Coffee review

Coffee varieties and characteristics several common coffee varieties and their characteristics

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Manning 2, Columbia 2, Java 2.5, Holland No. 2, Mocha 1.5 (distributed) Coffee, Alcohol, bitter carbon roasted Coffee: common roasting method, produced in Sumatra, Colombia 2, Brazil 2, Mantenin 1.5, Java 4.5. Bitter and mellow. Fried coffee beans: the frying of coffee beans is a very skillful task. Roast raw beans and remove moisture to make them hot.

Manning 2, Columbia 2, Java 2.5, Holland No. 2, Mocha 1.5 (distributed) Coffee, Alcohol, bitter carbon roasted Coffee: common roasting method, produced in Sumatra, Colombia 2, Brazil 2, Mantenin 1.5, Java 4.5. Bitter and mellow.

Fried coffee beans:

The frying of coffee beans is a very skilled task. The raw beans are heated and cooked, and the moisture is removed to make them inflate. Through this procedure, the common fragrance and flavor of coffee can occur. Generally speaking, if the frying time is short, the color of the coffee beans will be light brown and sour. If the fried accompany color is dark, the bitterness will be enhanced, and the color will also be dark brown. Therefore, there are several different levels of baking dividends of coffee beans: 1. The lightest fried companion. two。 Shallow fried accompany 3. Popular fried company. 4. It's a little thicker than popular. 5. Medium fried company 6. Slightly stronger fried company 7. Intense frying to accompany. 8. The thickest and fiercest fried company.

How to distinguish the black and white of coffee beans: smell: novel coffee beans have a strong smell, on the contrary, it is tasteless or the breath is not safe to see: good coffee beans are in good shape and rich in size. On the contrary, the appearance is damaged and different pressure: the fresh coffee beans are pressed fresh and crisp, and the smell floats out when they crack: dark black coffee beans, the coffee brewed has bitter yellow coffee beans, and the coffee boiled has a sour taste. Good coffee beans: uniform appearance, brilliant and bright, roasted by single stir-fry. Brewed coffee beans with mild flavor, slightly sour, slightly bitter flavor, mild flavor, slightly sour and slightly bitter, represent neutral coffee and are indispensable for the blending of mild coffee. Kenyan coffee (KENYA AA) is a typical coffee cultivated in the highlands of Africa. AA stands for its grade, that is, the highest grade, and its coffee beans are thick and round in meat, with strong taste and good taste. Ant? The utility of X. Hawaiian Coffee (KONA FANCY) is a kind of coffee cultivated by volcanoes in western Hawaii. it is also the only coffee variety produced in the United States. it has a strong taste, strong flavor, strong acid, and special flavor. The quality is quite stable and it is one of the local products that must be purchased by tourists going to Hawaii.