Coffee review

PWN gold manning G1 washed boutique coffee beans and a wide variety of manning, how much do you know

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) there are really a lot of names in the market, Lin Dong Manning, gold manning pwn gold manning, tripod gold manning, tiger manning, horse face manning, emerald manning, in fact, manning is not the name of producing area, place, port, nor coffee products.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

As for the origin of Mantenin, it is generally known on the Internet that Japanese soldiers stationed there in 1945 drank locally produced coffee on the island of Sumatra and found it very delicious, so they asked the vendor the name of the coffee. Manning is divided into various place names, such as Lin Dong manning and gold manning, pwn gold manning and so on. What is the difference between these manning? Locals, coffee beans widely grown in Sumatra and other Indonesian islands are almost all called Mantenin, which are used to distinguish between different regions according to different regions and raw bean merchants. Because of the language barrier, the Manning peddler mistakenly thought he was asking where he came from, so he answered "Manning". PWN Manor Sumatra PWN Estate Golden Mandhelingpwn gold manning origin: Indonesia Sumatra gold manning (PWN), pwn gold manning roasting layer: moderately roasted gold manning is famous in the coffee industry, semi-washed gold manning in addition to the rich wild aroma of manning coffee, but also a more elegant flavor, it is a rare coffee taste. Gold manning is the most popular coffee in Taiwan and is grown on the island of Sumatra. Top gold manning is an excellent coffee bean that the Japanese strictly manage and monitor the process of picking and handling beans. The top gold manning produced by P.W.N, the best coffee company in Indonesia, is collected manually by women and then screened by hand. Web66 top gold Mantenin, the color of raw beans is amber and smells like a light grassy fragrance. The taste is full-bodied and full-bodied with honey cream aroma. It is irreplaceable in the coffee market.

A few years later, Japanese veterans went to Sumatra to ask about the feasibility of exporting local "manning coffee" to Japan, and Pawani was the first company to export 15 tons of Sumatran raw beans to Japan at that time.

Because of this beautiful misunderstanding, "Manning Mandheling" has become synonymous with Sumatra coffee.

Pawani is the most famous raw bean purchasing company in Indonesia, mainly targeting Mantenin coffee species, which is completely acquired by it in the best producing areas of Indonesia. Pawani Mantenin pwn gold mantenin are native trees in the mountains of Indonesia, strict cup testing and screening, Indonesia is the main production area of Mantenin, but the Arabica coffee beans from Indonesia are not necessarily Mantenin. Pawani (abbreviated as P.W.N) is the most famous raw bean acquisition company in Indonesia, which mainly aims at Mantenin coffee tree species. It has completely acquired all the best producing areas in Indonesia, and the best mantenin coffee must come from P.W.N.

P.W.N Mantning taste super sweet, in the bitterness of the natural fruit aroma, this is the guarantee of P.W.N Manning.

Gold manning is the most representative product of P.W.N. The coffee beans produced by P.W.N are derived from the native mantenin, which are screened manually and then screened by a small number of appraisers, and the annual output is quite rare.

P.W.N Gold Mantenin unique herbal flavor and longan aroma, strong and thick flavor, rich greasy feeling, mixed with natural fruit aroma, caramel sweetness, impressive, strong and long-lasting finish.