Coffee review

The effect of temperature change on the production of Coffee

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, In the process of learning to make coffee, we should not only learn the method of making coffee, but also master the temperature of coffee production and the grinding technology of coffee powder. Because the internal substances of coffee are more complex, if you make coffee a little carelessly, it will make the coffee very bad, so we should learn how to make a cup of coffee that tastes better and is more popular. When doing coffee tasting

In the process of learning to make coffee, we should not only learn the method of making coffee, but also master the temperature of coffee production and the grinding technology of coffee powder. Because the internal substances of coffee are more complex, if you make coffee a little carelessly, it will make the coffee very bad, so we should learn how to make a cup of coffee that tastes better and is more popular.

The tongue, nose and taste senses of coffee tasters also have different receptive abilities at different temperatures.

Sour things will be more peaceful at high temperature (such as Hot Lemon Tea)

To reduce the sweetness of (ice cream, for example) at low temperatures.

The concentration of the aroma is also obvious in the high temperature (high-end western restaurants will warm the ice cream a little and then give it to the guests. At this time, the sweetness and aroma will be more full.)

But when the concentration is too high, not everyone can tell.

If the concentration is too high, people who are not used to it will bring a bitter reaction (just like the first taste of ESP)

These different reactions affect the flavor changes of the contents in the cup from high temperature, medium temperature to low temperature.


A good coffee roaster will master the characteristics of beans and bake beans that perform well under all temperature changes.

Good baristas know how to brew different materials at different temperatures, while tasters have to learn to taste the flavor changes at different temperatures. Don't waste their attention.
