Coffee review

Where do coffee shops usually buy coffee beans? Where can I buy cheap coffee or coffee beans?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, If you prefer not to spend too much money, learning to pick coffee beans is the first and most important step. To make a good cup of coffee, in addition to its own technology, the most important thing is how to choose the best coffee beans and how to better preserve them. And here, I want to make a few small suggestions, when buying coffee, it's better to buy coffee beans rather than ground coffee.

If you prefer not to spend too much money, learning to choose coffee beans is the first and most important step. If you want to make a good cup of coffee, in addition to your own technology, the most important thing is how to select high-quality coffee beans and how to better preserve them.

Here, I would like to make a few suggestions: when buying coffee, it is best to buy coffee beans rather than ground coffee powder. although they are all the same in essence, the actual situation is that the ground coffee powder is very easy to oxidize and is not easy to be preserved, even if the coffee powder that seems to be preserved for a long time is actually added with a lot of preservatives. This will greatly affect the taste of the later brewed coffee, so if you want to make a good cup of coffee, the best and most correct thing to do is to grind the coffee on the spot before brewing it. Only in this way can you keep the coffee mellow and taste to the greatest extent. Ordinary coffee beans can be preserved for about a month or so, but if it is coffee powder, it should not exceed five days at most.

Country: Kenya

Grade: AA

Production area: Nyeri Central Dashan area

Altitude: 1600-2300 m

Soil quality: volcanic clay

Treatment: washing

Variety: SL28,SL34

Processing plant: Gatugi processing plant

Producer: small coffee farmers

Flavor: floral aroma, blackcurrant, cranberry

Kenya, located in East Africa, is one of the major coffee producing countries. More than 6 million people in the country are engaged in the coffee industry, mostly in the form of a combination of small farmers and cooperatives.

Coffee trees in Kenya are mostly planted at 1400-2000 meters above sea level, and the growing areas include Ruiri,Thika, Kirinyaga, Mt.KenyaWest, Nyeri, Kiambu and Muranga. Mainly in the foothills of Mt.Kenya and Aberdare.

There are many producing areas in Kenya that strive to preserve the native forest ecosystem, protect the natural gene pool, support the reproduction of wild coffee varieties and breed a variety of coffee trees.

In 1930, the unique Kenyan varieties SL28 and SL34, which were cultivated and named by the "ScottLaboratories" laboratory, were born in such a good environment.