Coffee review

What is cold coffee cold coffee iced coffee how long to brew cold water or hot water

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Cold coffee is one of the essential drinks we can enjoy on a hot summer day. Choosing the coffee beans best suited for cold brewing from the many choices can be a bit confusing. Front Street shares some of the best coffee beans every time, so that everyone can get delicious coffee. Next, let Qianjie introduce you to the cold extract


Cold coffee is one of the essential drinks we can enjoy on hot summer days. Standing in front of the blackboard of coffee in front of the street, looking at the dazzling variety of coffee, all the knowledge of the producing area was immediately left behind. I don't know where to start. This time, let's ask Qianjie to introduce you to the cold extract coffee.

What is cold coffee?

Cold coffee is made in a completely different way from ordinary hot coffee. Only literally, cold-extracted coffee is extracted with cooler water. However, it may be that ice hand brewing coffee or iced American coffee is produced with ice plus coffee. Qianjie has also encountered many mistakes in using ice hand brewing coffee as a cold extracted coffee partner.

iced americano

To clearly identify what cold-extracted coffee is, you only need to look at the temperature of the water used in the extraction process. Cold-extracted coffee generally uses low-temperature water at room temperature or even close to 0 degrees Celsius to extract coffee. In other words, whether it is iced American coffee or iced hand brewed coffee, even if it is finally produced at a low temperature, it cannot be counted as a kind of cold extracted coffee because it is extracted with hot water in contact with coffee powder.

Cold-extracted coffee can be roughly divided into two types according to the way it is made. One is the cold-soaked coffee, which is completely soaked in low-temperature water for a long time, and the other is the ice-soaked coffee, which is extracted by dripping ice water on the coffee powder.

In the shops of Qianjie Coffee, due to the limitation of equipment, there is only ice drop coffee in the cold coffee produced by Qianjie Coffee.


The point of cold coffee is that the temperature is very low. First of all, one concept to know is that coffee beans contain 30% soluble matter, but coffee making is just a process of extracting some of the better flavor substances in coffee. The higher the temperature of the water used, the faster the various soluble substances in coffee precipitate: sour substances move the fastest, followed by sweet substances, while bitter substances move the slowest. The increase in temperature will be accompanied by an increase in the total amount of these flavor substances.

On the contrary, if the water temperature is very low, the longer it takes to extract a certain amount of flavor substances. That's why people who want to taste ice drops of a particular type of coffee at Qianjie stores need to make a reservation two days in advance.

What kind of coffee beans are suitable for making cold extract coffee?

Due to the low water temperature used in the production of cold-extracted coffee, the precipitation rate of flavor substances in coffee beans slowed down greatly after the coffee powder came into contact with water, resulting in a reduction in the extraction of some bitter substances with high molecular weight. therefore, it highlights the sweet and sour flavor of coffee.


In this way, Qianjie recommends the use of lightly roasted coffee beans with better acidity, such as Kenya, or coffee beans with distinctive flavor and unique flavor, such as Honduran Shirley.

The process of making iced coffee from Honduran sherry beans in front street coffee

Next, Qianjie uses Honduran Shirley coffee beans as an example to explain the process of making cold-extracted coffee. First of all, Qianjie will introduce this kind of beans to you first.


Honduran sherry coffee beans use the method of delicate washing and fermentation of sherry whisky barrel. The cleaned shell beans are put into the whiskey barrel of sherry and fermented at low temperature for 30 to 40 days. Let the wine flavor substances in the barrel better penetrate into the coffee raw beans. Finally, evenly spread out in a cool place to dry to prevent the wine-scented substances from breaking down into unpleasant acidity due to the high temperature of direct sunlight.

In the whisky circle, the malt is germinated, dried, ground, saccharified, fermented, and finally distilled into a barrel for a long time to mature. Among them, 75% of the whisky flavor comes from mature buckets, which are made of different materials and soaked in different liquids, and the flavor will be different. Among various types of whisky, Shirley barrel whisky has captured a large number of whisky glutton and whisky Xiaobai because of its rich sweet flavor. On the other hand, the Honduran sherry coffee beans on the front street inherit the sweetness of Shirley whisky to some extent due to the use of sherry whisky barrels for low-temperature fermentation.

In order to retain the soft acidity of Central American beans, moderate roasting of Honduran Shirley coffee beans was carried out in Qianjie when setting the baking curve.


Qianjie Coffee tested the roasted Honduran Shirley and showed rich vanilla and creamy flavors, soft berry acidity, and obvious oak aroma after the raspberry acid dissipated.

Powder quantity: 60 grams

Ratio of powder to water: 1:10

Water temperature: 0 °C-4 °C

Time: 6 Murray 8 hours

Grinding degree: 85% pass rate of China No. 20 standard screen


Coffee powder cup contains 60g coffee powder, extract 600ml coffee liquid, cold extract coffee gouache ratio at 1:10. In the choice of grinding degree, because the water temperature of contact powder is lower than that of ordinary hand-brewed coffee, it will choose a slightly finer scale than hand-brewed coffee. Judging by the No. 20 sieve, the screening rate will be about 85%. The mixing ratio of ice to water is about 1:1 and the throttle valve is controlled at a flow rate of 7 drops / 10 seconds. And spread a piece of moist filter paper on the powder bed for more uniform extraction. The whole extraction time lasts about 8 hours. After the extraction is completed, the coffee liquid will be bottled in the refrigerator for 12 hours before drinking.

After a night of fermentation, the ice drop coffee made from sherry beans has obvious berry acidity, with rich sweetness of chocolate, nuts and preserved fruit in Shirley whisky.

How long can I keep the cold coffee?

As the cold-extracted coffee takes a long time to make, some partners prefer to mass-produce and store it. The question of how long the cold coffee can be preserved has also perplexed many friends.


Qianjie suggests that cold-extracted coffee should be placed in a sealed container and refrigerated in the refrigerator.

After the cold-extracted coffee was sealed and preserved, the coffee liquid began to ferment, and with the extension of time, the fermented flavor became stronger and stronger, resulting in a rotten and spoiled flavor. Qianjie Coffee has recorded that on the fifth day of cold storage, the flavor of cold extracted coffee weakens and is replaced by a strong sense of fermentation. For the sake of safety, Qianjie recommends drinking the cold-extracted coffee within a week after the extraction is completed.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

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