Coffee review

Panamanian Boguet Rose Summer content 30% Cupid how to turn coffee beans into coffee beans

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Choose fresh coffee beans. When buying, pay attention to whether the color of the beans and the size of the particles are the same. Good coffee beans are shiny and have a strong aroma without being mixed with peculiar smell. No matter what kind of coffee beans, freshness is an important factor affecting the quality. When shopping, grab one or two coffee beans and chew them in your mouth with crisp sound (indicating that the coffee is not damp) and teeth and cheeks.

Choose fresh coffee beans. Pay attention to whether the color and particle size of the beans are consistent when purchasing. Good coffee beans have a bright and shiny appearance, and have a strong aroma without mixing odors. No matter what kind of coffee beans, freshness is an important factor affecting quality. When purchasing, grab one or two coffee beans in the mouth to chew, to crisp sound (indicating that the coffee is not wet), teeth cheek fragrance is the top grade, but it is best to pinch with your hand, feel whether solid, rather than buy crispy shell coffee. If the coffee beans have lost their aroma or smell old, it means that the coffee beans are no longer fresh and are not suitable for purchase.

Freshly fried coffee beans are not suitable for immediate drinking and should be stored for a week in order to completely release the gases in the beans.

Generally speaking, the best drinking period of coffee is one week after frying, when the coffee beans are the freshest and the aroma (Aroma) tastes the best.

In addition, the purity of coffee beans is also another consideration factor, experts choose coffee, not necessarily to see the size of the particles, but to grab a handful of single coffee beans (Regional Coffee), about dozens of weight, to see whether the color of each single bean is consistent, particle size, shape is similar, so as not to buy mixed beans disguised as inferior products. But if it is a comprehensive bean (Blended Coffee), the size, color difference is a normal phenomenon. In addition, heavy fire and medium and deep roasting method will cause coffee beans to be oily, but if the beans are lightly roasted, it means that they have deteriorated, not only the degree of fragrance is reduced, but also astringent and sour. In short, when buying coffee, you should pay attention to its freshness, aroma and whether it has an old taste, and the ideal purchase quantity is to drink it in half a month. Two methods of coffee bean production after harvest to the market before shipment to remove the skin, pulp, skin and silver. There are two methods: drying (also known as natural method or non-washing) and washing.

Country: Panama

Level: SHB

Origin: Baru Volcano

Altitude: 1600-1650m

Annual rainfall: 3500 mm

Treatment: honey treatment and traditional washing

Variety: Kaduai, Kadura, containing 30% rose

Harvest year: 2015

Raw beans specification: 17-18 mesh

Flavor: White grape, caramel, honey, black tea

From the B.O.P competition's winning region!

Panamanian coffee originated in 1780, when European immigrants introduced the first Tipica species. Located in Central America, the natural advantages of sunshine, land and mountains, coupled with sufficient labor population, make this area an excellent area for growing high-quality fine coffee, which is a paradise for breeding coffee. In particular, Geisha coffee produced in Panama has driven the global trend of attention to fine coffee and successfully attracted interest in Panamanian coffee in the global market. Boquete is Panama's oldest and most famous coffee-producing region, located east of the Baru volcano and is a plateau with an average elevation of about 1,000 - 2,000 meters. Among them, Volcan Baru National Park is an ecological conservation area, rich in biodiversity, with a variety of microclimates, coupled with the year-round haze, abundant rainfall, creating a very good local cultivation conditions, making the coffee with a unique aroma, Panama coffee production is the most, the best quality production. Every harvest season, coffee farmers will wash the delicate method, and drying in the sun, so that coffee beans full and pure flavor.