee powder is connected with the filter paper, so as not to produce channel effect.

Coffee powder to the outermost circle to set aside a circle, and then another circle to the middle, 2 minutes 20 seconds, to the coffee to 220g, brewing coffee is finished.

| Ice extract [Emerald Manor Diamond Hill Kaduai Sun]

Qianjie Coffee Ice extract [Emerald Manor Diamond Hill Kaduai Sun] reference:

Panamanian coffee [Emerald Manor Diamond Hill Kadouai], light and medium roasted, BG bean grinder scale 4B grinder 3 grinding degrees, 20 grams of beans, 83 degrees water temperature steaming for 3 minutes, chemex kettle, then ice water ice extract, total water 200ml