Coffee review

Beans of World Fine Coffee Coffee characteristics of World Fine Coffee

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, For more information on coffee beans, please follow the coffee workshop (official Wechat account cafe_style) Front Street Coffee briefly describes the coffee flavor characteristics of various countries [Central America and the Caribbean] beans produced in Mexico have a proper sour, soft and clear taste with a sweet aroma. Beans from Guatemala have cocoa, faint aromas of flowers, drupes and oranges.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Qianjie Coffee briefly describes the coffee flavor characteristics of various countries

[central America and the Caribbean] beans from Mexico have a properly sour, soft, clear taste and a sweet aroma. Beans from Guatemala have fresh and sour flavors of cocoa, faint floral aromas, drupes and citrus. El Salvador beans do not have a bright and strong fragrance, but they are a blend of meek and sweet flavors. The boutique beans here in Honduras continue to grow, with regional beans, some with refreshing sweetness in the aroma and others with a comfortable sour taste. Nicaraguan beans have a slightly sour, clear and rich flavor, similar to those of Guatemala, Mexico or Kenya. Costa Rican coffee beans have clear and moderate acidity and sweetness, and their early soft mellowness and balance are excellent. Panamanian rose summer is a representative variety, with complex and gorgeous flower and fruit aromas, rich and refreshing sour taste is very prominent.

[South America] Colombian coffee is often called "mild coffee" and has rich sour and soft fruity aromas. Brazilian coffee beans have a nutty flavor and a thick sweetness similar to dark chocolate.

[Africa] Kenya is characterized by a heavy body and a sour taste similar to red wine. Ethiopia is the birthplace of Arabica coffee, Yegashev coffee is considered to be the highest grade, with rich floral aroma and refreshing sour taste. Rwandan coffee has a soft and saturated aroma with hints of berries. Burundian coffee beans are relatively large in appearance, with the sweet and sour taste of refreshing tropical fruit and a mild sour taste. Tanzanian coffee beans have a high-quality refreshing sour taste, although the mellow slightly weak, but clarity and balance are its advantages.

[Asia] Coffee from India is moderately sour with a complex and subtle spice finish. Indonesia is 90% Robusta, although Arabica beans are relatively few, but have a unique earthy flavor, as well as strong spice aroma. The famous Kopi Luwak is here. It has a unique flavor and is one of the most expensive coffee in the world. Vietnamese coffee has a little rich aroma and supple and harmonious taste. Yemeni coffee beans are very small and strong, with rich fruit flavor and thick taste of excellent coffee.

[Oceania and Pacific Coast] Coffee beans produced in Australia have chocolate-like sweetness and distinctive sour taste. Coffee beans in Papua New Guinea are rich in floral aroma, as well as refreshing sour and harmonious sweetness. Hawaiian Kona coffee has citrus aromas and soft acidity, with a clear finish.