Coffee review

Hawaiian delicious coffee grows boutique coffee

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, As long as it is delicious coffee, coffee consumers are willing to pay a high price; as long as delicious coffee is provided, consumers will not abandon coffee and the market will grow. High-quality coffee represented by boutique coffee is better than big business coffee producers and consumers have discovered this simple fact. The coffee beans used in Kona Coffee in Hawaii grow on volcanic terrain.

As long as it is delicious coffee, coffee consumers are willing to pay a high price; as long as delicious coffee is provided, consumers will not abandon coffee and the market will grow. "High-quality coffee represented by boutique coffee is a big business." Coffee producers and consumers have discovered this simple fact. The coffee beans used in Kona Coffee in Hawaii are grown on volcanic terrain. At the same time, there is a high density of artificial farming, so each bean can be said to be spoiled, the price is naturally expensive, second only to the Blue Mountains. Hawaiian Kona beans are evenly shaped and have a strong sour and sweet taste. The palate is moist and smooth. Moderate baking makes beans sour, while deep baking aggravates both bitterness and mellow taste. This coffee bean grows from sea level to 6000 feet. Gourmet coffee generally grows only in mountain areas, growing at a height of about 4000 to 6000 feet requires annual rainfall of about 80 feet and is obvious in dry and wet seasons. The soil for growing gourmet coffee beans should be very fertile and usually have volcanic rock, and light cloudy or cloudy weather is also necessary in the growing environment of high-quality coffee beans. The daytime temperature needs 15-20 ℃. This climate results in a longer growth process, a unique growth and climatic environment that leads to a stronger coffee flavor.