Coffee review

How much is Kopi Luwak? a jin of Blue Mountain Coffee costs Starbucks Coffee.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Blue Mountain Coffee Editor Blue Mountain Coffee refers to coffee made from coffee beans from the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. According to the grade, it is divided into Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee and Jamaican Alpine Coffee. The Blue Mountains are located in the east of the island of Jamaica (Jamaica). Because the mountain is surrounded by the Caribbean Sea, whenever the weather is clear, the sun shines directly on the blue sea and the peaks reflect out to sea.

Blue Mountain Coffee Editor

Blue Mountain Coffee refers to coffee brewed from beans from the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. According to the grade, it is divided into Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee and Jamaican Alpine Coffee. The Blue Mountains are located in the eastern part of the island of Jamaica, hence its name because it is surrounded by the Caribbean Sea. On clear days, the sun shines directly on the blue sea, and the peaks reflect the bright blue light of the sea. The highest peak of the Blue Mountains, which is 2256 meters above sea level, is the highest peak in the Caribbean and a famous tourist attraction. Located in the coffee belt, with fertile volcanic soil, fresh air, no pollution, humid climate, foggy and rainy all the year round (the average precipitation is 1980 mm, the temperature is around 27 degrees), this climate has created the world-famous Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee and the second most expensive coffee in the world. This kind of coffee has the characteristics of all good coffee, not only full-bodied and mellow, but also because of the perfect combination of sweet, sour and bitter coffee, it has no bitter taste at all, only a moderate and perfect sour taste.

Chinese name Blue Mountain Coffee Foreign language name Blue Mountain Coffee Blue Mountain Coffee from Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is one of the world's most expensive coffee harvested from June to November.


1 production

2 Source

3 History


5 classification

▪ Blue Mountain Coffee

▪ Alpine Coffee

▪ Jamaican Coffee

6 unique flavor

7 sales

8 advantages

▪ refreshes the mind

▪ strong tendons and bone

▪ appetizer staple food

▪ eliminating fat and eliminating accumulation

▪ Liqiao dehumidification

▪ activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis

▪ extinguishing wind and relieving spasm

▪ Joy Color

▪ lung asthma

9 quality assurance

▪ quality control

▪ quality standard

▪ export quota

10 Special production

▪ hot drink

▪ cold drink

11 quality coffee

How to taste ▪

How to cook ▪

Production and editing

The "secret" of why Blue Mountain coffee tastes pure: their coffee trees are all on rugged hillsides, and the picking process is so difficult that non-local skilled women are simply unable to do it. It is very important to choose the right ripe coffee beans when picking. Immaturity or ripeness will affect the quality of the coffee. The picked coffee beans are shelled on the same day, and then let them ferment for 18 hours. After that, the coffee beans were cleaned and screened. After that

The drying process must be carried out on the cement floor or on a thick blanket until the humidity of the coffee beans drops to 12% 14%. And then store it in a special warehouse. Take it out and roast when needed, then grind it into powder. These procedures must be strictly mastered, otherwise, the quality of coffee will be affected.

Source editor

When it comes to Jamaica, everyone's eyes lit up immediately, because it produced the best "Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee" (Jamaica Blue Mountain) in the world. We absolutely believe that Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is the best coffee, its acid, sugar, alcohol and bitterness are well balanced, fragrant and smooth to drink, but its price is so high that although it is worth a try, there is no need to be fascinated by it. Because other selected coffee also has its own characteristics, and the taste is delicious, the price is also reasonable, this is the good coffee in our life.

The earliest "Jamaican Blue Mountain" refers to the coffee produced by "Warren Ford Farm" and "Silver Hill Farm", with the former of the best quality; today, the Jamaican Blue Mountain refers to coffee beans growing in the Blue Mountain area (more than 1000 meters high) east of Kingston, the capital of Jamaica. Now Mawei is the largest manor, its barrel is printed with M.B.C.F, and its products are often found in Taiwan. The quality control of the Blue Mountains in Jamaica is very strict, and the certification work is carried out by the government's "Coffee Industry Committee".

Coffee beans that generally grow at low elevations and other areas can only be called "Jamaican mountain beans" or "Jamaican waterwashed beans". Compared with the Jamaican Blue Mountains, they have a lot of flavor, but, these producing areas are twice the size of the real blue mountain areas, and the output accounts for 75% of the country's output, so when you buy Jamaican coffee, don't think you bought blue mountain coffee.

Because Jamaica Blue Mountain is so famous, there are fake Blue Mountain Coffee on the market, or simply called "Blue Mountain Coffee". It is basically a comprehensive product prepared by the store. there may not be a real Jamaican blue bean in it.

History editor

In 1717 King Louis XV of France ordered the cultivation of coffee in Jamaica for twenty years.

Blue Mountain Coffee

Blue Mountain Coffee (6)

In the mid-1970s, the Governor of Jamaica, Sir Nicholas Lloyd (Nicholas Lawes), imported Arabica seeds from Martinique and began to plant them in St. Andrew. To this day, St. Andrews is still one of the three major producers of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee, with the other two producing areas: Portland (Portland) and St. Thomas (St.Thomas). In eight years, Jamaica exported more than 375 tons of pure coffee. In 1932, coffee production reached its peak and more than 15000 tons of coffee was harvested.

In 1950, the Government of Jamaica established the Jamaica Coffee Industry Committee (the Jamaica Coffee Industry Board), which sets quality standards for Jamaican coffee and oversees the implementation of quality standards to ensure the quality of Jamaican coffee. The Commission awarded special official seals to raw and roasted coffee exported from Jamaica, which is the highest-level national coffee institution in the world. The origin of Blue Mountain Coffee can be represented by Mavis Bank Coffee Factory (M.B.C.F), Blue Mountain Coffee Co-operative Factory (M.H.C.C.T.), Portland Blue Mountain Coffee Cooperative Factory (P.X.X.S.H.), Coffee Industry Association (Wallenford), Coffee Industry Association (St. John Peak) and J.A.S.

By 1969, the situation had improved because the use of Japanese loans had improved the quality of production, thus ensuring the market. By now, this kind of coffee has reached the point of being feverishly loved.

By 1981, about 1500 hectares of land in Jamaica had been reclaimed for coffee cultivation, followed by the opening of another 6000 hectares of coffee land. In fact, today's Blue Mountain area is a small area with a planting area of only 6000 hectares, and it is impossible to grow all the coffee marked "Blue Mountain" there. Another 12000 hectares are used to grow two other types of coffee: Alpine Top Coffee and Jamaican Superior Coffee.

Geographic editing

The Blue Mountains of Jamaica

The Blue Mountains of Jamaica

Blue Mountain Coffee is the most superior coffee in the world, and the weather, geological structure and topography of Jamaica provide an ideal place. The ridge that runs through Jamaica extends to the eastern part of the island, with the Blue Mountains rising to more than 2100 meters. Cool weather, foggy, frequent precipitation, use this rich soil Rain Water to reconcile. Here, a mixed planting method is used to grow coffee trees to accompany banana trees and avocado trees on terraces. Some small estates are also planted. But even the largest landowners in the region are small-scale growers by international standards, many of whom are small landowners whose families have been working for two centuries. The coffee industry in Jamaica faces a series of problems, such as the impact of hurricanes, increased labor costs and difficult mechanization of terraces. Many small estates and farms are difficult to rationalize.

As Japan has always invested in the Jamaican coffee industry, Blue Mountain Coffee is mostly owned by the Japanese, and they have also obtained the right of preemption of Blue Mountain Coffee. In 1992, Jamaica sold 688 tons of Blue Mountain coffee to Japan, 75 tons to the United States and 59 tons to Britain. 90% of Blue Mountain coffee is bought by the Japanese. Since the rest of the world can only get 10% of Blue Mountain, regardless of the price, Blue Mountain coffee is always in short supply.

Classified editing

There are three varieties of coffee in Jamaica:

Blue Mountain Coffee

(Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee), of which Blue Mountain Coffee and Alpine Coffee are each divided into four grades. From top to bottom in terms of quality, NO.1, NO.2, NO.3 and PB,PB are round beans. According to CIB standards, only coffee grown above 666m above sea level is called Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee.

Alpine coffee

(Jamaica High Mountain Supreme Coffee Beans) the coffee produced in the Blue Mountain area of Jamaica is called Alpine Coffee, which is second only to Blue Mountain Coffee in quality, and is called the brother breed of Blue Mountain Coffee by industry insiders. Jamaica Blue Mountain caffeine produces very little, so if you want to taste Jamaican flavor coffee, then Jamaican Alpine Coffee is your best choice.

Jamaican Coffee

(Jamaica Prime Coffee Beans). Coffee is grown outside the Blue Mountains and is called Jamaican coffee. It turns out that people in the coffee industry in China generally have a wrong understanding that only coffee grown in the Blue Mountains above 1800 meters above sea level can be called Blue Mountain Coffee. In fact, there is only one manor on the top of the Blue Mountains above 1800, that is, Amber, which is of Chinese descent. The owner of the manor is surnamed Lyn (Lin). Originally from Guangdong, China, the manor has a land area of only 30 hectares and its output is very small. Blue Mountain Coffee is mainly distributed in 5 mountainous areas such as John Crow,St.John's Peak,Mossman's Peak,High Peak,Blue Mountian Peak in the Blue Mountains.

Unique flavor editor

Blue Mountain Coffee

Blue Mountain Coffee

From the above, we can understand the general production of Blue Mountain Coffee. It should be noted that 99.9% of the Blue Mountains that can be drunk in China are only planted near the Blue Mountains. Only coffee produced in 6000 hectares above 1600 meters above sea level can be called Blue Mountain, and the yield is always below 900t, according to the principle of 10% supply to the world outside Japan. Can this kind of coffee, which the world can only consume 90 tons a year, be drunk in any cafe for dozens of yuan?

The best Blue Mountain Coffee is undoubtedly one of the best. Although the price can ensure an adequate supply of Blue Mountain coffee, it does not guarantee the best flavor of the coffee. Also, this kind of coffee tastes much more expensive than it looks. If you want to taste its best flavor, you have to put more coffee beans than other coffee, otherwise the flavor will be a little different, so the flavor is that it has 10% to 15% more coffee beans than the coffee whose price is inferior to it.

The real Blue Mountain Coffee is made from the best local raw coffee beans, which is the fun of tasters. Its flavor is rich, balanced, fruity and sour, and can meet people's various needs. In addition, the high-quality fresh Blue Mountain coffee has a long-lasting flavor, as drinkers say, with a lingering aftertaste.

The best blue mountain coffee beans are NO.1 peaberry, also known as pearl beans, which are carefully selected small round beans and boutique products at an altitude of 2100 meters.


The nose is very full-bodied, with persistent fruity flavours.


The particles are fuller.

Baking method

Moderate baking

The caffeine content of Blue Mountain Coffee is very low, which is less than half of that of other coffees, which is in line with the modern concept of health.

The same coffee tree species, whether planted in Hawaii, Kenya, Papua New Guinea or anywhere else with a similar climate, cannot produce the flavor of blue mountain coffee beans.

Pure Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee perfectly combines the unique sour, bitter, sweet, mellow and other flavors of coffee to form a strong and attractive elegant flavor, which is unmatched by other coffee. People who love Blue Mountain Coffee say: "it combines all the advantages of good coffee & # 39; Coffee Beauty & # 39;" Jim, general manager of Pitt, which is famous for its coffee and tea business in the United States, said of Blue Mountain Coffee: "it tastes fragrant, smooth and mellow, and it makes me feel as precious as a gem. It is precisely because the taste of Blue Mountain coffee is moderate and perfect, so Blue Mountain coffee is generally drunk in the form of black coffee." Its liquid is golden in the sun and tastes smooth. According to the coffee book, Blue Mountain is the only bitter and sour coffee in the world that people can enjoy. Just drink it.

Sales editor

Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is harvested every year from June to November, usually by hand. After picking, it goes through the processes of washing, peeling, fermentation, dehydration, sun drying, shelling, and baking before you can get a ripe blue mountain coffee bean. In the process of raw bean processing, there are special personnel responsible for quality supervision in each step. For the very precious Blue Mountain Coffee, the packing and transportation mode adopted by the Jamaican government is also different. Unlike other coffees, Blue Mountain Coffee is not packed and transported in cloth bags at 60kg / bag, but in wooden barrels at the standard of 70kg / barrel. Jamaica is also the last country to still transport coffee in traditional wooden barrels. Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee beans must obtain a certificate of quality recognition issued by the Jamaican Coffee Industry Committee, which is the only body in Jamaica authorized to issue such a certificate. And each batch of export will have special quality supervision experts responsible for sampling, baking, grinding and brewing coffee, and finally make a judgment on whether to meet the standard.

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Blue Mountain Coffee Bean Store

Because of its high price, Blue Mountain Coffee has a relatively fixed consumer group, and its market is mainly concentrated in Japan, followed by some European and American countries. Coffee beans are full in shape and slightly larger than ordinary beans. Its taste is very subtle, sour, fragrant, mellow, sweetness is uniform and strong, slightly bitter, harmonious taste, excellent flavor, suitable for individual coffee. It uses medium roasting (Medium Roast) to maximize the original taste of the coffee and enhance its aftertaste.

With the improvement of domestic coffee consumption, a large number of cafes begin to supply "Blue Mountain Coffee", and its price is often only a fraction or a tenth of that of authentic Blue Mountain coffee. In 2005, under the guidance of Taiwan coffee manufacturers, a large number of domestic media began to pay attention to and report the authenticity of Blue Mountain Coffee. So far, authentic Blue Mountain coffee is still out of reach of most domestic consumers because of its price and supply in the mainland market.

Blue Mountain Coffee can maintain its top status today, which is closely related to the local management policy. In 1932, Jamaica reduced the island's dependence on sugar exports through policies to encourage coffee production. Unlike most coffee-producing countries, the local government does not plant a large number of high-quality and poor-quality coffee in order to increase the output, but prefer to sacrifice the output to ensure the quality. Therefore, Jamaica is one of the countries with low coffee production in the world. Brazil, the world's largest coffee exporter, produces 30 million bags of coffee a year, while Blue Mountain produces only about 40, 000 bags a year.

There is rarely a blue mountain coffee bean in the "Blue Mountain style" coffee on the market. One kind of "Jamaican mixed Blue Mountain" coffee is a mixture of 30% Blue Mountain Coffee and 70% of the best Jamaican Alpine Coffee. [1] both of the above two kinds of coffee tried to imitate Blue Mountain Coffee, but could not achieve perfection.

Blue Mountain Coffee is "given the cold shoulder" in the United States, which has something to do with American habits. Since the 1970s, seasoned coffee has gradually become a favorite. It is to add spices to coffee beans, or to add coffee companions to brewed coffee, flavoring hundreds of coffee. Seasoned coffee is mostly made from cheaper coffee beans. When Blue Mountain Coffee is usually $80 per pound, Maxwell Coffee costs only $3 per pound.

Merit editing

Refreshing and refreshing

Caffeine has a spicy flavor, which can easily pass through the brain-blood barrier, stimulate the central nervous system, promote brain activity, make the mind more clear, lively and sensitive, think well, concentrate, and improve work efficiency; it can stimulate the brain skin and improve mood, judgment and memory.

Strong tendons and bone

Caffeine is good for free muscle contraction, increases tendon strength, lowers exercise valve, increases body sensitivity and improves exercise function.

Appetizer staple food

Caffeine stimulates sympathetic nerves, stimulates stomach and intestines to secrete gastric acid, promotes digestion, prevents stomach distension and gastroptosis, and promotes gastrointestinal hormones and peristaltic hormones to facilitate rapid defecation.

Eliminating lipid and eliminating accumulation

Caffeine can accelerate fat decomposition, increase the body's metabolic rate, increase heat consumption, and help reduce fat and lose weight.

Liqiao dehumidification

Caffeine can promote kidney function, expel excess sodium ions from the body, increase urine output, improve abdominal distension and edema, and help lose weight.

Promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis

Coffee contains linoleic acid, which has hemolysis and prevents thrombosis, enhances vasoconstriction, promotes blood circulation, and relieves vasodilation headaches, especially migraines. In addition, it can promote venous reflux, moisturize the skin, restore the elasticity of the muscle surface and prevent cardiovascular disease.

Extinguish wind and stop spasm

Coffee can increase high-density cholesterol, accelerate the metabolism of bad cholesterol, reduce atherosis of coronary arteries, and reduce the risk of stroke.

Joyful color

A small amount of coffee is exciting and pleasant, putting aside troubles, melancholy, relieving stress and relaxing body and mind.

Lung calming asthma

Caffeine promotes the sympathetic nerve, suppresses the parasympathetic nerve, and avoids asthma caused by parasympathetic nerve excitement.

Quality assurance editor

Maybe Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is the most famous coffee in the world, but in fact, few people know its history and why its price is so high. The first person to introduce coffee to the island of Jamaica in 1789 was a Frenchman who escaped the French Revolution. The first coffee was cultivated to increase local consumption and export in France, and the local industry was very small in the first 100 years. However, in 1932, the Jamaican Conference Law was passed to encourage coffee farming to reduce the island's dependence on sugar exports. In order to ensure the quality of Blue Mountain Coffee, changes have been made in the "Jamaican Coffee Industry" to standardize the processing process, improve coffee quality and make marketing equal, so as to save the fate of top coffee. The Jamaican Industry Association is responsible for the quality of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee. In addition, the lush smaller coffee on the island is equally good, and gives final authority to Jamaican coffee exports-all coffee must go through the Jamaican Industry Association before it can be exported.

People may ask why Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is so special. The answer is everything about it. The real Blue Mountain Coffee is one of the most advantageous coffee growing conditions in the world. The weather, geological structure and topography of Jamaica provide a unique ideal place. The designated Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee can only be grown in the Blue Mountain area, north-east of the island of Jamaica in Kingston. Coffee grows on a mountain with a maximum height of 1800 meters (almost 6000 feet), which is already quite high for small-grain coffee, and the mountains are very uneven and the process of harvesting is very difficult (coffee harvesting is almost entirely female). The tree is mainly small grain "Geisha High Bred" type. Seeds from these trees have been exported to other countries, such as Hawaii, Kenya, Papua New Guinea and elsewhere, but they are no longer able to create the flavor of Blue Mountain coffee beans anywhere.

In the steep and high-altitude mountains, careful farming and harvesting, all Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is ground, tasted and distributed by the Jamaican Industry Association. The coffee in the cup tastes very clean, and it is one of the sweetest coffee in the world. This taste has been described by Jim Reynolds in Peet coffee and tea: "the best example of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is its aroma, smoothness and richness." it makes me feel like a gem. It's as precious as a gem. It's complex, but very mild, it's sweet, it's very mellow. You have to taste it in order to know what I'm talking about. Unique growth conditions and careful production make Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee very famous.

Jamaica is one of the small coffee producing regions in the world, with an annual harvest of about 40000 bags-60 kg / sack (most of the Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is actually shipped away in 70 kg barrels, they are the last countries to still use this traditional packaging method, but they produce 60 kg/ sacks, as that is the international standard for measuring coffee production). Compare Brazil, the world's largest exporter of coffee, with an annual production of 30000000 bags to 60 kg per sack.

Before 2008, the Japanese continued to invest heavily in the entire industry chain of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee and promised to underwrite 90% of its annual production. As a result, the rest of the world has only a 10% quota, resulting in a trend that demand has been falling short of supply, and prices have gone up.

The unique growth conditions give birth to the unique flavor of Blue Mountain Coffee and make it one of the "gourmet Coffee". 100% of the world's pure Blue Mountain Coffee refers to a specific range of Blue Mountain Coffee in eastern Jamaica, and every step in its planting and processing has been subject to stringent standards of quality management by the Jamaica Coffee Industry Authority. can be proved to be "pure Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee".

The special conditions such as abundant rainfall, year-round fog and low temperature, average temperature of about 20 ℃ and fertile new volcanic soil constitute a good growing environment for Blue Mountain Coffee. Located at a high altitude of 2200 to 6000 feet, it creates a unique slightly sour taste, but it is not at all exciting or uncomfortable. It takes about 2 years for seedlings to be cultivated in the nursery. Organic fertilizers are used during their growth, and they are harvested one grain at a time during harvest. All processing, baking and packaging processes must meet the high standards set by the Jamaica Coffee Industry Authority.

Typica with low quantity and good quality is the best variety of Arabica. Most coffee-producing countries are only willing to grow other varieties with high yield but poor quality, but Jamaica gives priority to quality, preferring to sacrifice the production of Blue Mountain coffee in exchange for the best quality of Blue Mountain coffee.

100% pure Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee, with its strong and attractive elegance, is indeed unmatched by other coffees. When it goes through the steps of grinding, brewing and tasting, it gives full play to its flavor, and it is difficult not to get drunk with the aroma of coffee around. Its caffeine content is very low, only about half of other varieties of coffee, in line with modern health requirements.

100% pure Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is a perfect and balanced blend of unique sour, bitter, sweet and mellow taste, coupled with a rich and unique aroma, no wonder coffee lovers all over the world are fascinated by it! High-altitude origin makes it with a little high-quality sour taste, a very small degree of bitterness is short and does not retain in the mouth, into the throat into a slightly sweet feeling, mellow throat rhyme is still more meaningful.

In 1728, coffee was first introduced to Jamaica. Due to the suitable soil, climate, light and other conditions in Jamaica, the quality of coffee was excellent, and the cultivation gradually expanded from St. Andrews to other areas.

In 1737, Jamaican coffee production reached 83000 pounds per year.

Over the next 40 years, a large number of private landowners appeared, and by 1800, there were 686 coffee farms in Jamaica

As a result of the serf trade, labor costs rose sharply, and the landowners were overwhelmed by the cost. By 1850, the number of coffee plantations had decreased to 186.

By 1900, the Jamaican government established the first coffee quality standard, but the standard was boycotted by many private landowners and was not implemented.

Since then, due to the lack of quality standards, the export quality of Blue Mountain coffee was uneven, which greatly affected its international reputation. in 1943, Canada, a big importer of Blue Mountain coffee, refused to import Blue Mountain coffee.

In 1944, the Jamaican government realized the necessity of regulating the blue mountain coffee industry and reformulated three regulatory suggestions for the blue mountain coffee industry: ① concentrated on the processing of blue mountain coffee beans, ② established the blue mountain coffee quality standard, and ③ established CIB, which was responsible for the organization and management of the market and the role of export supervisor.

In 1948, the world-famous Jamaican Coffee Bureau (CIB) was formally established, and the Jamaican government enacted the regulations on the Management of Jamaica's Blue Mountain Coffee Industry. The main responsibility of CIB is to improve the quality of Blue Mountain Coffee through management and supervision and regain its global reputation. At this time, the definition of Blue Mountain Coffee has been strictly stipulated in the law: ① gives four legal coffee farms, including wallenford, to process Blue Mountain coffee beans to ensure the quality of Blue Mountain Coffee. ② grows in the Blue Mountain area of 3000-5000 feet, and ③ Blue Mountain Coffee exports are graded: No.1,No.2,No.3, round beans.

Since 1960, the blue mountain area of Jamaica, which was hit by hurricanes, destroyed most of the manor facilities and coffee trees. Foreign capital, including Japan, provided help, and also obtained the shares and preferential import rights of most of the estates. At this time, in order to protect the reputation of the national treasure Blue Mountain coffee, the Jamaican government still retained the wallenford manor as the state, and made part of the supervision function of CIB Wallenford,Wallenford manor synonymous with CIB. Charged with the mission of managing and innovating the coffee industry, the manor manager is also appointed by the government.

Quality control

LOGO of ① Jamaica Coffee Industry Bureau registers and certifies all the merchants in the production, sale and roasting of Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee; LOGO; ③ Jamaica Coffee (CIB), the only certified raw bean agent in ② China, officially registers the JAMAICA BLUE MOUNTAIN trademark, which is marked on all certified raw and cooked beans of Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee.

With the globalization of the reputation of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee and the global introduction of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee cultivation, there are many fake Blue Mountain flavor coffee on the market, which has seriously affected the excellent reputation of authentic Blue Mountain Coffee. The Jamaican government strongly urges Blue Mountain coffee to be roasted and exported in the country in its original packaging, rather than in the form of raw beans, in order to avoid the impact of counterfeit Blue Mountain flavor coffee. The importance of this measure is that the Jamaican Coffee Bureau can monitor every link of the Blue Mountain Coffee export to ensure the purity and high quality of Blue Mountain Coffee.

Quality standard

In the Blue Mountain Mountains, the legal production area of Blue Mountain Coffee is more than 2200 feet, and Wallenford only selects Blue Mountain Coffee fruits grown above 4000 feet above sea level for processing. Not only that, Jamaica's four statutory Blue Mountain coffee processing plants Wallenford and Mavis Bank,Silver Hill,Moy Hall account for 90% of Blue Mountain coffee exports, and the Blue Mountain coffee produced by Wallenford,Moy Hall is known as "Superior Quality" (absolute quality). On the official website of the Jamaica Coffee Industry Authority, the list and related management information of all identified Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee producers and global Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee sales agents and related management information are reflected on this website.

The extremely stringent quality control of Wallenford Manor is also reflected in the product shelf life, which is usually 12 months for a single roasted coffee, while the most stringent 8-month shelf life set by Wallenford obviously gives up its economic benefits, while wallenford has won the high popularity of coffee glutton all over the world, in their evaluation of all the Blue Mountain estates in Jamaica. Wallenford performs best in quality management, stability, popularity and flavor.

Export quota

According to Jamaica's CIB export statistics as of 2004, 85 per cent of the limited Blue Mountain 1 quota was allocated to Japan, 5 per cent of the United States, 5 per cent of Europe and 5 per cent of other countries. However, in the global consumption distribution of authentic Blue Mountain No. 1, according to the International Coffee Association (ICO), China accounts for 15% of the consumption of Blue Mountain coffee, which stunns the world. The reason is that some shares of Blue Mountain coffee in Japan, Australia and Europe are exported to China through direct branches.

The above differences in export quotas and consumption distribution are extremely embarrassing for the Jamaican government. The asymmetrical Blue Mountain coffee export quota keeps most of the profits in trading enterprises in countries such as Japan, and the Jamaican coffee industry has not benefited from it. The key to the shift was in 2005, when the Jamaican Minister of Agriculture made it clear that Blue Mountain Coffee should be more roasted in Jamaica, directly through quota allocation, preferring to circulate directly from Jamaica to consumer countries.

The means on which the Jamaican government relies on changing export quotas come from Wallenford estates, which are directly controlled by the government, and the wallenford Blue Mountain 1 quota means that the Jamaican Coffee Agency (CIB) endorses the quota target for the country or the company.

In May 2010, Hangzhou Coffee and Western Food Industry Association, with the support of Hangzhou Municipal Government, signed a memorandum of cooperation on trade in raw beans of Blue Mountain Coffee with Jamaica Coffee Industry Bureau in Hangzhou. In July of the same year, the Association was invited to send a delegation to Jamaica to formally inspect the Blue Mountain Coffee Project, and signed a letter of intent of cooperation for China's sole distributor of raw beans of Blue Mountain Coffee on July 15, local time in Jamaica. During the cooperation period, at least 70 tons (70 kg of standard casks in 1000 barrels) of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee were supplied to China every year. On May 26, 2011, the first cabinet of raw beans of Blue Mountain Coffee arrived at the port of Ningbo, China. The Jamaican Blue Mountain raw beans imported by Hangzhou Coffee and Western Food Industry Association cover six brands certified by CIB, such as WALLENFORD, MAVIS BANK, GOLD CUP (AMBER), COFFEE TRADES and RSW, as well as NO.1, NO.2, NO.3 and Doudou.

Special production editor

Hot drink

Pour a whole package of top products into a cup, add 180C.C hot water, stir well and serve!

Cold drink

First pour a whole package of products into a cup, add 180C.C hot water, and then put in the refrigerator after cooling. After about four hours, cold coffee and milk tea will wash your mind and completely freeze the muggy summer!

Quality coffee editor

Suggested dosage: about 10-15g Blue Mountain Coffee Powder per cup, brewing 6-8oz coffee.

To brew Blue Mountain Coffee using a siphon pot:

The first step is grinding beans, fineness: 4.5

Step 2 unhook filter

Avoid a gap between the filter and the glass container, as the gap will not only cause the coffee powder to fall into the water below

It will also make the container leak and affect the extraction effect.

The third step is to fill the pot with the right amount of water and heat it with an alcohol lamp.

To save time, hot water can be used.

Step 4, pour the coffee powder into the pot.

Remember not to insert the pot immediately.

Step 5 after the water boils, move the alcohol lamp to the side of the pot

The purpose of this is to adjust the heat to a small fire in order to lower the water temperature.

Step 6 wait for the water temperature to drop to about 92-96 degrees, insert the pot.

That is, the extraction process begins, when the water in the lower pot rushes to the upper pot and soaks the coffee powder.

After the water rises in the seventh step, stir in a cross shape with a stirring rod: vertical twice and horizontal twice.

Be careful not to touch the filter cloth at the bottom of the pot.

In the eighth step, wait 30 seconds after the first stirring, then stir in a clockwise spiral for 2-3 times.

Be careful not to touch the filter cloth at the bottom of the pot.

Step 9, after stirring again, wait 30 seconds, the last spiral stirring, the speed should be faster

Be careful not to touch the filter cloth at the bottom of the pot.

Step 10 wait 30 seconds after the last stir, before the delicate white foam on the surface of the coffee has burst

Remove the alcohol lamp, then wipe the surface of the lower pot with a wet cloth to cool it quickly, and the coffee liquid will quickly flow into the lower pot.

Step 11 pour the coffee in the next pot into a warm coffee cup and drink it.

Important: the central expansion of coffee powder in the shape of a hillside indicates that the extraction is successful.

How to taste

Drinking coffee should be like tasting a cup of wine. Only by tasting it carefully can you appreciate its essence. The use of a siphon coffee maker will give Blue Mountain Coffee a unique charm. First smell the original aroma of the coffee, then take a sip to try the original flavor, then add the right amount of sugar according to your preference, and stir with a small spoon, taking advantage of the stirred coffee whirlpool, slowly add the milk and let the oil float on the coffee, on the one hand, keep warm, on the other hand, the heat of the coffee can also evaporate the milk flavor.

Coffee should be drunk while it is hot, because its taste and aroma will be reduced as it cools. Drink coffee not only at the right temperature but also in the right amount, generally put into the cup about seven or eight points, the right amount not only makes the taste alive, but also neat and light when drinking. Follow this way of taste, your Blue Mountain coffee will be even more delicious.

The delicacy of coffee always coexists with a warm heart. enjoying a good cup of coffee in the right way will not only make it easier to appreciate the taste of coffee, but also live up to the heart of the brewer.

How to cook

Blue Mountain Coffee

Blue Mountain Coffee is the best coffee produced in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. The mountain gets its name from the blue light that reflects the blue waters of the Caribbean. This kind of coffee has the characteristics of all good coffee, not only full-bodied and mellow, but also because of the perfect combination of sweet, sour and bitter coffee, it has no bitter taste at all, and only has a moderate and perfect sour taste.

Filter bag hot coffee brewing method

Can be prepared in advance for many people of hot coffee supply, brewing must also pay attention to the coffee powder thickness-water temperature, water volume and brewing methods and other skills, it is best to use a sharp mouth kettle, the effect is better, at the same time, after the coffee liquid dripping is finished, you must return to 80: 90 ℃ in order to achieve the best drinking flavor.

Materials and utensils: coffee powder, small punch bag (filter bag), small punch rack, kettle, coffee spoon, sharp mouth kettle.

Production: pour the coffee powder into the punching bag, first pat the bottom so that the powder is even, then dig a small hole in the middle of the top, pour it on the coffee powder in a circle with 90 ℃ hot water, then rotate the water around the small circle with 95 ℃ hot water and finally pour the water into the center with 85 ℃ hot water at the right center by slowly pulling it up and down.

Filter cup hot coffee brewing method

The use of light and simple brewing appliances, high-quality filter paper (must first fold the edge line) and sharp-mouth kettle to control water temperature, water volume, coffee powder. Can brew mellow and delicious coffee, very suitable for home or office use, convenient and fast, is a very popular way of brewing coffee.

Materials and utensils: pointed kettle, coffee powder, filter paper, filter cup, coffee pot (teapot), coffee spoon.

Production: the two sides of the filter paper are folded first, so that the filter cup can be fastened after it is put in. Put the coffee powder into the filter paper and dig a small hole in the center. First, slowly rotate a small water column and pour 90 ℃ of hot water on the coffee powder to soak and foamy. Then slowly pour the hot water around the circle with 95 ℃ of hot water. Finally, point the 85 ℃ hot water at the center and slowly pull it up and pour in.

Steam pressurized Italian hot coffee brewing method

Using the principle of high-pressure steam, boiling hot water through the tube through the coffee powder (fine grinding), from the bottom up or from the top down, brew the fragrant, mellow and bitter Italian coffee. This method is introduced from Italy and is a very popular brewing method nowadays. For those with strong taste, we must pay attention to the blending quality of coffee beans, fine grinding of coffee powder, and master cooking time and water quantity.

Materials and utensils: Italian coffee powder, Italian coffee pot (mocha pot), pot rack, alcohol lamp (or gas stove), filter paper, upper cover, coffee spoon

Production: first pour hot water into the sink on the base of the coffee pot. Then put the coffee trough into the bottom pot, put in the fine Italian coffee powder, add a layer of filter paper on the coffee powder to prevent the powder from rushing up, put it on the upper gland, press the coffee powder tightly, tighten the upper pot body and the lower layer, boil it over high fire until steam comes out from the upper pot body, and the coffee liquid flows into the pot body to be finished. At this time, you can turn off the fire and pour the coffee into the cup.

Siphon cooking (distillation)

It is made up of two spherical glasses and is widely used in families, hotels and coffee shops. It is the greatest charm to enjoy the coffee while enjoying the brewing process.

Medium-deep roasting degree; fine and medium grindability; single coffee and mixed coffee features: mellow and delicious, but too sour. Generally speaking, siphon brewing is more suitable for individual coffee.

Practice: (coffee for two) boiled water 240c.c. Pour into a spherical beaker, wipe the water droplets on the outside and heat with an alcohol lamp. Install a velvet filter cloth at the bottom of the funnel-shaped extraction cup, pull the spring to the front of the siphon to fix it, and place 20 grams of coffee powder (depending on your taste) in the extraction cup. After the boiling water at the bottom is completely boiled, transfer the extraction cup into the beaker and fix it. When the boiling water rises to the refining cup, stir the coffee powder evenly with a bamboo ladle so that the ingredients of the coffee powder are completely released. Be careful to avoid turbidity caused by excessive stirring. After about 20 to 30 seconds, the coffee liquid will flow through the filter cloth to the beaker. After the coffee from the refining cup has flowed down, you can take it off. Gently shake the beaker to make the coffee liquid uniform, about 87 degrees is the ideal drinking temperature, you can pour into the heated coffee cup to enjoy.


You should avoid brewing coffee repeatedly, because after the second brewing, you can only get smoky brown water instead of coffee.

Beakers in high heat, should avoid contact with cold water caused by rupture, and should pay attention to the cup without water or coffee, do not fire baking to prevent rupture.

After using the filter cloth, wash it thoroughly and store it in water or in the refrigerator to avoid oil and dirt after drying.

Because the mouth of the beaker is very small, the key to cleaning is to brew it with lukewarm water or lemonade immediately after use, wash the coffee oil completely and leave it in a cool place to dry.

Boiling method

Is to add water and coarse coffee powder in the pot to boil and filter and drink. Turkish coffee is the representative (using deeply ground coffee). It is the oldest and most primitive method in history.

Practice: coffee for five people

First load the 650c.c in a pot or kettle. Heat the water, boil and pour in 40 grams (lightly ground) coffee powder. Stir with a bamboo ladle for about 20 seconds and let it stand for two minutes. Turn off the fire immediately before the foam disappears in the pan. Pay attention to avoid stirring too much and causing turbidity. After flameout, the coffee juice should be filtered through a filter bag, heated to 88 degrees on the stove, and then poured into a cup to drink.


Whether it is boiled with deep fine grinding or lightly coarse ground coffee powder, you should pay attention to the control of time, otherwise it will cause bitterness, astringency and smelly taste due to excessive exudation, which will make the coffee taste deteriorate.

Electric coffee brewing

Easy to use, fully automatic cooking method, electric coffee machine brewed coffee taste is light, suitable for large cups to drink.

Practice: coffee for five people

600c.c. Pour the water into the coffee maker tank. Put a layer of filter paper in the filter and sprinkle 50 grams of coffee powder evenly. Install the coffee pot and turn on the power. When the water is heated to 92mi 93 degrees, it will flow down through the catheter in the automatic coffee maker and the coffee will be dripped out by the filter.

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Blue Mountain Coffee

Blue Mountain Coffee (1)

Blue Mountain Coffee

Blue Mountain Coffee (6)

Coffee classification

Famous coffee

▪ Kopi Luwak ▪ Cubita ▪ Blue Mountain Coffee

Coffee classification

▪ single Coffee ▪ mixed Coffee ▪ Instant Coffee ▪ espresso

▪ boutique coffee

Types of coffee

▪ Cuban Coffee ▪ Brazilian Coffee ▪ Hawaiian Coffee ▪ Kenyan Coffee

▪ Java coffee ▪ manning coffee ▪ amber coffee ▪ mocha coffee

▪ Mamba Coffee ▪ Irish Coffee ▪ Vietnamese Coffee ▪ Costa Rica Coffee

▪ Santos Coffee ▪ Colombian Coffee ▪ Mexican Coffee ▪ carbonized Coffee

▪ Italian coffee ▪ French coffee ▪ Jamaican coffee

Fancy Coffee

▪ latte, ▪, white, ▪, black, ▪, macchiato.

▪ iced coffee ▪ green tea coffee ▪ black rose coffee ▪ mandarin duck coffee

▪ Turkish Coffee ▪ Milk Coffee ▪ Cappuccino Coffee ▪ blend Coffee


1. Caffeine. Baidu [reference date 2015-12-14]

Entry label: drinks, Jamaica, local products, commodities, coffee

Blue Mountain Coffee Atlas

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Musk cat coffee

Musk cat coffee





Mocha Coffee

Mocha Coffee



Amber coffee

Amber coffee

Manning Coffee

Manning Coffee

Black coffee

Black coffee

White coffee

White coffee

Entry statistics

Number of visits: 1203467

Number of edits: 109 historical versions

Last revision date: 2016-04-07

Founder: Wyoming

Entry contribution list

Outstanding contributors:

Fcoffee primary high quality

Wyoming Primary quality

1 production

2 Source

3 History


5 classification

5.1 Blue Mountain Coffee

5.2 Alpine coffee

5.3 Jamaican Coffee

6 unique flavor

7 sales

8 advantages

8.1 refreshing and refreshing

8.2 strong tendons and bones

8.3 appetizer staple

8.4 eliminating fat and eliminating accumulation

8.5 Liqiao dehumidification

8.6 promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis

8.7 extinguishing wind and relieving spasm

8.8 Joy Color

8.9 Lung Asthma

9 quality assurance

9.1 quality control

9.2 quality standard

9.3 Export quota

10 Special production

10.1 Hot drink

10.2 cold drinks

11 quality coffee

11.1 how to taste

11.2 how to cook

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