Coffee review

What is a shaded coffee tree? What are the effects of the benefits of shaded coffee on the flavor characteristics of coffee beans

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Coffee grown in the shade is grown under the canopy of tall trees, which provide shade. Traditionally, coffee has been grown in this way under the canopy of a natural forest, which has many benefits. However, pressure to increase crop yields has led some coffee crops to grow under reduced shading and / or direct sunlight, which requires greater use of pesticides and non-

Coffee grown in the shade is grown under the canopy of tall trees, which provide shade. Traditionally, coffee has been grown in this way-under the canopy of natural forests-and there are many benefits if you do so. However, pressure to increase crop yields has led some coffee crops to be planted with less shade and / or direct sunlight, which requires greater use of pesticides and non-natural fertilizers.

There are several types of shade grown coffee, depending on the type and quantity of shade provided by shade trees.

Countryside: when using this method, native plants are rarely removed. This is the least invasive method in coffee cultivation, the least management, and no use of non-natural pest control.

Traditional mixed farming: this method is based on growing coffee crops and other intentional crops under native shade trees and other fauna. Compared with the rural approach, it involves more modification and removal of native plants and provides farmers with marketable coffee beans and other crops (fruits, vegetables, medicines, etc.) that can be used at home or sold on the market.

Commercial mixed culture: in terms of the types of crops grown (coffee and other useful plants), similar to traditional mixed culture, commercial mixed culture is different in that it involves the removal of leaves to make room for coffee crops. Shade trees are pruned and epiphytes (harmless creatures that live on other plants and provide diverse habitats for other creatures) are removed. This shaded coffee usually contains a certain level of fertilizers and pesticides, and the only vegetation layer is the canopy and coffee.

Shadow single cultivation: coffee crops are more intensive and more tightly managed. Only one or two kinds of trees-regularly pruned-provide shade for crops. Most of the native plants have been removed from this category to make room for coffee crops.

Shadowless monoculture (plenty of sunlight): coffee trees are directly exposed to the sun-there is no crown except for a few isolated trees. These plants require a high level of pest control, and native forests have been destroyed.

The benefits of shade coffee

It tastes good

Because shade coffee ripens more slowly, it usually provides a more complex taste and is more delicious than other coffees. In addition, coffee grown in shade can promote pollination of coffee and other nearby plants.

Protect the natural ecosystem

Shade-grown coffee plays a role in the natural ecosystem, contributing to and getting help. Shade trees provide a lot of nutrients for coffee plants and the surrounding soil, natural enemies help control coffee pests, and shade trees help protect coffee crops from frost.

Conservation of natural biodiversity

Migratory and tropical birds, reptiles, ants, butterflies and many other creatures and plants make their home in the canopy. This biodiversity has had a positive impact on the environment as a whole, beyond the canopy of locally grown coffee.

Protect local water supply

The roots of coffee plants help to intercept runoff and keep the local water supply clean and pure. Intercepting runoff also helps to prevent erosion. Coffee grown in shade requires less irrigation than coffee grown in the sun.

Maintain atmospheric balance

Coffee grown in the shade helps reduce deforestation by keeping trees standing, which helps maintain atmospheric balance due to carbon sequestration.