Coffee review

An introduction to Brazil's Yellow Bourbon the characteristics of Brazil's yellow bourbon the taste of Brazil's yellow bourbon

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow Coffee Workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) bourbon (Bourbon) is a branch of Arabica coffee bean variety Typica, native to Bourbon Island in the Indian Ocean (now known as Reunion Island), generally planted in Central and South America, there are El Salvador, Brazil (Barzil), Luanda, Panama (Banam)

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Bourbon is a branch of Typica, a variety of Arabica coffee beans. It is native to Bourbon Island in the Indian Ocean (now known as Reunion Island). It is mainly planted in Central and South America, including El Salvador, Brazil (Barzil), Luanda, Panama (Banama). Wait for the place. The early bourbon (Bourbon) was a variety of Ethiopia Tibica (Typica) after it was transplanted to Yemen. It was only after France transplanted Yemenmoka round beans to the island of Bourbon on the east coast of Africa (renamed Reunion after the French Revolution) in 1715 that it was named bourbon. Bourbon beans also spread to Brazil and Central and South America in 1727, and it was also bourbon beans that were transplanted from Yemenmoka to St. Helena in 1732. The biggest difference between its appearance and the iron pickup is that the leaves are wider, the fruiting coffee fruit is smaller, and the production is more intensive, so the difference in appearance between the coffee fruit and the iron pickup is that the fruit body is smaller and more round.

Bourbon is the winner of the American boutique coffee cup test. Since 2011, Taiwan has also successfully cultivated Huang bourbon, mainly in Taichung News Society, Dongshi, Alishan, Dongshan, Pingtung and Taitung. At present, the number of plants has not yet reached the economic scale, and the quantity is rare.

Generally ripe coffee beans show a red color, but mature coffee grown in bourbon shows a yellow color, so it is generally called Yellow Bourbon. In Brazil, which is the largest exporter of coffee beans in the world, Huangbourne accounts for less than 1%, which is very precious and rare.

The cultivation of yellow bourbon coffee beans is more difficult and the yield is lower. Roasted coffee beans are dry and sweet with nutty and cocoa / chocolate aromas. Yellow bourbon beans usually use half-sun (or half-water washing), and some bourbon varieties have fruit aromas, especially the aroma and sweetness of cooking.

Among the many varieties of coffee in Brazil, yellow bourbon is one of the most outstanding varieties of coffee. Generally speaking, yellow bourbon changes from green to yellow to red, but the appearance of yellow bourbon only stays in yellow. The yellow bourbon, which grows at high altitude and is washed, has an excellent flavor.

The nose has a hint of citrus, balanced and supple acidity, rich fruit flavor and hazelnut flavor. This coffee bean has a very high performance-to-price ratio, and its unique sweetness and thickness are better than those commonly used in Brazil.
