Coffee review

Boutique coffee the Honduran coffee producing area San Juan Theodore

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Honduras, the full name of the Republic of Honduras (Spanish: Repblica de Honduras), is a mountainous country in Central and North America, bordering Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua, located between the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, with a coastline. Most of its citizens are of mixed descent, so most of them believe in Catholicism. In Honduras, music is popular and contains

Honduras, the full name of the Republic of Honduras (Spanish: Rep ú blica de Honduras), is a mountainous country in Central and North America, bordering Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua, located between the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, with a coastline.

Most of its citizens are of mixed descent, so most of them believe in Catholicism. In Honduras, music is popular and rich in mineral resources, such as gold, silver, coal and antimony, among which silver ranks first in China and the United States.

Honduras is the country with the most prominent mountain terrain in Central America and is suitable for growing coffee and bananas, which are important exports of the region. In 1998, Hurricane Mitch hit the area, killing nearly 6000 people and destroying most of the country's infrastructure and farmland.

Chinese name the Republic of Honduras English name Republic of Honduras simply known as the first capital of North America, Tegucigalpa, the main city of San Pedro-Sula, Hudi Karpa and other National Day, September 15, 1821, the national anthem "your Flag is the Light of Heaven" country code HND official language Spanish currency Lompira time zone UTC-6 political system presidential republic President: Porfirio Lowo population 8.26 million people (2014) population density 67 people per square kilometer (2011) major ethnic Indo-European mixed race, Indian main religion Catholic land area of 112492 square kilometers GDP totaling US $19.385 billion (2014 International exchange rate) per capita GDP 2347 US dollars (2014, international exchange rate) international telephone area code + 504international domain name abbreviation .hn Road access drive to the right the national motto "Freedom, sovereignty, Independence" the largest city Tegucigalpa carnations ranks 101st in the world in terms of major rivers Patuca River and Ulua River.


1 History

2 Geography

▪ location domain

▪ terrain

▪ climate

▪ hydrology

▪ resources

3 regionalization

▪ administrative division

▪ Capital

4 national symbol

Name of ▪ country

▪ national flag

▪ national emblem

▪ national flower

▪ motto

5 Politics

▪ regime

▪ Constitution

▪ Council

▪ government

▪ justice

▪ political party

6 military

7 diplomacy

▪ foreign policy

▪ external relations

8 economy

Overview of ▪

▪ agriculture

▪ foreign trade

9 ethnic groups

10 culture

▪ language

▪ religion

▪ custom

▪ Festival

11 traffic

▪ Airways

▪ railway

▪ highway

▪ shipping

12 Society

▪ education

▪ people's life

13 Tourism

History editor

In the 4th and 7th century, western Honduras was one of the centers of Mayan civilization. Columbus arrived in the Gulf Islands of Honduras in 1502, which was the beginning of Honduras's contact with Europe. Spanish troops began to conquer Honduras in 1524 and became a Spanish colony in the same year. In 1537-1539, Limpilla led 30,000 Indians in an uprising against Spanish colonial rule. In 1539, Honduras was placed under the jurisdiction of the Governor of Guatemala.

Honduras declared its independence on September 15, 1821, but was incorporated into the first Mexican Empire in 1822. He joined the Central American Union in 1823 and withdrew from the Central American Union in October 1838 to establish a republic. In 1840, with the support of Guatemalan dictator Rafael Carrera, conservative Francisco Ferreira established a dictatorship. After 1853, liberals and conservatives in Honduras often had coups and civil wars, and the regime changed frequently. The gold and silver mining industry has been damaged, which has greatly affected the economic development. Since the 1840s, Britain occupied eastern Honduras and the Baya Islands, built railways and obtained the concession of large tracts of land.

From its independence in 1821 to 1978, Honduras has had 139 coups, making it one of the countries with the most frequent coups in Latin America. Ramon Villeda Morales of the Liberal Party won the 1957 general election as president. Oswaldo Lopez Arellano, commander of the armed forces, launched a coup instigated by the United States in 1963, overthrew the Morales regime, and was elected president in 1965. Ramon Ernesto Cruise of the Kuomintang won the election in 1971, but soon after taking office, Arellano staged another coup. In 1975 Juan Alberto Melgar Castro, commander of the armed forces, staged a coup to replace Arellano. In 1978, Policarpo Pasgarcia, commander of the armed forces, launched a coup and formed a military commission headed by him. [1]

Geographic editing

Location domain

Map of Honduras

Map of Honduras

The land area of Honduras is about 112000 square kilometers. Located in the north of Central America. It is bordered by the Caribbean Sea to the north, the Gulf of Fonseca in the Pacific Ocean to the south, Nicaragua and El Salvador to the east and south, and Guatemala to the west. [1]


More than 3/4 of the territory are mountains and plateaus. Mountains extend from west to east, inland for lava plateaus, many mountain valleys, coastal plains. [1]


Honduras has a tropical climate and the coastal plains have a tropical rain forest climate. The annual average temperature is 23 ℃; the rainfall is abundant, and the annual precipitation in the northern coastal zone and mountain windward slope is as high as 3000 mm. There will be "fish rain" in some areas between May and July, because tornadoes form in parts of the sea in Honduras between May and July. Tornadoes roll fish into the sky and throw them into parts of the sea, which becomes fish rain. [1]


The important rivers in Honduras are Patuca River and Ulua River. [1]


The topography of Honduras is mainly mountainous, with narrow plains on the coast. The forest area accounts for about half of the national area and is rich in high-quality wood. Mineral deposits include silver, gold, lead, zinc, copper and so on. [1]

Zoning editing

Administrative division

Honduras is divided into 18 provinces: Atlantida, Cologne, Komayagua, Copan, Cortez, Cholutka, El Paraiso, Francisco Morasan, Gracias Adios, Intibuka, Gulf Islands, La Paz, Lompilla, Ocotepec, Orlanjo, Santa Barbara, Barre, Yoro. [1]


Tegucigalpa is the capital of Honduras. According to the Constitution, the capital is composed of Tegucigalpa and Comayagu é ela, known as the Central region, with an area of 1514 square kilometers and a population of 1.029 million. The average temperature of the hottest month (May) is 18 ~ 30 °C, and the average temperature of the coldest month (January) is 14 ~ 25 °C. [1]

National symbol editor

Name of country

The Republic of Honduras (English: The Republic of Honduras; Spanish: La Rep ú blica de Honduras) is referred to as Honduras. [2]

National flag

The flag of Honduras was launched on January 18, 1949. the flag is rectangular and the ratio of length to width is 2:1. From top to bottom, the flag consists of three parallel rectangles: blue, white and blue. There are five blue five-pointed stars in the middle of the white rectangle. The color of the national flag comes from the color of the original Central American federal flag. The upper and lower blue wide stripes symbolize the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean, respectively; white symbolizes the pursuit of peace; and the five five-pointed stars were added in 1866, expressing the desire of the five countries that make up the Central American Federation to unite again. [2]

National emblem

The national emblem of Honduras was launched in 1825 with a huge Montsonian gold made of stone.

National emblem of Honduras

National emblem of Honduras

The pyramid symbolizes equality and justice, and the left and right square towers symbolize national independence and sovereignty. The vast blue sea indicates the geographical location of Honduras. The blue sky and rainbow in the background reflect the yearning and longing for the future. An oval white broadband pyramid with the words "Freedom, sovereignty and Independence, Republic of Honduras, September 15, 1821" in yellow Spanish shows spiritual strength. The colorful arrows at the top represent the local indigenous people, and the sheep's horns filled with roses on both sides hold high the rich natural resources. At the bottom, the pines and cypresses and oaks are everlasting, with strength and hope firmly growing. The state calls on the people to cultivate national consciousness with labor and honor. Mayan housing symbolizes that Honduras was once the birthplace of the glorious Mayan culture in history. [2]

National flower

Pictures of national flower carnations

Pictures of national flower carnations (2)

Honduras national flower carnation (carnation family), carnation (scientific name: Dianthus caryophyllus) namely carnation, also known as lion head carnation, musk carnation, carnation, Dutch carnation. It is a plant of Caryophyllaceae and Dianthus. It is distributed in temperate zone of Europe and Chinese mainland in Fujian and Hubei. It is native to the Mediterranean region and is one of the most widely used flowers in the world. Carnations, including many varieties and hybrids, can blossom almost continuously in a greenhouse. Since 1907, pink carnations have been used as a symbol of Mother's Day, so they are often used as flowers dedicated to mothers. [3]


Freedom, sovereignty, independence (Spanish, Libre,Sobelana E Independiente) [2]

Political editor


Honduras is Republican, democratic and representative. The National Assembly is the supreme legislature. The president is the head of state and government and is in charge of the executive power of the country. The Cabinet is the executive branch of the government, directly under the leadership of the President. In November 2009, presidential elections were held in Honduras. Kuomintang presidential candidate Lowo was elected president with 55.9% of the vote and took office on January 27, 2010. [4]


The current Constitution of Honduras entered into force on January 20, 1982. The Constitution stipulates that Honduras is Republican, democratic and representative. The National Assembly is the supreme legislature. The president is the head of state and government and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, and is in charge of the executive power of the country. The Cabinet is the executive branch of the government, directly under the leadership of the President. [1]

Ignoring opposition from the Supreme Court, the military, Congress and the ruling party, President Zelaya insisted on holding a referendum on June 28, 2009, asking voters whether they agreed to set up a Constituent Assembly to amend the constitution so that the president could be re-elected during the presidential election in November 2009. at the same time, a formal referendum was held, as the military had previously refused to deliver the referendum votes and launched a military coup an hour before the referendum. The military gathered hundreds of soldiers to the presidential residence to arrest President Zelaya, took him to an air base on the outskirts of the capital Tegucigalpa, and then sent a special plane to exile Zelaya to Costa Rica. [1]


The parliament has a unicameral system and is the highest legislature in the country, composed of 128 members. Members are directly elected by voters for a term of four years. The current parliament was formed in January 2010, with 62 seats from the ruling Liberal Party, 55 seats from the Kuomintang and 11 seats from other parties. The current speaker, Juan Orlando Hern á ndez of the Kuomintang, was elected in January 2010 for a four-year term. [1]

The government

The current government was established on January 27, 2010. the main cabinet members are: Maria Antonieta Gillian, Vice President and Minister of the Presidential Office (female, Mar í an Antonieta Guire é n), Minister of the Interior and Justice (Á frico Madrid), Foreign Minister Mireya Aguero de Corales (female) Mireya Ag ü ero de Corrales), Adonis Lavaire, Minister of Industry and Trade, Wilfredo Rodriguez, Minister of Finance, Rigoberto Cuellar Cruz, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, Fel í cito Avila Ordonez, Minister of Labour, Arturo Bundania, Minister of Health Arturo Benda ñ a, Minister of Education Malone O'Neill Escoto (Marlon Oniel Escoto), Minister of Public works, Transport and Housing Miguel Pastor, Minister of Culture, Arts and Sports Tulio Mariano Mariano Gonz á lez, Minister of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Jacobo Jacobo Regalado, Minister of Defense Marlon Pascua, Minister of Public Safety Arturo Corrales lvarez, Minister of Tourism Nellie Jerez (female Nelly Jerez Caballero), Minister of Technical Cooperation Julio Laudales (Julio Raudales). [1]


It consists of the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeal and the District Court. The Supreme Court is composed of 15 justices for a term of seven years. President of the Supreme Court Jorge Rivera Aveles (Jorge Rivera Avile é s). Attorney General Ertl Bella Enamorado (Ethel Vera Enamorado). The President of the Supreme Court and the Attorney General are elected by the National Assembly for a term of four years and are eligible for re-election. [1]

Political party

Main political parties:

(1) Partido Nacional: also known as the "Blue Party", the ruling party. It was separated from the Liberal Party in 1902. Ricardo Á lvarez Arias, the party's chairman.

(2) Partido Liberal: also known as the "Red Party", the largest opposition party. Founded in 1881. Party chairman Irving Santos (Elvin Santos). Porfirio Lovo Souza is president. Born on December 22, 1947. Graduated from the University of Miami, majoring in business management. From 1989 to 2006, he was elected a member of Parliament for three consecutive times. He served as Speaker from 2002 to 2006. In 2005, Luo participated in the presidential election as a KMT candidate, losing to Liberal Party candidate Zelaya. Luo won the general election as a KMT candidate in November 2009 and took office in January 2010. [1]

Military editor

As of 2012, the Honduran army now has about 12000 troops. Compulsory military service was implemented and was converted to voluntary military service in 1995. In 1999, the Honduran army joined the restoration of security in the country. The government built a new U.S.-backed naval base in Cardacas on the eastern Caribbean coast in April 2010. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Ganuati announced on July 14th in the Gulf Islands in the Caribbean that a new base would be built here. [5]

Diplomatic editor

Foreign policy

The Hong government claims to abide by the norms of international law, advocate peaceful coexistence of all countries and respect each other's territorial sovereignty, develop relations with all countries in the world, promote democracy, safeguard human rights, support the process of regional integration, and actively participate in economic globalization. Is a member of the Group of 77. He was accepted as a member of the non-aligned Movement in September 1993. In April 1994, he joined the General Agreement on tariffs and Trade (GATT). In September, he was elected as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council in 1995. [6]

External relations

Relations with neighboring countries

Attach importance to developing relations with Latin America, especially Central American countries. Actively participate in regional integration and is a member of the Group of four Central American countries, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration and other regional organizations. It has important trade relations with Japan and Western Europe. In February 1995, the overall Plan for Economic and Financial Cooperation in Xihong was signed with Spain, and in March, the Agreement on Protection and encouragement of Investment was signed with Germany.

Relations with China

China and Honduras have no diplomatic relations. Honduras maintains so-called "diplomatic relations" with the Taiwan authorities.

According to Chinese customs statistics, the trade volume between China and Hong Kong in 2012 was US $1.31 billion, including US $1.056 billion in exports and US $255 million in imports, up 130.74%, 150.36% and 73.97% respectively over the same period last year.

China mainly exports plastic products, chemical products, cotton textiles and aluminum to Hong, and imports coffee and textiles. [7]

Economic editor

General situation

Honduras is one of the least developed countries in Latin America. Agriculture is the leading industry of the national economy, and its industrial foundation is relatively weak. The economy grew by 3.5% in 2012. Rich in bananas, coffee, cotton, coconut, tobacco, sugar cane and so on. Economic activity and population are mainly concentrated in the capital and the central and western parts of San Pedro Sula, while the east is sparsely populated. There are many small enterprises in industry and mining, such as textile, tobacco, sugar, dairy, wood processing, metallurgy, chemistry and so on. The mining industry is mainly silver mining. Exports are mainly bananas and coffee, accounting for more than half of the total export value, as well as timber, Manila hemp and mineral products, as well as imported textiles, food, machinery and equipment, petroleum products and so on. [2]


When it comes to coffee production, the geographical conditions of Honduras are no less than those of neighboring coffee-producing countries such as Guatemala and Nicaragua. However, due to the lack of strong support in the settlement and transportation of raw beans, Honduras is less well-known in the consumer market. Honduras (Honduras) exported $246424000 of coffee in 2010.

There are 280000 hectares of coffee plantations in Honduras, dominated by small coffee merchants, most of which are less than 3.5ha, accounting for 60 per cent of Hongguo's production. In the coffee garden, people collect coffee beans by hand, and then carefully deal with them and process them to meet the needs of the market and meet the different tastes of consumers. Honduras collects 3 million bags of coffee every year, providing the world with perfect coffee, unique coffee aroma and multi-quality, making it the second largest coffee exporter in Central America and the tenth largest coffee exporter in the world. [8]

Foreign trade

It mainly exports coffee, bananas, palm oil, shrimp, sugar, tobacco and other crops and mineral products such as zinc, lead and silver, mainly to the United States, the European Union and Central American countries; mainly imports machinery, electronic equipment, chemical products, fuels, lubricants, manufactured products and grain, and the main source countries are the United States, the European Union, Central American countries and Japan. In 2012, Hong exported US $4.42 billion and imported US $9.504 billion. It increased by 13.4% and 6.2% respectively over the same period last year. [2]

Population ethnic editor

The total population of Honduras is 8.201 million (2011). Indo-Europeans account for 83%, Indians account for 10%, blacks account for 5%, and whites account for 2%. [3]

Cultural editor


The official language of Honduras is Spanish. [1]


95.8% of the residents of Honduras are Catholic. [1]


The custom in Honduras is even more bizarre, that is, "selling wives". In some villages and towns in northwestern Honduras, men can "rest" their wives and take them to the market for auction, or trade them with other people's wives. The bought wife can be auctioned again. This somewhat frightening folk custom is also a Mayan relic. At that time, the Mayans killed all the male prisoners captured and offered sacrifices to the gods, while women could be used as wives or exchanged. There is nothing the government can do about this deep-rooted custom. Nowadays, according to the law, such transactions can only be held in a prescribed "set of people" and can only be held once every three months.


New year: January 1

Easter: April 13-16

Pan-American Day, Bastia Day: April 14 of each year

International Labour Day: may 1st

Independence Day: 15 September each year)

Morasan Day: October 3 every year

Discovery Day in Honduras: October 12 of each year

The Army's Day: October 21st

Christmas: December 25

Holy week: holy week is one of the most important religious and legal holidays in Central American countries. People use this holiday to travel, visit relatives and friends, or take part in religious celebrations.

Traffic editor


There are four international airports in Honduras, namely, Tegucigalpa, San Pedro Sula, La Seva and Taranca. National Air Transport and Honduras Air Service have routes to the United States, Mexico and some countries in Central America. [7]


The transportation of Honduras is mainly by railway. The railway has a total length of 1780 km, of which 1004 km can be operated, concentrated in the northern coastal areas, some of which are special transport lines for bananas and sugar cane. [7]


The north-south transportation link in Honduras is mainly by roads, connecting the capital and major ports, with a length of about 20,000 kilometers, mainly the Pan-American Highway and the two-ocean highway. Taxi fares in Honduras are as low as $0.35 per person, and the cost of driving in urban areas is no more than $4 to $5. Buses are convenient and cheap, with frequent trips. [7]

Sea transportation

The main ports of Honduras are the seaports of Cortez, Tera, Seba and Trujillo. [7]

Social editor


The urban primary school is a seven-year system. The rural primary school has a three-year system. Compulsory education is implemented before the age of 14. There are 10 colleges and universities in the country, of which the National Autonomous University of Honduras was established in 1846. In 2009, the adult illiteracy rate was 16.4%, and the comprehensive enrollment rate in primary, junior high and senior high schools was 74.8%. [2]

People's life

Poor people account for 32% of the country's population. In 2011, the average life expectancy was 73.1 years, and the mortality rate of children under 5 years old was 24 per thousand. There are 94 hospitals, 274 medical stations, 1101 health centers and 5789 beds throughout the country. The number of patients with tuberculosis, malaria and AIDS ranks first in Central American countries. [2]

Tourism editor

The Great Blue Hole of Honduras

The Great Blue Cave is the largest underwater cave in the world, located in Burley.

Big Blue Hole Satellite Photo

Big Blue Hole Satellite Photo

About 96.5 kilometers off the coast, Beacon Lighthouse Reef. The Great Blue Hole is round in appearance, about 304 meters in diameter and 145 meters deep. It is one of the ten geological wonders in the world. The Great Blue Cave is a limestone cave, which was formed during the ice age when the sea level was low. Later, due to the rise of the sea, the roof of the cave collapsed and became an underwater cave. The water is dark blue because it is 145 meters deep.

Leo Platano Biosphere Reserve

The Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve (also translated as Reserva de la biosfera de R í o P á tano Biosphere Reserve) is a protected area on the Caribbean coast of Honduras, covering an area of 5250 square kilometers, roughly along the Platano River. The Reo Platano Biosphere Reserve, which has many endangered species, was listed on the UNESCO World Heritage list in 1982 and on the endangered World Heritage list twice. The reserve is a tropical rain forest made up of mountains and lowlands, with more than 2000 species of animals and plants. The region is also part of the Central American Biological Corridor from Mexico to Central America.