Coffee review

India `Nicaea Sumatra Manning G1 | Indonesia Sumatra Mandheling G

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, India `Nesian Sumatra Manning G1 | Indonesia Sumatra Mandheling Grade1 Sumatran coffee production can also be traced back to the Dutch colonial era. Coffee production in the region, which began in the 18th century, extends from Lake Toba to Sumatra in Aceh. It turns out that there is no coffee in Sumatra.

India `Nicaea Sumatra Manning G1 | Indonesia Sumatra Mandheling Grade1

The history of coffee production in Sumatra can also be traced back to the Dutch colonial era. Coffee production in the region began in the 18th century, ranging from Lake Toba to Sumatra in Aceh province. It turns out that coffee in Sumatra is not branded and sold by region. The reason is that the aroma of coffee does not vary much from region to region. On the contrary, the difference of coffee flavor is determined by the degree of hand picking, processing technology and equipment. In fact, Sumatran coffee is circulated under the name Mandheling. The name Mantenin comes from the name of the minority who are engaged in coffee cultivation in the region. The quality level of coffee in this area does not depend on the size or uniformity of raw beans, but actually depends on the quality of the aroma of roasted coffee. Therefore, the appearance of the very low-quality raw bean "Manning 1" can not be judged only by the appearance.

Flavor characteristics: Aroma | Flavor | Acidity | Sweetness | Body | Aftertaste Roasting Point: Light | Cinamon | Medium | High | City | Fullcity | French | Italian Variety: Catimor ProcessingMethod: Semi-Washed Species: Arabica Aroma: Butter-Scotch, Eathy, Full-Body,Mustniess