Coffee review

Chemex hand flush pot Chemex hand flush pot usage

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, This beautiful pot was invented in 1941 by Peter J. Schlumbohm, a doctor of chemistry born in Germany, and named Chemex in the United States. This coffee pot has a history of nearly 70 years. The doctor modified it based on the glass funnel and flask in the laboratory, especially adding an exhaust passage and pour which Dr. Schlumbohm called (air channel).

This beautiful pot was invented in 1941 by German-born Peter J. Schlumbohm, Ph.D. in chemistry, and was produced in the United States under the name Chemex®. This coffee pot has been nearly 70 years old. Dr. Schlumbohm modified it from the glass funnel and conical flask in the laboratory, adding what Dr. Schlumbohm called an air channel and pouring port. With this exhaust channel, not only can the hot air generated avoid the filter paper when brewing coffee, so that the coffee extraction is more complete, but also the coffee can be easily poured along the groove. And in the middle with removable anti-scalding wood handle, and then with fine leather string knot fixed, like a beautiful girl slim waist bow.

Chemex's design and craftsmanship have made it a permanent part of MOMA(Museum of Modern Art), The Smithsonian and Philadelphia Museum collections. If the museum has it, then I have to own it!

How to use Chemex Hand Flushing Pot: