Coffee review

Ethiopian origin of boutique coffee introduces Ethiopian Biya flavor

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Ethiopia: the original flavor of coffee annual output: 396000 tons a cup of water washed Yega Xuefei (Yirgacheffe) can bring out the exquisite flowers and sweet fruit, unparalleled; or sun-treated Sidamo, sweet, atmospheric, are the most classic top representatives of Ethiopian coffee. Lorenzo Perkins, Director of Education, Cuve Coffee

Ethiopia: the original taste of coffee

Annual output: 396000 tons

"the delicate floral and sweet fruit flavor that can be brought out by a cup of water washed by Yirgacheffe is unparalleled, or sun-treated Sidamo, sweet and atmospheric, is the most classic top representative of Ethiopian coffee."

-- Lorenzo Perkins, Director of Education, Cuv é e Coffee

Ethiopia is the birthplace of the famous Arabica coffee beans, and people have always maintained the tradition of harvesting wild coffee beans. The coffee garden with an elevation of more than 1500 meters has formed a unique coffee style after more than a thousand years of evolution and adaptation. Ethiopian coffee grown in the natural wild environment is called "wilderness coffee". It retains the most primitive and natural taste of coffee beans and has the most direct and full expression of the local environment.

It is worth mentioning that most of the coffee in Central and South America is imported, but Ethiopia is a rare native place, and there are countless native wild varieties that have not yet been discovered.

Of the nine major coffee producing areas in Ethiopia, Hidamo and Yegashafi are the most outstanding. Yega Xuefei originally belongs to the sub-region of Hidamo, which is independent because of its special flavor. Because of its rich and complex fruit aroma, it has become an international hit almost overnight, becoming a hot target for experts and expensive.