Coffee review

Costa Rican coffee Xi Jinping visits Costa Rican farmers to pick coffee flowers and ask Peng Liyuan to smell the flowers.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, I have been a farmer and have worked at the grass-roots level in rural areas for many years. Later, in counties, cities,

I have been a farmer and have worked at the grass-roots level in rural areas for many years. Later, when I worked in counties, cities, provinces and the central government, I often went to the countryside to meet the peasants and learn about their food and clothing, their joys and sorrows. It is a very important task for us to do a good job in rural work, especially to concentrate our efforts on helping the rural poor get rid of poverty and become rich, so that all farmers can lead a happy life.

-- Xi Jinping

President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan, who are on a state visit to Costa Rica, visited the Zamora family of local farmers on the 3rd.

Tasting coffee on the plantation

In the afternoon, Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan and their entourage drove to the small town of Santo Domingo in Eredia province. Zamora's family, who lived in the town, greeted them early in front of the door. Zamora and his wife, who are in their 70s, warmly welcome distinguished guests from China, introduce their families and daily lives, and show off their clean and tidy farmhouses.

The Zamora family make a living by growing coffee. Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan came to the coffee plantation behind the house, looked at it while walking, and asked about the cultivation, production and sales of coffee. Zamora says he has been growing coffee for 52 years and that coffee is the main source of family income. His children and grandchildren all live nearby and often come to help him with his farm work.

The Zamora couple invited Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan to the cabin in the backyard to taste their own coffee. In the cabin hung the Zamora family's own produce. The whole family sat around the Chinese distinguished guests. Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan chatted with them.

As the saying goes, bless Costa Rican farmers.

Xi Jinping said: this is my first visit to Costa Rica. The people here are simple, hardworking and wise. I'd like to see the lives of ordinary people here. Your family lives in the same house for three generations, which is exactly the answer to the Chinese saying, "Family and everything is prosperous." I bless your family.

Xi Jinping told the Zamora family that I had been a farmer and had worked at the grass-roots level in the countryside for many years. Later, when I worked in counties, cities, provinces and the central government, I often went to the countryside to meet the peasants and learn about their food and clothing, their joys and sorrows. It is a very important task for us to do a good job in rural work, especially to concentrate our efforts on helping the rural poor get rid of poverty and become rich, so that all farmers can lead a happy life.

Take a group photo at parting as a souvenir

Zamora said he hopes Chinese consumers will also taste his home-made coffee. Xi Jinping said: during my visit, China and Colombia signed a number of agricultural trade agreements, and more high-quality Costa Rican agricultural products will be exported to China.

Zamora thanked Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan for being a guest at home on behalf of the whole family. He said: we feel very honored to receive distinguished Chinese guests. Alberto, Zamora's youngest son, said: President Xi Jinping's visit reflects the deep friendship of the Chinese people towards the Costa Rican people, and we will always remember this day.

Xi Jinping thanked the host family for their warm and friendly hospitality and took a group photo with them. Zamora and his family saw the distinguished Chinese guests out of the door and waved goodbye.

Wang Huning, Li Zhanshu, Yang Jiechi and others attended the event.

Peng Liyuan itinerary

Visit the children's hospital and give away panda toys

On the morning of June 3, local time, President Xi Jinping's wife Peng Liyuan, accompanied by Emile, the mother of President Chinchilla, visited the National Children's Hospital in Costa Rica. Peng Liyuan was introduced by the person in charge of the hospital. The hospital has set up a special school for hospitalized children to help them with their lessons. Peng Liyuan came into the classroom and watched the children perform a chorus and flute solo. A child presented her paintings to Peng Liyuan. Peng Liyuan presented panda toys to the children and paper-cut made by Chinese children to the hospital. Peng Liyuan wishes the children an early recovery and the opportunity to go to China to see real giant pandas in the future.

Article source: Beijing Times

Coffee beans details:

Country: Costa Rica

Grade: SHB

Producing area: Tarazhu

Producer: Tarazhu local small farmers

Treatment: washing

Variety: Kaddura, Kaduai

Manor: Diamond Hill Manor

Flavor: soft orange notes, toast, caramel sweet, clean taste