Coffee review

Costa Rica Fire Phoenix Manor Costa Rica SHB grade red honey processed boutique coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Located in the fertile hills of the Poas volcano in the central valley of Costa Rica, Fenghuang Manor is the first producer in Central and South America to produce honey-treated and sun-cured coffee. It is a completely 100% organically grown coffee manor. The owner believes that organic farming is a better choice for environmental maintenance and family health, even in the face of many technical and organizational

Located in the fertile volcanic hills of the Poas Valley in Central Costa Rica, the first producer of honey-treated and sun-cured coffee in Central and South America, the 100% organic coffee plantation believes that organic farming is the best choice for environmental protection and family health, despite many technical and organizational challenges. The high quality coffee produced by this estate is very unique, and the biggest feature is that it has a very amazing sweetness! He made a name for himself when he entered the boutique coffee contest in 2009. During the harvest season, the Brix meter, which is often used in the wine industry, measures the sugar content of the fruit, and determines the best time and treatment for harvesting according to the Brix sugar content. The Brix value of ordinary fruits is 14 for apples, 12 for lemons and 18 for passion fruits, but the coffee cherries of Phoenix Manor can reach 21~22. The estate pays great attention to the concept of environmentally friendly treatment, such as rainwater harvesting for coffee treatment; the production and use of organic compost using earthworm farming (worm compost) makes the planting process completely free of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.