Coffee review

How much is Kopi Luwak how much is a jin of death wish Coffee Kopi Luwak Origin of Indonesian Kopi Luwak

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Kopi Luwak is produced by the feces of Indonesian coconut cats (a kind of civet) as raw materials, so it is called Kopi Luwak. This kind of animal mainly feeds on coffee beans. After completing fermentation in the coconut cat's stomach, it destroys proteins, produces short peptides and more free amino acids, reduces the bitterness of coffee, and then excretes feces as the main raw material. Because coffee beans cannot be digested, they will be

Kopi Luwak is produced by the feces of Indonesian coconut cats (a kind of civet) as raw materials, so it is called "Kopi Luwak". This kind of animal mainly feeds on coffee beans. After completing fermentation in the coconut cat's stomach, it destroys protein, produces short peptides and more free amino acids, reduces the bitterness of coffee, and then excretes feces as the main raw material. Because coffee beans cannot be digested, they are excreted and Kopi Luwak is made after washing and baking.

Coffee critic Chris Rubin said, "the aroma of the wine is so rich and strong, and the coffee is incredibly rich, almost like syrup." Its thickness and chocolate taste, and lingering on the tongue for a long time, pure aftertaste. "

Kopi Luwak is one of the most expensive coffees in the world because of its scarcity and scarcity of land, even in Indonesia of origin. Most of the Kopi Luwak sold on the market are kept in captivity, and their flavor is different from that of the most primitive and natural wild Kopi Luwak.

Kopi Luwak-History of Development

The company M.P. Mountanos, which first introduced Kopi Luwak coffee to the United States, pointed out that at first, when I heard about this kind of coffee fermented in the body, I thought it was a joke in the industry, but I didn't take it seriously. later, I saw a special report on Kopi Luwak in National Geographic Magazine and became interested in her. it took seven years to find a stable source of supply and began to introduce a small amount to the United States.

Generally speaking, Indonesian coffee has the taste of earth and traditional Chinese medicine, and its consistency is the highest in all continents, but Kopi Luwak has a stronger tussle and consistency, which is almost close to syrup, and its flavor is very special. if you don't like Indonesian coffee in the first place, you must hate Kopi Luwak even more. If you prefer the fishy smell of aged beans, you may love this alternative coffee.

Experts who have tasted Kopi Luwak have put forward a polarized evaluation, and some people compare it to the best coffee in the world. Although it is the best, but whether you are willing to spend thousands of yuan to drink a cup of Kopi Luwak is your personal preference.

Kopi Luwak-Origin

Kopi Luwak

Kopi Luwak atlas

Kopi Luwak is a traditional specialty in some Indonesian islands, such as Java, Sumatra, Bali and Sulawesi. [1]

Indonesian civets like to choose the most ripe, sweet, juicy coffee fruits in coffee trees as food. As the coffee fruit passes through its digestive system, only the pulp on the outside of the fruit is digested, and the hard coffee beans are excreted by Indonesian coconut cats. After this digestion process, coffee beans have changed, the flavor is unique, the taste is particularly mellow.

According to the study, the digestive system of the Indonesian civet [2] destroys the protein in the coffee beans, thus reducing the bitterness of the coffee and increasing the round taste. [3]

The coffee brand is 100% guaranteed pure wild kopi luwak, which is produced in Sumatra, Zawa, and Sulvish and is part of the 13677 islands of Indonesia. Kopi Luwak brand is the only officially recognized brand by the Indonesian government, and it is deeply loved by coffee lovers for its unique fruity aroma and long aftertaste.

Kopi Luwak is definitely an international luxury because it is produced by civets (Luwak) rather than humans, especially the wild civets born and raised in Indonesia, which are vegetarian and very rare and precious. Indonesian coffee has a long historical background, and coffee footprints can be found in almost every corner of the country. Mountainous islands are very suitable for its growth, and wild coffee can often be found all over the woods. this provides convenience for the producer of Kopi Luwak, the civet.

Kopi Luwak-Features

Coffee beans generally go through the process of shell fermentation, coffee beans in the civets' intestines, special bacteria provide a unique fermentation environment, the flavor becomes unique, particularly thick and mellow. The coffee beans fermented by civets' intestines and stomach are very thick and mellow.

Indonesian coffee has the taste of earth and traditional Chinese medicine, and its consistency is among the highest in all continents. But "Kopi Luwak" has a heavier earthy smell, and its consistency is closer to that of syrup. It has a very special flavor. After drinking, there will still be a touch of peppermint cool feeling in the mouth, which is the "exclusive taste" that ordinary coffee does not have. After drinking a cup, take a deep breath or take a sip of cold water, you can obviously feel cool from mouth to throat. It's like I just ate a mint lotion.

Experts say there is a gland near the sexual organs of the Indonesian "civet" that secretes milky oil, which has always been a precious raw material for the perfume industry. Even Shakespeare's play King Lear has this dialogue: "Please give me some civet oil to stimulate my inspiration." Others said, "this coffee is unique and is a specialty of Indonesia." Drink it, it's like finding a diamond in a stone. " Because the wild "civets" are obviously better at selecting good coffee fruits, so that this kind of coffee has outstanding characteristics.

Kopi Luwak-production

Manufacturing method

The roasting process of Luwak coffee beans:

1. Civets like to eat red coffee fruits that are ripe on coffee trees.

2. Pick out undigested coffee seeds from cat droppings

3. Remove the silver gray film of coffee seeds, wash them with water and dry them in the sun.

4. Luwak coffee beans are made by stir-frying.

Production skills

1. After Indonesians remove the silver-gray film on the appearance of coffee beans, wash them with water, dry them in the sun, and then stir-fry them, they become cat shit coffee beans.

2. Only about 150 grams of coffee beans can be extracted from a jin of civets' feces, which will cause 20% loss in the roasting process. Due to the unique raw materials and production process, this kind of coffee can be said to be very rare. No more than 400 kilograms of coffee beans are supplied worldwide every year.

3. Traditionally, coffee fruit is washed or sun-treated to remove excess parts and take out coffee beans, but Luwak obtains coffee beans by using its natural fermentation in civets, so it has a unique flavor.

Kopi Luwak-brewing mode

The aroma of cat Java coffee is easier to lose than that of ordinary coffee. In order to maintain the flavor, coffee beans should be packaged independently and then injected with nitrogen to prevent the oxidation of coffee beans. The production process is complicated and rigorous. If you want to enjoy the true taste of Kopi Luwak, do not add sugar or milk to your coffee. It is recommended to use an air stopper (Siphon siphon), add 160g / 180ml (ml) of pure water, pour 17g (grams) of coffee powder with about 2 flat spoons of coffee, and gently press down the raised coffee powder with flat bamboo slices after the water boils up. Remember! Do not stir, otherwise the coffee will become bitter, sour and astringent.

The water temperature is 96 ℃, the water pressure is 9-10atm, boil for about 1 minute 45 seconds ~ 2 minutes, quickly remove the fire source and wipe the glass bottle with a cold wet cloth to make it cool rapidly, the brewed coffee will quickly fall and show a large number of golden fine foam, so that the ultimate flavor can be achieved. In the general way of brewing, some people say that civet coffee can be brewed for 2 or 3 times, but the above brewing method is regarded as the essence after boiling for a long time, so rebrewing is not recommended.

Kopi Luwak-Price and output

Indonesian coconut cat

Indonesian coconut cat atlas

The Kopi Luwak Initiative is the least produced coffee in the world. Because these beans are produced by wild animals that are already scarce and untraceable, and are difficult to control and mass produce, the quantity of civet coffee is extremely rare. The global annual output does not exceed 400kg. At the 2012 World Expo, the Indonesian Pavilion displayed Kopi Luwak, and a cup of 4 oz coffee can sell for $168 (1400 yuan). [1]

Local coffee farmers, in pursuit of high profits, bring wild civets home to raise them so that they can produce more Kopi Luwak. However, the Kopi Luwak produced by breeding civets will be much worse in color and taste. Even so, the output of this kind of coffee is still very rare. [4]

"Kopi Luwak" a bag of 50 grams of coffee beans worth more than 800 yuan, can only make 5 cups of coffee. In other words, the price of a cup is about 200 yuan. The civet coffee gift box produced by Fireboat Group, Indonesia's largest coffee supplier, sells for 600,50g at Shangpin Cafe with extremely luxurious packaging, while the asking price for 100g is more than 2000 yuan, and the global annual output in the wild does not exceed 400kg. Today, villagers in these areas not only collect wild Rwaka feces, but also begin to raise Rwaka in captivity. Large pots of picked coffee cherries were placed in front of Rwaka, and the hungry Rwaka had no choice but to eat all the coffee cherries. The taste of Rwaka coffee produced in this way is naturally greatly reduced. "scarcity is precious", which has led to the high price of Kopi Luwak, a rare treasure. I'm afraid you'll have to prepare £50 for a cup of coffee, and you may not be able to find it everywhere.

In Indonesian, "Kopi" means coffee, and "Luwak" is the name commonly known by Indonesians as "civet". It is said that the coffee produces no more than 500 pounds a year, and the price per pound ranges from $300 to $800, depending on the year, because there is not a fixed production every year.