Coffee review

How much do you know about old coffee? What's the difference between old manning and old Java?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, For information, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) old coffee. Maybe you have heard that it doesn't matter if the coffee bean has been kept for a long time, it will become old coffee and taste better. In fact, this is a rather irresponsible saying that beans will rot after they have been kept for a long time, changing from fresh cyan to white, then to yellow, becoming dull and even worms. Like

For information, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Old coffee. Maybe you have heard that it doesn't matter if the coffee bean has been kept for a long time, it will become old coffee and taste better. In fact, this is a rather irresponsible saying that beans will rot after they have been kept for a long time, changing from fresh cyan to white, then to yellow, becoming dull and even worms. Like aged wine, raw beans must be properly processed and stored for a long time before they can be called "aged coffee". Java coffee is produced on the Indonesian island of Java and belongs to Arabica coffee. After baking, the bitter taste is extremely strong and the aroma is very light, without sour taste. The bitterness and mellowness of Java coffee, coupled with the sweetness of chocolate syrup, make Java coffee more mellow and palatable and very popular with women!

Among the Asian coffee-producing countries, Indonesia is a very noteworthy one. Indonesia is an island country in the Indian Ocean.

The islands are located on both sides of the equatorial line, and three of them, Java, Sumatra and Sulawesi, produce the most important coffee in the world. In the mid-17th century, the Dutch brought coffee trees to Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and Java, Indonesia. In the 18th century, Indonesia became a major producer of coffee, and almost all of its high-quality Arabica coffee was supplied to Europe. But by the 19th century, coffee rust, which appeared in Ceylon in 1869, also affected Indonesia. By 1877, most of the coffee fields on the Indonesian islands had been damaged by rust, and the Dutch had to import other coffee varieties from Africa, namely Romsda coffee. It is more resistant to diseases and insect pests, but its quality is inferior. About 90 per cent of Indonesian coffee is Romda beans, about 6.8 million bags a year, and less than 10 per cent of beans are Arabica coffee.

Coffee produced in Indonesia generally does not have the name "Indonesia", but directly bears the name of the island, such as Java, Sumatra and so on. Java produces only a small amount of Arabica beans, most of which were imported from Africa after the rust disaster. This coffee has a strong bitter taste after roasting, but the aroma is extremely light. Although the acidity is low and the taste is delicate, it is rarely used for direct drinking. It is often used to mix mixed coffee or to make instant coffee.

The aged Agedmandheling is as sweet as honey. The successful old bean has worn away Manning's inelegant sour taste. The sour ingredients are ripe and converted to sugar, making the coffee more round and sweeter to drink. Manning is like a coffee zombie in the old age of failure, and the taste is hard to taste.

Manning Coffee-Features

Manning coffee has a very strong flavor, fragrant, bitter, mellow, with a little sweetness. Most coffee lovers drink on their own, but it is also an indispensable variety for blending coffee.

As the Mantenin coffee beans themselves do not have sour characteristics, so the general special blending methods are based on Mantenin coffee beans, in the long-term heat preservation or preparation of iced coffee, there is no unpleasant sour taste.

After baking, the beans are very large, and the raw beans are brown or dark green with a special aroma like caramel and a mellow taste.