Coffee review

Yunnan Coffee Exploration trip to Yunnan for coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) I have been back in Yunnan for a week, so I always feel that I should sort out some words, at least it is worth the trip, and it will be convenient for me to read it in the future. In fact, this is my second visit to Yunnan, and the last time I took a cursory look at Pu'er. With a lot of questions to see, and with

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Yunnan has been back for a week, and I always feel that it is time to sort out some words, at least it is worth the trip, and it will be convenient for me to read it in the future.

In fact, this is my second visit to Yunnan, and the last time I took a cursory look at Pu'er. I went to see it with a lot of questions and came back with a lot of questions. From the beginning of baking beans, I gradually have doubts about the variety of coffee. In addition to altitude, soil, climate and other factors, I personally think that variety is the key to determine the flavor of beans. This time I started to be a coffee thief along the road all the way south. From 800m at the foot of the mountain to 1500 m above sea level, we steal fresh coffee and fruit all the way.

(collection of coffee varieties)

Along the way, most of the varieties planted in Yunnan are Katim, which is a hybrid of Kaddura and Robusta, a branch of the bourbon line in the Arabica species. The reason for planting this variety is that Katim has the Robusta gene, so it is better than a single old variety in disease resistance, and the yield is better, and the yield is lower than that of the delicate old variety. Farmers naturally prefer to grow Katim, so now there has been a wave of Katim in Yunnan. But can it be regarded as fine coffee? I have a big question mark on this breed in my head.

(leaf rust, one of the natural enemies of coffee trees)

(Tibica tree)

The new leaves at the tips of the branches and leaves above are copper, which is Tiebika growing coffee trees. Tiebika is an old variety of Arabica species, and the well-known Hawaiian Kona is actually Tibika. In the vast expanse of Katim, it is easy to recognize. After careful observation, you will find that each species has its own appearance, Katim's leaves are hanging down, the tree shape seems to be wearing a cloak. Tiebika, on the other hand, has upward branches and new leaves on the top of the tree.

(Katim tree on the right)

Finally, we picked fresh fruits of Tibika coffee at three elevations, 800m, 1200 m and 1500 m. Originally thought that picking beans over mountains and mountains is very hard, but in fact, the follow-up work is the hardest. From peeling, soaking and washing, peeling the fruit shell after drying, it is all manual, no need for fingers. I worked so hard just to try to compare the flavor of Tibika at different elevations and the performance of this old pure Arabica variety in this soil in Yunnan. Two of the treated beans have been baked out a few days ago. You can try it in the store when you have time.

In addition, these were originally intended to try the effect of the sun, but as a result, the weather in Guangzhou was not good, with a continuous light rain and a very wet state. fortunately, the sun came out again in the past two days, and I don't know what the final sunburn will look like. Interested students can also come and have a try at that time.

On this trip to Yunnan, I not only want to know about the varieties, but also want to take a closer look at this piece of land in Yunnan. Can we grow high-quality high-quality coffee like other coffee-producing countries? In fact, the hardware conditions are completely possible, the altitude is enough, the soil is no problem, and the climate is also fine. Perhaps the only trouble is the cultivation of varieties. What kind of varieties is suitable for this soil, and what kind of varieties can shine here? This kind of cultivation experiment is not like the baking experiment, where the raw beans are poured in, baked for more than 10 minutes, and then tested in a bean cup, and you will know the flavor of the beans. When a seed is planted, it takes at least three years to bear coffee fruit, and then it is picked and baked before the result is known. I think it will take a lifetime to do it if I step into this mystery. But if you can really do a good job in your whole life, it will be worth your life.

Shop address: No. 10 Qianjie Cafe, Yandun Road, Dongshankou, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City

Contact: 020-38364473

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Taobao shop: Qianjie cafe

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