Coffee review

Water washing Yega Sheffield G1 Etidor Flavor introduction is it good to wash Yega Sheffield G1 Etidor

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) wash Yega Sheffield G1 Etidol Ethiopia wash Yega Sheffield G1 Etidol Cup Test Flavor, Jasmine aroma, Zhenguo, Grapefruit, Green Plum Acid, Tea Water wash Yega Sheffield G1 Etido country Ethiopia Water wash Yega Sheffield G1 Etidot

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Wash Yega Sheffield G1 Etidor

Ethiopia washes Yega Sheffield G1 Etidor

Cup test flavor: flower flavor, jasmine flavor, Zhenguo, grapefruit, green plum acid, tea flavor

Wash Yega Sheffield G1 Etidot country Ethiopia

Wash Idido from Etidol production area of Yega Chuefei G1

1900-2200 meters above sea level

The farmer has about 700 small farmers

Ethiopian native species

Treatment water washing treatment

The Ediot Cooperative is a member of the Yega Sheffield Coffee Farmers' Cooperative Alliance (Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union, or YCFCU). Founded in 2002, YCFCU has 24 junior cooperatives and about 50, 000 farmers.

At present, cooperatives are not subject to bulk coffee transactions.

The ECX (Ethiopian Coffee Exchange) system is standardized, so buyers can select each batch of raw beans according to their preferences and quality, and can be traced back to detailed coffee files, such as producing areas, growers / producers, etc., through direct trade, buyers and farmers can establish a deeper relationship with farmers, who can not only get reasonable remuneration, but also get material or financial assistance from berry processing machinery and equipment, processing farm facilities, etc. To produce better coffee.

Cup test flavor: flower flavor, jasmine flavor, Zhenguo, grapefruit, green plum acid, tea flavor