Coffee review

Madagascar is basically the producer of Robbins coffee and a commercial bean producer.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Madagascar (Madagascar) is basically a producer of Robbins Coffee, but plans to increase the cultivation of Arabica beans. Since 1989, the coffee industry on the island has been privatized and many regulations have been lifted, with a total output of about 1 million bags a year. As Malagasy people like to drink coffee, the domestic consumption of coffee is very high. The country's Robbins

Madagascar is basically a producer of Robaik coffee, but there are plans to increase the cultivation of Arabica coffee beans.

Since 1989, the island's coffee industry has been privatized and deregulated, with total coffee production reaching around 1 million bags per year. Domestic consumption of coffee is high because Malagasy people like to drink coffee. The country produces excellent quality Roscoff coffee and France is its main export market.

The Malagasy government plans coffee plantations of approximately 2000 hectares of Robaix coffee and approximately 5000 hectares of Arabica coffee. Therefore, the development of coffee on the island depends on its potential in Arabic coffee, once developed successfully, this coffee is expected to be excellent