Coffee review

Introduction to the parameters of shallow medium-deep baked beans by Lin Dong Manning selection of hand flushing equipment

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, For more information on coffee beans, please follow the Coffee Workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Manning is produced in the mountains around Lake Lake Toba, a freshwater alpine lake located in the north of Medan, the provincial capital of Sumatra. The average height is about 900 meters above sea level. Mantning usually refers to planting in the mountains around Lake Toba.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Mantenin comes from the mountains around Lake Lake Toba, which is an alpine freshwater lake located in the north of Medan, the provincial capital of Sumatra. The average height is about 900 meters above sea level. Mantenin usually refers to Tibica or its variants of coffee beans grown in the mountains around Lake Toba.

Golden Mandheling of gold on the market-Gold Top Mandheling of gold on the tripod is of higher quality than that of general manning. There is an obvious difference between gold manning and ordinary manning. Gold manning raw beans are hand-selected four times by 3mur. the raw beans are large and dark green and neat flat beans, which are full-bodied and full-bodied with the aroma of honey cream in the flavor, which is irreplaceable in the coffee market. Manning gold Manning difference

In recent years, many consumers often ask what is the difference between "Manning" and "Golden Manning" coffee beans.

On the Indonesian island of Sumatra? why is there such a big difference in price between "Mantenin" and "Golden Manning"?

Manning, Golden Manning? Part 1

Before Blue Mountain Coffee came out, some people called Coffee Mandheling Coffee the number one coffee in the world, especially in Asia.

But also to have a place. At present, the definition of "manning" in Taiwan's coffee market is a little confused, not to mention the high unit price of beans such as gold manning.

Manning can be said to be one of the most difficult quality coffee beans in boutique coffee. To understand the difference between Manning and Golden Manning, one must first know Mant.

Ning's definition of Indonesia-[Mandheling] is a translation of homonyms from a [Mandaling] family on the Indonesian island of Sumatra.

At present, most of the Arabica coffee beans grown in North Sumatra (including Aceh in Aceh) can be called Manning coffee.

Many local coffee farmers in Indonesia hardly know what Mantenin coffee is, because most of the farmers on the Indonesian island of Sumatra are called by producing areas + coffee varieties.

For example, Arabica in Sidikalang or Arabica in Lintong.

Although the name Coffee Mandheling coffee has a long history in the world, it is printed in India.

In fact, there are different perceptions in Nepal. For example, coffee factories are generally sold internationally, and the internationally recognized Mantenin coffee is Arabica beans, which is generally called

Manning Arabica (Arabica Mandheling), but some local companies in Indonesia are also selling Manning Robusta (Mandheling Robusta).

However, of course, this is a minority, and the possible reason may be that the real Manning people are selling or the coffee beans produced in Manning County are unknown.

Generally speaking, in order to avoid confusion, most of the export signs will be marked as Arabica Mandheling.

As for Mantenin's export to Indonesia, there are two main types of exports:

1. Arabica Mandheling (Manning) 2. Lin Dong Manning (Arabica Lintong)

At present, almost all grades in Indonesia can be exported: that is, from Grade 1 (defect degree below 11:00) to Grade 6 (defect degree 151 to 225).

Sometimes there is Low Grade (that is, the defect is between Grade 6 and Pixel, which means there are more beans), and finally there is Pixel (coffee defects, mostly black beans).

, moldy beans, coffee shells, branches, etc.) Large quantities of coffee exported to Europe and the United States are generally first-grade coffee (Grade 1, which is called G1 by many people in Taiwan).

Of course, because of the special needs of some markets, some will set the rating to zero defect 0%, which is not impossible, or Double Pick, Triple Pick and fourth hand picking, etc.

In fact, traders are in accordance with the standards set by their own sales market.

But basically, even if you pick it by hand four times, the exit will still write Grade 1, which is one of the reasons why many people think that the quality of the G1 often changes.

In the past, the producing area of gold manning was in Lintong, so Indonesian exporters generally call it manning unless there is a designated Lintong.

Most of the coffee beans come from Aceh and Takengnon, and of course some are from Lintong.

However, because there are too many exporters, which producing area Mantenin is from sometimes depends on the practices of different manufacturers.

Interestingly, you will know that Mandheling is famous for the gold manning produced by Lintong in this area, but in Indonesia, if you want to buy manning,

Most of the coffee will be from Aceh, but some of it will come from Lintong, and it depends on how the manufacturers buy it.

Therefore, it is very common for coffee factories in Indonesia to mix Mantenin coffee in different producing areas or different seasons, but there are also Mantenin coffee that is simple and simple.

What is acquired in the production area is not necessarily cheap and not good.

Lin Dong Manning's selection of hand flushing equipment: Hario V60

Lin Dong Manning stew time by hand: 25 seconds

1. Light baking: small Fuji ghost teeth grinding 3.5, water temperature 90 degrees, gouache ratio 1:15

two。 Medium and deep baking: small Fuji ghost tooth grinding 4, water temperature 88 degrees, gouache ratio 1:15

3. Deep baking: small Fuji ghost teeth grinding 4.5, water temperature 86 degrees, gouache ratio 1:15

Different utensils and different cooking methods

The taste will be different.

Lin Dong Mantek would rather rush by hand.

1. Filter cup: Hario V60

two。 Water temperature: 88 degrees

3. Degree of grinding: small Fuji degree of grinding 4

4. Baking degree: medium and deep baking

5. Steaming time: 25 seconds

Flavor: changeable levels, clean, balanced, long-lasting caramel sweetness

Lin Dong Manning hand flushing specific techniques: 15g powder, 4 grinding of small Fuji ghost tooth cutter, V60 filter cup, 88-89 degrees water temperature, 30g water injection for the first time, steaming for 25s, water injection to 104g water cut off, waiting for the water volume of powder bed to go down to half and then water injection, slow water injection until 220g water, 5 grams at the end, no water powder ratio at 1:15, extraction time about 2:00