Coffee review

Indonesia Sulawesi Tonaga | Indonesia Sulawesi Toraja

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Indonesia Sulawesi Indonesia Sulawesi Toraja Tonaga during the Dutch colonial era, coffee produced in Sulawesi was called Kalossi. It is produced through shady cultivation in the central mountains, and small-scale coffee farms in the Tonaga region produce coffee at an altitude of more than 1100 meters. Toraja region

Indonesia Sulawesi Tonaga | Indonesia Sulawesi Toraja

During the Dutch colonial era, coffee produced in Sulawesi was called "Kalossi". It is produced through shady cultivation in the central mountains, and small-scale coffee farms in the Tonaga region produce coffee at an altitude of more than 1100 meters. The Toraja region is called Kalosi by Dutch colonialists. It turns out that the Karosi region, located in the north of Sulawesi, produces only a handful of the highest quality coffee in Indonesia. Especially in Japan, the coffee in this region is considered to be a very high-end boutique, ensuring a wide range of consumers. In particular, most of the coffee production in Sulawesi is imported to Japan by Japanese traders, and its quality is beyond imagination.

Flavor characteristics: Aroma | Flavor | Acidity | Sweetness | Body | Aftertaste Roasting Point: Light | Cinamon | Medium | High | City | Fullcity | French | Italian Variety: Catimor ProcessingMethod: Semi-Washed Species: Arabica Aroma: Butter-Scotch, Eathy, Full-Body,Mustniess

Summary: the capital of the world's largest island nation in Southeast Asia: Jakarta

Language: Indonesian

Climate: tropical climate

Religion: Islam 88%, Protestantism 5%, Catholicism 3%, Hinduism 2%

Population: about 245.45 million (2006)

Production area: Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi, Bali

Production varieties: Catimor, typica

Harvest time: October ∼ April

Planting height: 650m ∼ 1850m

Grade: G1, G2, G3, G4

Processing method: Wet-processed, Dry-processed

Features: Body, Low-Acidity,Musty, Pungent