Coffee review

Starbucks Cacicero Coffee beans Guatemala Cicero Coffee Bean Story

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, For more information about coffee beans, please follow the Coffee Workshop (official account Wechat cafe_style) Front Street-Guatemala Cucicero introduction Guatemala Antigua Valley is located in central Central America in a lush highlands, here has been destroyed by volcanoes, and is famous for volcanoes, this is where Starbucks Guatemala Cucicero coffee beans grow. Guatemala

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Qianjie-introduction to Cacicero, Guatemala

Located in the lush highlands of central Central America, the Antigua Valley of Guatemala has been destroyed and famous by volcanoes. This is where Starbucks Guatemala Cicero coffee beans grow.

In Spanish, Cassicero means "like heaven".

Guatemala is one of the centers of Mayan culture of ancient Indians. In the Mayan-Toltec language, Guatemala means "forested land". 2/3 of the land area is a plateau. High altitude, mild climate, plenty of sunshine, cool temperature at night and periodic rainy season provide good natural conditions for coffee cultivation in Guatemala. At the same time, Guatemala has many active volcanoes, and the fertile soil allows the region to produce the world's top coffee.

In 1523, the Spaniards came to Guatemala, where they destroyed the local Mayan culture and began colonial rule in Guatemala. During this period of destruction, most of the Mayan books were destroyed and only a small number were preserved. At the same time, in 1524, Guatemala was completely colonized by Spain.

Antigua was the capital of the Spanish colonial era in 1543. Although it is in a valley surrounded by layers of active volcanoes, its mysterious, broad and extremely fertile land still tempts Spaniards to establish a capital in this cliff valley. Later, the place was instantly swallowed up by volcanoes, and after the disaster, the place became a place of operation for Indians, tenacious and hardworking Indians, who grew coffee that attracted worldwide attention.

Guatemala Cacicero

Processing method: washing method

Producing area: Latin America

Flavor: cocoa caramel

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