Coffee review

Ethiopia washes cooked beans of grade G2 boutique coffee in Yega Xuefei YCFCU Dama Cooperative

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Dama Coop G2 country: Ethiopia Grade: G2 producing area: Yegashafi area Dama Village elevation: 1800-2200 m treatment method: washing variety: local native species (Heirloom) producer: Dama cooperative flavor: lemon peel, black tea, dried longan, Huaxiang Isopia there are eight major producing areas respectively: Ekempti

Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Dama Coop G2

Country: Ethiopia Fiscal year: 2003

Grade: G2

Production area: Dama Village, Yejia Shefei District

Altitude: 1800-2200 m

Treatment method: washing

Breed: Native species (Heirloom)

Producer: Dama Cooperative

Flavor: lemon peel, black tea, dried longan, floral

Ethiopia has eight main producing areas: Ekempti, Limu, Illubabor, Djimma, Harrar, Teppi/Bebeka, Sidamo and Yirgacheffe. Yirgacheffe is located in the Gedeo region of southern Ethiopia, which is better known as Yirgacheffe and Kochere. Yirgacheffe coffee has a unique flavor, unique style and popularity, so it has a unique product classification and has always occupied a place in the global fine coffee market. Yirgacheffe, located in Sidama province, is itself a small town, adjacent to three small producing areas Wenago, Kochere and Gelena Abaya, because the flavor of coffee produced is almost the same as that of Yirgacheffe, so Kochere is also classified as Yirgacheffe. In November 2009, Ethiopia implemented a new trading and grading system, the establishment of commodity exchange (ECX), coffee and other agricultural products are publicly auctioned by this official body, in addition to Yejia Shefei, the new Wenago, Kochere, Genlena Abaya three sub-producing areas, we can see that the flavor of these three producing areas is extremely detailed and can be subdivided. Since the ECX system was introduced in 2008, most green coffee beans have been sold through bidding under this auction system, but cooperatives are not covered by this regulation, they can directly contact buyers, negotiate and export.

Dama Coop is one of 26 co-operatives of The Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperatives Union (YCFCU), a modern table of more than 50,000 coffee farmers belonging to more than 300,000 family representatives, founded in June 2002, all 26 co-operatives are located in the southern Gedeo region of Ethiopia, which is one of the most important coffee producing regions in Ethiopia. Dama Coop is a group of 1728 male and 237 female small coffee farmers in Yirgacheffe, founded in 1979 and joined the YCFCU Cooperative Union in 2002. These smallholder coffee farmers cultivate an average area of less than 4 hectares at an altitude of about 1800-2200 m and mainly mix Typica and Heirloom(indigenous species) coffee varieties. Every one to two years, members of the cooperative vote to elect an executive committee, who can decide on new equipment purchases, exchange business information with members, and payment methods for transactions. In addition, YCFCU assigns professional managers to cooperatives to give guidance and advice on harvest, production and other processes to increase production and improve quality. The establishment of the cooperative allows its farmers to avoid exploitation by buyers at low prices. In times of economic difficulties, the cooperative can also provide loan assistance, which is quite beneficial to farmers and coffee production.

This batch of Dama Coop is a water wash batch. Flavor characteristics: lemon peel, black tea, dried longan, flower fragrance, kumquat, sweet smooth mouth, fruit acid layer, taste has a variety of fruit fragrance flavor, sweet aftertaste.