Coffee review

Coffee producing areas: the story of American coffee producing areas what are the characteristics and flavors of American coffee beans?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) the seven coffee producing areas of Costa Rica are distributed from northwest to southeast and inland central plateau. The volcanic terrain of Costa Rica has rich volcanic ash, rich weather and abundant rainfall, which makes coffee one of the main agricultural products in Costa Rica. In terms of quantity, Colombia

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Coffee is a very proud plant, which requires high conditions for cultivation. Coffee people all know that coffee is grown in the "coffee belt", which is the growing area of high-quality coffee. The "coffee belt" is centered on the equator, and then it is best between the north-south return line of 15-25 °. Coffee is grown in more than 50 countries around the world.

Coffee beans from Latin America

Latin America refers to the American region south of the United States, including Mexico (North America), Central America, the West Indies and South America. Latin America is the hottest and wettest continent in the world. It is humid and hot at lower elevations and drier at higher elevations.

Latin American coffee originated in the 18th century and was deeply influenced by the colonial rule of Spain at that time. Spanish is also the lingua franca of most Latin American countries, while Brazil mainly uses Portuguese (because it was colonized by Portugal in the past). During the colonial rule of Spain, coffee cultivation increased greatly, but there was a lack of quality. It was not until the emergence of the concept of boutique coffee that Latin American coffee-producing countries began to pay attention to fine output. Coffee beans from Latin America are mainly sold to the United States, followed by Europe and Asia.

The flavor of coffee beans in Latin America is mainly famous for its sense of balance and mellow thickness, which is different from that of Asian coffee regions. Latin American coffee beans usually show the flavor of cocoa and dark chocolate. Coffee beans in Latin America are generally treated with water washing and fermentation, while those in Brazil are mostly half-sun, and the beans are large and complete.

On behalf of countries (regardless of ranking below)

1. Brazil (flavor characteristics: low sour taste, heavy nut chocolate taste, good mellow)

Brazil is the world's largest coffee producer and the world's second largest coffee consumer (the first is the United States). Although Brazil faces several times more natural disasters than other regions, it has enough acreage to make up for it.

Affected by the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020, Brazil has delayed picking this year's coffee, but some analysts say the number of exports this year is expected to set a record. (this information comes from the report of Coffee Finance Network.)

[Brazilian coffee bean treatment]

Compared with other Latin American countries, Brazil has a significantly low altitude, lack of microclimate, and is used to planting coffee trees without shade trees, which leads to a slightly insipid flavor of Brazilian coffee beans. There is even a saying in the coffee industry that Brazil does not have good beans (which is also related to the fact that Brazilian coffee did not pay attention to the quality of coffee beans in the past).

However, Brazil still takes great pains to improve the quality of coffee, constantly cultivating and improving Arabica varieties, and changing the coffee bean treatment method according to the dry and wet conditions of the climate to show the best regional flavor. Commonly used treatment methods are sun, half-sun, water washing, generally high humidity producing areas will use water washing, low humidity producing areas will use sun or half-sun.

[Brazilian producing areas]

Brazil has 21 states and 17 states produce coffee, but seven of them produce the most, accounting for 98% of the country's total output. They are: Sao Paulo, Parana, Bahia, Esp í rito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rondo and Rio de Janeiro.

[Brazilian coffee bean grade]

① is graded according to defect rate: there are seven levels of No2- No8 from high to low, and the number of defective beans per 300g is graded. The deduction system is used, and the deduction below 4 can be classified as No2 (No1 without a defective bean is rare and can not maintain a certain supply).

② was graded according to the size of Leguminosae: the highest grade was 17 mesh and 18 mesh.

③ cup quality classification: from high to low, Fine Cup, Fine, Good Cup, Fair Cup, Poor Cup, Bad Cup. FC (Fine Cup) and GC (Good Cup) are more common.

④ flavor grade: from high to low, Strictly Soft is very supple, Soft is very supple, Softish is a little supple, Hardish is not palatable, Rioy iodine choking taste.

[former Street Coffee Queen Manor Yellow bourbon Coffee beans as an example]

Producing area: Morgiana, Sao Paulo State

Altitude: 1400-1950m

Variety: yellow bourbon

Treatment: insolation

[suggestion on brewing coffee in Qianjie]

Cooking parameters: use Kono filter cup, 88 ℃ water temperature, 15g powder, 1:15 powder / water ratio, medium and fine grinding (BG#6W)

Using segmented extraction, 30 grams of water was steamed for 30 seconds, small water was injected around the circle to 125 grams, and when the water level was about to be exposed to the powder bed, the water injection was stopped to 225 grams, and the extraction time was 2 minutes.

[flavor description]

Taste with obvious sweetness, with a hint of lemon aroma, with a strong nutty flavor, the latter part of the performance has an obvious dark chocolate flavor, the overall feeling is more round.

2. Colombia (flavor characteristics: rich and full-bodied aroma, clear acidity, nutty flavor, good balance)

Colombia is the third largest coffee producer in the world, located in northwestern South America, and the climate varies according to the topography. The southern part of the eastern plain and the Pacific coast have a tropical rain forest climate, the mountains with an elevation of 1000-2000 meters have a subtropical climate, and the northwest has a savanna climate. Colombian coffee is not as mellow as Brazilian coffee, and its acidity is not as bright as African coffee, with a good sense of balance, nutty and sour fruit.

Affected by the COVID-19 epidemic this year, coffee production in Colombia fell by 17% in the four months to 2020 compared with the same period last year. Although the government has ordered the stable operation of the coffee economy, the impact of the epidemic is inevitable as a result of the reduction in the number of farmers and restrictions on means of transport.

[Colombian coffee bean treatment]

Colombian coffee beans are mainly washed with water. Unlike other Latin American countries, Colombia adopts a family-run model, and most coffee growers have their own washing devices, which allow growers to fully control the quality of their own coffee.

Colombian coffee is often compared with Brazilian coffee, because they are both American beans, and they are also large coffee countries. in fact, they do not have to test the flavor, but you can see the difference in the shape of beans, just because of the completely different methods of treatment. as a result, Colombian coffee beans have more silver skins, while Brazilian coffee beans have almost no silver skin. They will be very similar in the size and shape of beans, but they can be clearly distinguished by different treatments.

However, with the development of coffee market, different treatments emerge as the times require. Colombian Rose Valley Coffee and Flower Moon Night Coffee use anaerobic double enzyme washing and anaerobic solarization respectively.

[Colombian producing area]

Columbus coffee cultivation is distributed along the Andes Mountains. From south to north, the coffee producing area is divided into four major producing areas: the north, the central, the south and the east.

[northern coffee producing areas] there is only one dry season (December to March) and one rainy season (April to November) each year. Coffee blossoms in March, followed by the rainy season and harvested in October and November. The coffee producing areas in the north are subdivided into micro-producing areas such as Santander, North Santander, LaGuahira, Magdalena and Cesar.

[central coffee producing area] has two dry seasons and two rainy seasons every year, from December to February and June to September, and from March to May and September to November, which leads to two coffee harvest seasons every year. Micro-production areas include southern Antioquia, Boyaca, Caldas, Choco, Risalda, Jindio, northern Cauca Valley, Cundinamaka and northern Tolima.

[eastern coffee producing areas] Coffee cultivation is much smaller and the climate is similar to that of the north, but the rainfall and humidity are higher than those of the north. It only includes production areas such as Arauca,Casanare,Meta and Caqueta. The eastern producing areas have suffered from armed conflicts in the past and are in urgent need of coffee production to drive economic recovery. The National Coffee producers Association of Colombia is investing in helping the region grow varieties that better suit its environment, and they are also focused on helping farmers expand the size of their farms.

[southern coffee producing areas] near the equator, coffee grows in higher mountains. Like the north, there is only one wet season and one dry season in the south. The dry season is from June to September, and the rainy season comes in October and may last until May of the following year. In contrast to the north, coffee is harvested in autumn in the north, while the harvest season in the south usually begins in April and lasts until June, and raw bean merchants can supply Colombian coffee beans to customers almost all year round. In the south, there are mainly boutique coffee varieties, including Hulia in Huilan province, Cauca in Cauca province, Narino in Nari ñ o province and Tolima in Tolima province.

[former street coffee Columbia Flower Moon Night Coffee beans as an example]

Producing area: Huilan

Manor: Estevedoga Manor

Altitude: 1800m

Variety: Kaddura

Treatment method: anaerobic solarization treatment

[suggestion on brewing coffee in Qianjie]

Cooking parameters: using Hario V60 filter cup, 90 ℃ water temperature, 15 g powder, 1:15 powder / water ratio, medium and fine grinding (BG#6S)

Using segmented extraction, 30 grams of water was steamed for 30 seconds, small water was injected around the circle to 125 grams, and when the water level was about to be exposed to the powder bed, the water injection was stopped to 225 grams, and the extraction time was 2 minutes.

[flavor description]

The palate is well balanced with floral strawberries with hints of black cocoa, cream and fermentation.

3. Panama (flavor characteristics: Rose summer as the representative, unique floral aroma and bright acidity)

Panamanian caffeine is famous all over the world, which is closely related to Panama's unique physical and geographical conditions and fine management model. Panama has volcanic ash soil, sufficient air humidity and abundant solar energy resources. After Panama opened the canal at the end of the 20th century, many American elites went south, on the one hand, to demand jobs, and on the other hand, to tap business opportunities. At this time, coffee developed by leaps and bounds, which established Panama's position in boutique coffee.

[Panamanian coffee bean treatment]

When it comes to Panamanian coffee beans, most of them are rose summer varieties. In the treatment of rose summer coffee beans, it is common to use water washing and sun treatment, which can reflect the original fragrance and sour flavor of rose summer flowers, and the sun rule adds a sense of richness and sweetness on the basis. In addition, Hartman Manor's red wine treatment is also quite unique, inspired by the red wine brewing process, by controlling the PH value, temperature and humidity to adjust the quality of coffee beans.

[Panamanian producing area]

There are four main coffee producing areas in Panama: Poquet Boquete, Walken Volcan, Santa Clara Santa Clara, Kendra Piedra de Candela.

Pokuit, with an average elevation of 1450 meters, produces the most coffee and the best quality coffee in Panama, such as Emerald Manor, Arida Manor, Catova Manor and so on.

Walken producing area, with an average elevation of 2000 meters, has a mild and balanced coffee feature.

Santa Clara producing area, with an average elevation of 1500 meters, near the Panama Canal, is very convenient for transporting coffee.

The Kendra producing area, with an average elevation of 1200 meters, has attracted more and more attention in recent years, and the industry believes that it has the potential to develop high-quality stunt coffee.

[former Street Coffee Panama Hartman Coffee as an example]

Producing area: Walken

Manor: Hartman Manor

Altitude: 1250-1700m

Variety: Kaduai

Treatment: red wine treatment

[suggestion on brewing coffee in Qianjie]

Cooking parameters: using Hario V60 filter cup, 90 ℃ water temperature, 15 g powder, 1:15 powder / water ratio, medium and fine grinding (BG#6S)

Using segmented extraction, 30 grams of water for steaming for 30 seconds, small water injection to 125 grams, continue to water injection to 225 grams to stop, (steaming starts) extraction time is 2 minutes.

[flavor description]

The texture is mellow, the sweet and sour feeling is obvious, the entrance is smooth and has a very rich red wine taste, high sweetness, lively and bright acidity, rich layers, obvious aftertaste of tropical fruits, nuts, red wine, honey and sucrose, after complete cooling, yellow sugar flavor.

4. Costa Rica (flavor characteristics: nutty, floral taffy flavor, moderate sweet and sour taste, mellow)

The coffee industry in Costa Rica started early and was the first to grow coffee in Central America. Coffee was transported to Europe in 1820 and became popular in an instant, and it was once known as the "golden bean" by British aristocrats. After that, Costa Rica was freed from Spanish colonial rule, and the local government began to vigorously support the coffee industry with a series of policies, promoting the development of private estates. Increasingly wealthy coffee farmers sent their children to Europe for further study. Cheng Cheng returned to work as a doctor and engineer. Thus it can be seen that coffee farmers have a high status in Costa Rica. In addition, Costa Rica has a law that only allows the planting of Arabica coffee beans. Robusta coffee beans are "contraband" in Costa Rica, which is the only initiative in the world.

[Costa Rican coffee bean treatment]

Costa Rican coffee beans are mostly treated with water, but the most representative treatment is honey treatment, which is sweeter than water washing. Honey treatment is to retain the pectin and then dry, after the treatment of coffee beans will be as sweet as honey flavor. According to the degree of retention of pectin, it is also subdivided into white honey, yellow honey, red honey and black honey.

On the basis of honey treatment, raisin honey treatment has also been developed, that is, without peeling, coffee beans are directly placed on the sun bed overnight to make their skin shrink and look like raisins, and then the steps are the same as those of conventional honey treatment.

[Costa Rica producing area]

Costa Rica mainly has eight major coffee producing areas: West Valley in the western valley, Central Valley in the central valley, Tarrazu in Tarasu, Tres Rios in the Sanshui River, Orosi in Europe, Brunca in Brenka, Duli Alba Turrialba and Guanacaste in Guanacaster. Among them, the Central Valley, Tarazhu and Sanhe producing areas are the most famous.

Tarazhu is located in the south of the capital San Jose, 1200-1700 meters above sea level, fertile soil, good drainage, coffee season from December to March of the following year. The main feature of its production of coffee beans is that the high-altitude producing areas create an incomparable perfect taste, smooth taste, hard and full-bodied beans, rich aroma.

The central valley is 1200-1600 meters above sea level and the production season is from November to March of the following year. There are three high-altitude volcanoes in the producing area: Irazu, Barva and Poas, which provide rich nutrients for the surrounding coffee producing areas. The superior microclimate and volcanic fertile soil make the beans in the central valley have chocolate cocoa flavor and elegant aroma. The production area has three sub-production areas, namely, San Jose, Eredia and Alajuela.

Sanhe producing area, located not far east of the capital Yilazhu volcano, at 1200-1650 meters above sea level, the production season is from December to March of the following year. In recent years, the urban area has gradually extended to the suburbs, and agricultural land has been sold to developers one after another, resulting in a sharp decline in coffee production in Sanhe District, almost half of which is contracted by Starbucks, and it is not easy for the industry to buy. Aquez Grass, a well-known farm in Sanhe producing area, has a long history since it was opened in 1857. The climatic conditions in Sanhe producing area are good, and the taste balance of coffee beans produced is very good.

[former street coffee Costa Rica Bach coffee beans as an example]

Producing area: Tarazhu

Manor: Carnett Manor

Altitude: 1950m

Variety: Kaddura

Treatment: raisin honey treatment

[suggestion on brewing coffee in Qianjie]

Cooking parameters: using Hario V60 filter cup, 90 ℃ water temperature, 15 g powder, 1:15 powder / water ratio, medium and fine grinding (BG#6S)

Using segmented extraction, 30 grams of water was steamed for 30 seconds, small water was injected around the circle to 125 grams, and when the water level was about to be exposed to the powder bed, the water injection was stopped to 225 grams, and the extraction time was 2 minutes.

[flavor description]

It has fermented aroma of rice wine, sweet and sour taste of ripe tropical fruits and berries, nutty and creamy flavor, caramel in Huigan and a hint of flowers in the finish.

5. Honduras (flavor characteristics: balanced and soft, sour and slightly sweet, high alcohol and aroma)

Honduras 'coffee industry developed relatively late, far behind most of the surrounding Central American countries. With the help of the government, and learning from Brazil's development model, Honduras's coffee industry has gradually developed. Especially in 2010, the involvement of Japanese fine coffee cooperation, Honduras has the potential to transform into a superstar. Since 2011, Honduras has surpassed Guatemala in coffee production to become the country with the largest coffee production in Central America and among the top 10 coffee producers in the world.

Most Honduran coffee is exported to Europe, where Germany is the main exporter of Honduran coffee, importing nearly 40 million kilograms of Honduran coffee every year. Although some Honduran coffee is sold to the United States and Japan, sales are not as impressive as in Europe.

There are 280,000 hectares of coffee plantations in Honduras, mainly small coffee plantations, most of which are less than 3.5 hectares. These coffee plantations account for 60% of the coffee production in Honduras.

Honduras Coffee Bean Processing

Honduras 'high-quality coffee is mostly washed with water, which preserves the original flavor of the coffee beans. In addition, on the basis of the water washing method, the barrel fermentation water washing method was derived. Recently, the very popular sherry coffee beans were fermented in fine washed whiskey barrels. Freshly picked coffee fruits are washed delicately, then put into a barrel of ripe sherry wine, fermented at low temperature for 30-40 days (temperature about 15-20℃), and then dried in shade.

Honduran coffee can be divided into six major producing areas, mainly located in the west and south of the Coban region (Copan), Obalaka region Opalaca), Mondesius (Montecillos), Gongma Agua (Comayagua), Agalta Tropical (Agalta Tropical), Parasso (El Paraiso). Among them, there are three major producing areas:

Montecius: the highest altitude producing area in Honduras, the coffee is bright and layered, full of rich fruit and sweet aromas, with citrus aromas.

Koban area: coffee beans in this area have chocolate flavor, mellow taste and high sweetness.

Akata: the coffee beans in this area have a sense of honey sweetness and acidity balance, and have chocolate tonality.

However, the recent hot sherry coffee beans and lychee orchid coffee beans are not from the above six producing areas, but from Masaguara, a city in Intibu á province in southwestern Honduras.

[former street coffee Honduras Shirley coffee beans as an example]

Producing area: Masaguara

Manor: Moca Manor

Altitude: 1500-1700m

Variety: Kaddura, Kaduai, Pacas

Treatment: fine washed whisky Shirley barrel fermentation

[suggestion on brewing coffee in Qianjie]

Cooking parameters: using Hario V60 filter cup, 90 ℃ water temperature, 15 g powder, 1:15 powder / water ratio, medium and fine grinding (BG#6S)

Using segmented extraction, 30 grams of water was steamed for 30 seconds, small water was injected around the circle to 125 grams, and when the water level was about to be exposed to the powder bed, the water injection was stopped to 225 grams, and the extraction time was 2 minutes.

[flavor description]

The mouth has aromas of vanilla and cream, sour notes of citrus and berries, almonds and dark chocolate in the middle, maple syrup in the end, vanilla in the finish, clear flavor and smooth taste. The flavor is stable from hot to cold, and there is no other miscellaneous flavor.

6. Jamaica Blue Mountain (flavor features: full-bodied, mellow, sweet, sour and bitter)

Jamaica is an island in the Caribbean. Jamaica's Blue Mountains are the highest in the Western Caribbean (2256m above sea level, only below 1700m can stop coffee, above is a protected forest). Blue Mountain is located in the coffee belt of 25 degrees north latitude, with fertile volcanic soil, fresh air, year-round rain, high humidity, large temperature difference between day and night, regular rainfall and under the hazy clouds on the island, keep the coffee trees away from the hot sun.

[Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee Bean treatment]

Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee beans are mainly washed with water. This is to ensure the standard flavor of Blue Mountain Coffee, but this year we all have some luck. The sun version of Blue Mountain Coffee has been successfully produced. The sun treatment of Blue Mountain Coffee can be said to be an unprecedented innovative attempt, and the R & D team has also gone through thousands of experiences. Not only can it be exported without washing raw beans with the permission of the Ministry of Agriculture of Jamaica, but also to inspect and learn from the experience of excellent manors many times to adjust the treatment plan.

[Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee Bean grading]

There are three grades of coffee in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica: blue Mountain Coffee (Blue Mountain Coffee), Alpine Coffee (Jamaica High Mountasin Supreme Coffee Beans) and Jamaican Coffee (Jamaica Prime Coffee Beans).

There are grades under the Blue Mountain Coffee. From high to low is: blue Mountain No. 1, Blue Mountain No. 2, Blue Mountain No. 3, PB (also known as public beans, round beans).

Blue Mountain No. 1 (No.1): 96% of raw beans are 17x18-mesh beans, with a defect rate of less than 2%.

Blue Mountain No.2 (No.2): 96% of raw beans are 16x17-mesh beans, with a defect rate of less than 2%.

Blue Mountain No. 3 (No.3): 96% of raw beans are beans with 15 grams and 16 mesh, with a defect rate of less than 2%.

PB:96% raw beans are PB, and the defect rate is less than 2%.

[Former Street Coffee Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee Bean as an Example]

Production area: Blue Mountain

Manor: Clifton Manor

Altitude: 1310m

Type: Iron Pickup

Treatment: Water

[Front Street Coffee Brewing Advice]

Brewing parameters: Kono filter cup used, water temperature 88℃, 15 grams of powder, 1:15 powder to water ratio, medium fine grinding (BG #6W)

Steaming for 30 seconds with 30 grams of water was carried out, water was injected into the circle to 125 grams, and the water level was reduced to 225 grams, and the extraction time was 2 minutes.

[Flavor Description]

Clean and mild taste, rich and mellow, dark chocolate, nuts, cream, sour and bitter balance.

7. Guatemala (flavor characteristics: fruity, sweet and sour balance)

Although Guatemala has a small land area, it is endowed with mountains and seas, tropical rain forest, volcanic geology, plateau vertical valley and changeable microclimate. These geographical environment factors have created the unique coffee flavor of Guatemala.

The average altitude of Guatemala is high, the coffee belt is distributed above 1500m above sea level, and it is easy to grow extremely hard beans. The proportion of high-quality beans is very high, mainly Bourbon, Tibika, Kadura and Kaduai coffee beans.

[Guatemala Coffee Bean Processing]

Guatemala coffee beans are mainly washed by water, supplemented by solarization. The washing method ensures the fruity flavor of Guatemala coffee beans, and the sun method enhances its richness and layering on this basis.

[Guatemala production area]

Guatemala is divided into eight producing areas, five volcanic producing areas and three non-volcanic producing areas, namely Antigua, Traditional Attitlan, Coban Rainforest, New Oriental, San Marcos Volcano, Acatiranco Valley, Vivi Plateau and Farahannis Plain.

Even if it is the same producing area, the flavor may not be the same, for example, in the Weiwei Plateau, across a mountain, the flavor of coffee can immediately feel a great change, coupled with the variety, processing method increasingly diverse, coffee flavor presents a situation of contention.

[Non-volcanic production]

Vivi plateau production area, in Guatemala three non-volcanic coffee production areas, the driest climate, the highest altitude. Coffee bean flavor characteristics are high acidity, bitter and fragrant, with wine aftertaste, taste good.

Coban rainforest production area, the biggest feature of this area is rainforest, there are two seasons a year, heavy rainy season and light rainy season, the tropical rainforest in this area is accompanied by high humidity and sufficient nutrients, the biggest feature of coffee flavor is strong fruit fragrance, which is closely related to the high humidity of the local area.

New Oriental region, located in the easternmost part of Guatemala, coffee cultivation started the latest and was once the most remote and poorest area of Guatemala. The rainy, foggy character makes it somewhat similar to the Coban rainforest, but with less moisture and rainfall. The soil is rich in minerals and balanced in nutrients. Coffee bean flavor characteristics are balanced taste, full body, with chocolate flavor, but fruit acid flavor is the lowest among the eight regions of Guatemala, chocolate flavor is the main feature of New Oriental.

[Volcano producing area]

Antigua producing area, one of the most famous coffee producing areas in Guatemala, has the highest frequency of awards and is named "Classic". The most important characteristics of its producing area are rich volcanic soil, low humidity, sufficient sunshine and large temperature difference between day and night. The region is surrounded by three volcanoes: Agua, Fuego and Acatenango. Fuego is one of the three most active volcanoes in Guatemala. Due to frequent volcanoes, volcanic pumice can maintain humidity and provide continuous volcanic ash and minerals for the soil in this area. It overcomes the deficiency of less rainfall in Antigua producing area and creates the balanced flavor characteristics of sweet, bitter and spicy local coffee.

The Aktiran Valley region, with an altitude of up to 2000 meters, dense shade, unique ecology, constant volcanic eruptions nearby, makes the soil rich in various fertile minerals, making it the best natural fertilizer in the region. Coffee processing is mainly done in the traditional way of home. Coffee bean flavor characteristics are similar to Andi melon, but slightly lower fruit acid flavor, dry and wet aroma significantly, pleasant, mellow full, clear aftertaste, aroma refreshing.

The traditional Attitlan region, which has the most organic content of soil among the five volcanic regions, has accumulated excellent cultivation and processing techniques for a long time. 90% of coffee is cultivated on the slopes of the Attitlan Lake, at an altitude of about 1300-2000 meters. Coffee bean flavor characteristics are mild acidity, with bright orange peel aroma, good body.

Farrahannis plain region, volcanic region, high altitude, rich in minerals in the soil, coffee bean flavor tends to be balanced, but compared to Antigua has a more unique aroma and flavor.

[former street coffee Antigua flower god coffee beans as an example]

Producing area: Antigua

Manor: Raminita Manor

Altitude: 1850m

Varieties: bourbon, Kaddura, Kaduai

Treatment method: washing treatment method

[suggestion on brewing coffee in Qianjie]

Cooking parameters: using Hario V60 filter cup, 90 ℃ water temperature, 15 g powder, 1:15 powder / water ratio, medium and fine grinding (BG#6S)

Using staged extraction, 30 grams of water was steamed for 30 seconds, small water was injected around the circle to 125 grams, and continued to be injected to 225 grams. The extraction time was 2 minutes.

[flavor description]

Citrus acid is more obvious, rich floral aroma, pleasant sweetness, medium mellow, the latter part has a slight caramel feeling, the whole is balanced and clean, smooth texture.